rarCompBase Class Reference

Composite base class. More...

#include <rarCompBase.hh>

Inheritance diagram for rarCompBase:

rarBasePdf rarConfig rarAdd rarMLFitter rarMultPdf rarProd rarSimPdf rarMLPdf List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 rarCompBase ()
 Trivial ctor.
 rarCompBase (const char *configFile, const char *configSec, const char *configStr, rarDatasets *theDatasets, RooDataSet *theData, const char *name, const char *title, Bool_t useBasePdfFit=kTRUE)
 Default ctor.
virtual ~rarCompBase ()
virtual void setSimPdf (RooSimultaneous *simPdf)
 Set SimPdf for composite PDF.
virtual RooArgSet getParams ()
 Return RooRealVar ArgSet associated with composite PDF.
virtual void preAction ()
 Actions right after every RooRarFit Pdf is created and before any other action is taken.
virtual RooArgSet getArgSet (TString paramNames, Bool_t useRead=kFALSE, RooArgSet *fullSet=0)
 Constructs ArgSet of params with given names.
virtual void doPdfFit (TString pdfList="")
 Do pdfFit for given PDFs.
virtual void attachDataSet (const RooAbsData &data)
 Attach dataset to the pdf.
virtual Bool_t isNegativeValue ()
 Check if the current value of PDF is negative.
virtual RooPlot * doPdfPlot (TList &plotList, TString pdfList="")
 Do pdfPlot for given PDFs.
virtual RooArgSet getCorrCoeffs ()
 RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with composite PDF.
virtual TList * getPdfList ()
 Return the pdfList.
virtual RooArgList getPdfsWOvar (RooArgList ignoredObs)
 Get ArgList of PDFs not depending on specified observables for sPlot.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getProtGen ()
 Return prototype var generator for toy study.

Protected Member Functions

void init ()
 Initial function called by ctor.

Protected Attributes

Int_t _nComp
 Number of RooRarFit Pdf components.
TList _pdfList
 RooRarFit Pdf list.
RooArgList _subProtGenPdfs
 subProtGenPdf ArgList

Private Member Functions

 rarCompBase (const rarCompBase &)
 ClassDef (rarCompBase, 0)

Detailed Description

Composite base class.

It is the base class for composite PDFs, like AddPdf and ProdPdf. It defines common data and functions for composite PDF upon rarBasePdf.

Config Directives:
/// Comps = <name1> <name2> ... <nameN>
Comps defines names of all its components. Each component has its own config section, namely, comp <name1> is configured in config section named "<name1> Config".
rarCompBase serves as base class for all composite classes and it is not supposed to be referred directly in the config file.

Definition at line 35 of file rarCompBase.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rarCompBase::rarCompBase (  ) 

Trivial ctor.

Usually the objects should be created using other ctors.

Definition at line 37 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References init(), and rarBasePdf::setControlBits().

00038   : rarBasePdf(),
00039     _nComp(0)
00040 {
00041   setControlBits("UseBasePdfFit");
00042   init();
00043 }

rarCompBase::rarCompBase ( const char *  configFile,
const char *  configSec,
const char *  configStr,
rarDatasets theDatasets,
RooDataSet *  theData,
const char *  name,
const char *  title,
Bool_t  useBasePdfFit = kTRUE 

Default ctor.

configFile The config file
configSec The config section
configStr The config string
theDatasets Available datasets
theData Default dataset for this PDF
name The name
title The title
useBasePdfFit If set, use doPdfFit of base class, otherwise, use its own doPdfFit.
The default ctor first initializes data members, _configFile, _configSec, _configStr, name, title, _nComp, UseBasePdfFit, and then calls init.

Definition at line 61 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References init(), and rarBasePdf::setControlBits().

00066   : rarBasePdf(configFile, configSec, configStr,
00067                theDatasets, theData, name, title),
00068     _nComp(0)
00069 {
00070   if (useBasePdfFit) setControlBits("UseBasePdfFit");
00071   else setControlBits("noUseBasePdfFit");
00072   init();
00073 }

rarCompBase::~rarCompBase (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 75 of file rarCompBase.cc.

00076 {
00077 }

rarCompBase::rarCompBase ( const rarCompBase  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void rarCompBase::attachDataSet ( const RooAbsData &  data  )  [virtual]

Attach dataset to the pdf.

data The dataset to be attached to the Pdf
It attaches dataset to this PDF

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 303 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::attachDataSet().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy().

00304 {
00305   // first call base class'
00306   rarBasePdf::attachDataSet(data);
00307   // then call its sub pdfs
00308   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00309     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00310     thePdf->attachDataSet(data);
00311   }
00312 }

rarCompBase::ClassDef ( rarCompBase  ,
) [private]

void rarCompBase::doPdfFit ( TString  pdfList = ""  )  [virtual]

Do pdfFit for given PDFs.

pdfList Pdfs need to do pdfFit
If UseBasePdfFit is set, it calls its base class' rarBasePdf::doPdfFit, if not, it first calls doXPdfFit for extra pdfs, then it calls rarBasePdf::doPdfFit for each of its components.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 197 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, rarBasePdf::doPdfFit(), rarBasePdf::doXPdfFit(), and rarBasePdf::getControlBit().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::run().

00198 {
00199   // first for xtraPfs
00200   doXPdfFit(pdfList);
00202   cout<<endl<<" In rarCompBase doPdfFit for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00203   if (!getControlBit("PdfFit")) return;
00204   if (getControlBit("UseBasePdfFit")) return rarBasePdf::doPdfFit(pdfList);
00205   // go through all its components
00206   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00207     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00208     thePdf->doPdfFit(pdfList);
00209   }
00210   if (getControlBit("UseAlsoBasePdfFit")) return rarBasePdf::doPdfFit(pdfList);
00211 }

RooPlot * rarCompBase::doPdfPlot ( TList &  plotList,
TString  pdfList = "" 
) [virtual]

Do pdfPlot for given PDFs.

plotList List of plots
pdfList List of PDFs to be plotted
The last RooPlot created
It first calls doXPdfPlot to get PDF plots of extra PDFs, then it calls rarBasePdf::doPdfPlot for each of its components to get their PDFs plotted.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarMLPdf, and rarMultPdf.

Definition at line 222 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References rarBasePdf::_afterFitSaverStr, rarBasePdf::_fObsSet, _nComp, _pdfList, rarBasePdf::_theData, rarBasePdf::_thePdf, rarBasePdf::doXPdfPlot(), rarBasePdf::getControlBit(), rarConfig::readFromStr(), rarBasePdf::setControlBits(), and rarConfig::writeToStr().

Referenced by rarMLPdf::doPdfPlot(), and rarMLFitter::run().

00223 {
00224   RooPlot *frame(0);
00225   // first for xtraPdfs
00226   frame=doXPdfPlot(plotList, pdfList);
00228   cout<<endl<<" In rarCompBase doPdfPlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00230   //if (!getControlBit("PdfFit")) return frame;
00231   if (!getControlBit("PdfPlot")) return frame;
00232   if (getControlBit("PdfPlotDone")) return frame;
00234   // save obs and param
00235   string obsSaveStr, coeffParamSSaver;
00236   RooArgSet *theParams(0);
00237   if (getControlBit("UseBasePdfFit")) {
00238     writeToStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
00239     // restore the fit value for plotting
00240     theParams=_thePdf->getParameters(_theData);
00241     writeToStr(*theParams, coeffParamSSaver);
00242     readFromStr(*theParams, _afterFitSaverStr);
00243   }
00245   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00246     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00247     frame=thePdf->doPdfPlot(plotList, pdfList);
00248   }
00250   // restore params and obs
00251   if (getControlBit("UseBasePdfFit")) {// restore params and obs
00252     readFromStr(*theParams, coeffParamSSaver);
00253     readFromStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
00254   }
00255   setControlBits("PdfPlotDone");
00257   return frame;
00258 }

RooArgSet rarCompBase::getArgSet ( TString  paramNames,
Bool_t  useRead = kFALSE,
RooArgSet *  fullSet = 0 
) [virtual]

Constructs ArgSet of params with given names.

paramNames The param names or config item name
useRead To use readConfStr or not
fullSet Argset to get additional args
The ArgSet created
It first calls rarBasePdf::getArgSet to get ArgSet of its own, then it calls rarBasePdf::getArgSet of each component to get ArgSet from them, and return the total ArgSet.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 157 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::getArgSet().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarProd::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), and rarMLFitter::run().

00159 {
00160   // first for its own (base class)
00161   RooArgSet retVal(rarBasePdf::getArgSet(paramNames, useRead, fullSet));
00162   // then run the function in each of the comps if #useRead is set
00163   if (useRead) {
00164     for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00165       rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00166       retVal.add(thePdf->getArgSet(paramNames, useRead, fullSet));
00167     }
00168   }
00169   return retVal;
00170 }

RooArgSet rarCompBase::getCorrCoeffs (  )  [virtual]

RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with composite PDF.

Correlation coefficients
This function returns RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with this RooRarFitPdf and from its components

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 178 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::getCorrCoeffs().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::paramFileIO().

00179 {
00180   RooArgSet theSet(rarBasePdf::getCorrCoeffs());
00181   // then add correlation coeffs in each of the comps
00182   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00183     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00184     theSet.add(thePdf->getCorrCoeffs());
00185   }
00186   return theSet;
00187 }

RooArgSet rarCompBase::getParams (  )  [virtual]

Return RooRealVar ArgSet associated with composite PDF.

It adds _params from its components onto its own _params to form ArgSet to return.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 119 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::getParams().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::run().

00120 {
00121   RooArgSet paramSet(rarBasePdf::getParams());
00122   // then add params in each of the comps
00123   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00124     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00125     paramSet.add(thePdf->getParams());
00126   }
00127   return paramSet;  
00128 }

virtual TList* rarCompBase::getPdfList (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the pdfList.

Definition at line 57 of file rarCompBase.hh.

References _pdfList.

00057 {return &_pdfList;}

RooArgList rarCompBase::getPdfsWOvar ( RooArgList  ignoredObs  )  [virtual]

Get ArgList of PDFs not depending on specified observables for sPlot.

ignoredObs The observables to check
ArgList of PDFs required
It loops over its components to get the required PDF list by calling rarBasePdf::getPdfWOvar.

Definition at line 266 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, and _pdfList.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarProd::getPdfWOvar(), and rarAdd::getPdfWOvar().

00267 {
00268   RooArgList thePdfs;
00269   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00270     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00271     thePdfs.add(*thePdf->getPdfWOvar(ignoredObs));
00272   }
00273   //thePdfs.Print("v");
00274   //thePdfs.Print();
00275   return thePdfs;
00276 }

RooAbsPdf * rarCompBase::getProtGen (  )  [virtual]

Return prototype var generator for toy study.

The generator
It constrcuts prototype var generator for toy study

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarMLFitter, rarMLPdf, rarProd, and rarSimPdf.

Definition at line 282 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, _subProtGenPdfs, rarBasePdf::_theProtGen, rarBasePdf::protGenIsDummy(), and rarBasePdf::setControlBits().

Referenced by rarProd::getProtGen(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), and rarAdd::getProtGen().

00283 {
00284   if (_theProtGen) return _theProtGen;
00285   if (_subProtGenPdfs.getSize()<1) {
00286     for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00287       rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00288       _subProtGenPdfs.add(*thePdf->getProtGen());
00289     }
00290   }
00291   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++)
00292     if (!((rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i))->protGenIsDummy())return _theProtGen;
00293   // if we go this far, we should have dummyPdf for all subGenPdfs
00294   setControlBits("dummySubGenPdfs");
00296   return _theProtGen;
00297 }

void rarCompBase::init (  )  [protected, virtual]

Initial function called by ctor.

init is called by the ctor. It calls createPdfs to create all its components.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarMLFitter, rarMLPdf, rarMultPdf, rarProd, and rarSimPdf.

Definition at line 83 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References rarConfig::_configSec, _nComp, _pdfList, rarBasePdf::_subPdfs, rarBasePdf::addProtVars(), and rarBasePdf::createPdfs().

Referenced by rarCompBase().

00084 {
00085   cout<<"init of rarCompBase for "<<GetName()<<":"<<endl;
00087   createPdfs("Comps", &_pdfList, &_subPdfs);
00088   _nComp=_pdfList.GetSize();
00089   if (_nComp<=0) {
00090     cout<<"no components defined in RooStringVar \"Comps\" in section \""
00091         <<_configSec<<"\""<<endl;
00092     exit(-1);
00093   }
00095   // add protDataVars
00096   addProtVars();
00098 }

Bool_t rarCompBase::isNegativeValue (  )  [virtual]

Check if the current value of PDF is negative.

true if negative

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 316 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::isNegativeValue().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy().

00317 {
00319   Bool_t isNegative(kFALSE);
00320   // first call its base class'
00321   isNegative=rarBasePdf::isNegativeValue();
00322   if (isNegative) return isNegative;
00323   // then call its sub pdfs
00324   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00325     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00326     isNegative=thePdf->isNegativeValue();
00327     if (isNegative) return isNegative;
00328   }
00329   return isNegative;
00330 }

void rarCompBase::preAction (  )  [virtual]

Actions right after every RooRarFit Pdf is created and before any other action is taken.

It first calls preAction of its base class, then it calls preAction of every component.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 135 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::preAction().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::run().

00136 {
00137   cout<<" In rarCompBase preAction for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00138   // first run the function in base class
00139   rarBasePdf::preAction();
00140   // then run the function in each of the comps
00141   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00142     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00143     thePdf->preAction();
00144   }
00145 }

void rarCompBase::setSimPdf ( RooSimultaneous *  simPdf  )  [virtual]

Set SimPdf for composite PDF.

simPdf The target SimPdf to set
It sets SimPdf to simPdf for itself and also for each its component.

Reimplemented from rarBasePdf.

Definition at line 106 of file rarCompBase.cc.

References _nComp, _pdfList, and rarBasePdf::setSimPdf().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::init().

00107 {
00108   rarBasePdf::setSimPdf(simPdf);
00109   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00110     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00111     thePdf->setSimPdf(simPdf);
00112   }
00113 }

Member Data Documentation

Int_t rarCompBase::_nComp [protected]

Number of RooRarFit Pdf components.

Definition at line 64 of file rarCompBase.hh.

Referenced by attachDataSet(), rarMLFitter::compGen(), doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), getArgSet(), getCorrCoeffs(), rarProd::getDPdfWvar(), getParams(), getPdfsWOvar(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getSnB(), rarMLFitter::getSpecialSet(), rarMLPdf::init(), init(), rarAdd::init(), isNegativeValue(), preAction(), setSimPdf(), and rarMLFitter::setSpecialStr().

TList rarCompBase::_pdfList [protected]

RooRarFit Pdf list.

Definition at line 65 of file rarCompBase.hh.

Referenced by attachDataSet(), doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), getArgSet(), getCorrCoeffs(), rarProd::getDPdfWvar(), getParams(), getPdfList(), getPdfsWOvar(), getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getSnB(), rarMLFitter::getSpecialSet(), rarProd::init(), init(), isNegativeValue(), preAction(), setSimPdf(), and rarMLFitter::setSpecialStr().

RooArgList rarCompBase::_subProtGenPdfs [protected]

subProtGenPdf ArgList

Definition at line 66 of file rarCompBase.hh.

Referenced by rarProd::getProtGen(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), getProtGen(), and rarAdd::getProtGen().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on 30 Oct 2013 for RooRarFit by  doxygen 1.4.7