
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002 * Project: BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II B-factory
00003 * Package: RooRarFit
00004  *    File: $Id: rarMLFitter.cc,v 1.147 2013/08/08 08:46:08 fwilson Exp $
00005  * Authors: Lei Zhang
00006  * History:
00007  * 
00008  * Copyright (C) 2005-2012, University of California, Riverside
00009  *****************************************************************************/
00011 // -- CLASS DESCRIPTION [RooRarFit] --
00012 // This class provides ML model class for RooRarFit
00014 //
00015 // BEGIN_HTML
00016 // This class provides ML model class for RooRarFit
00017 // END_HTML
00018 //
00020 #include "RooRarFit/rarVersion.hh"
00022 #include "Riostream.h"
00023 #include <sstream>
00024 #include <map>
00025 #include <set>
00026 #include <vector>
00027 using namespace std;
00029 #include <libgen.h>
00030 #include "TFile.h"
00031 #include "TTree.h"
00032 #include "TObjString.h"
00033 #include "TStopwatch.h"
00035 #include "RooFitCore/Roo1DTable.hh"
00036 #include "RooFitCore/RooAbsPdf.hh"
00037 #include "RooFitCore/RooAddPdf.hh"
00038 #include "RooFitCore/RooChi2Var.hh"
00039 #include "RooFitCore/RooHistError.hh"
00040 #include "RooFitCore/RooArgList.hh"
00041 #include "RooFitCore/RooDataSet.hh"
00042 #include "RooFitCore/RooFitResult.hh"
00043 #include "RooFitCore/RooMCStudy.hh"
00044 #include "RooFitCore/RooNLLVar.hh"
00045 #include "RooFitCore/RooPlot.hh"
00046 #include "RooFitCore/RooProdPdf.hh"
00047 #include "RooFitCore/RooRandom.hh"
00048 #include "RooFitCore/RooRealVar.hh"
00049 #include "RooFitCore/RooSimPdfBuilder.hh"
00050 #include "RooFitCore/RooStringVar.hh"
00051 #include "RooFitCore/RooSuperCategory.hh"
00052 #include "RooFitCore/RooGlobalFunc.hh"
00053 #include "RooFitCore/RooPullVar.hh"
00055 using namespace RooFit;
00057 #include "RooRarFit/rarMinuit.hh"
00058 #include "RooRarFit/rarMLPdf.hh"
00059 #include "RooRarFit/rarNLL.hh"
00060 #include "RooRarFit/rarSPlot.hh"
00062 #include "RooRarFit/rarMLFitter.hh"
00063 #include "RooRarFit/rarToyList.hh"
00065 ClassImp(rarMLFitter)
00066   ;
00068 TString rarMLFitter::_physCatStr="";
00069 TString rarMLFitter::_splitCatStr="";
00070 RooArgSet rarMLFitter::_splitCatSet;
00071 RooArgSet rarMLFitter::_splitCatSet2;
00076 rarMLFitter::rarMLFitter()
00077   : rarCompBase(),
00078     _simBuilder(0), _simConfig(0), _theGen(0), _protGenLevel(0),
00079     _protDataset(0), _theToyParamGen(0), _theSPdf(0), _theBPdf(0),
00080     _toyID(0), _toyNexp(0)
00081 {
00082   init();
00083 }
00097 rarMLFitter::rarMLFitter(const char *configFile, const char *configSec,
00098                          const char *configStr, rarDatasets *theDatasets,
00099                          RooDataSet *theData, const char*name,const char*title)
00100   : rarCompBase(configFile, configSec, configStr,
00101                 theDatasets, theData, name, title, kFALSE),
00102     _simBuilder(0), _simConfig(0), _theGen(0), _protGenLevel(0),
00103     _protDataset(0), _theToyParamGen(0), _theSPdf(0), _theBPdf(0),
00104     _toyID(0), _toyNexp(0)
00105 {
00106   init();
00107 }
00109 rarMLFitter::~rarMLFitter()
00110 {
00111 }
00118 void rarMLFitter::init()
00119 {
00120   //if (!getFitter()) setFitter(this);
00121   if (!getControlBit("SimFit")) // use the first in the prototype pdf list
00122     _thePdf=(RooAbsPdf*)_subPdfs.at(0);
00123   else if (""!=readConfStr("category", "", getVarSec())) {
00124     TString catStr=readConfStr("category", "", getVarSec());
00125     _category=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)_fullObs->find(catStr);
00126     if (!_category) {
00127       cout<<"Can not find category named "<<catStr<<endl;
00128       exit(-1);
00129     }
00130     _thePdf=new RooSimultaneous(Form("the_%s",GetName()),
00131                                 _pdfType+" "+GetTitle(),
00132                                 _subPdfs, *_category);
00133   } else {
00134     // create SimPdfBuilder
00135     _simBuilder=new RooSimPdfBuilder(_subPdfs);
00136     _simConfig=_simBuilder->createProtoBuildConfig();
00137     _simConfig->readFromFile(_configFile, 0, getVarSec());
00138     cout<<"simPdfBuilder configs in the config file:"<<endl;
00139     _simConfig->Print("v");
00140     // read in special config string
00141     setSpecialStr(_simConfig);
00142     cout<<"simPdfBuilder configs after reading in special strings:"<<endl;
00143     _simConfig->Print("v");
00144     // do we need to use _simBuilder->addSpecializations?
00145     // Yes, let's do it
00146     _simBuilder->addSpecializations(getSpecialSet());
00147     cout<<"special Set"<<endl;
00148     getSpecialSet().Print("v");
00149     if (!_theData) {
00150       cout<<" No dataset defined to build simPdf."
00151           <<" Please add/edit"<<endl
00152           <<"fitData=<datasetName>"<<endl
00153           <<" in master pdf section ["<<getMasterSec()<<"]"<<endl;
00154       exit(-1);
00155     }
00156     _thePdf=(RooAbsPdf*)_simBuilder->buildPdf(*_simConfig, _theData, 0, kTRUE);
00157     if (!_thePdf) {
00158       cout<<" simPdf not built!!"<<endl
00159           <<" Please check your simPdf config in section ["
00160           <<getVarSec()<<"]"<<endl;
00161       exit(-1);
00162     }
00163     //_thePdf->Print();
00164     //_thePdf->Print("v");
00165     setSimPdf((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf);
00166   }
00167   { // create extra pdfs as toy param randomizer
00168     Int_t xPdfs=_xPdfList.GetSize();
00169     createPdfs("preToyRandGenerators",&_xPdfList,&_preToyRandGenerators,
00170                _runSec);
00171     Int_t xPdfsAfter=_xPdfList.GetSize();
00172     if (xPdfsAfter>xPdfs) {//set the default pdfFit behavior for those xtraPdfs
00173       for (Int_t i=xPdfs; i<xPdfsAfter; i++) {
00174         rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00175         thePdf->setControlBit("noPdfFit", "pdfFit");
00176         thePdf->setControlBit("noPdfPlot", "pdfPlot");
00177       }
00178       // create the randomizer
00179       _theToyParamGen=new RooProdPdf
00180         (Form("paraRand_%s", GetName()),"paraRand",_preToyRandGenerators);
00181     }
00182   }
00183   // create extra pdfs as embed obs randomizer
00184   rarStrParser postEmbdRandObsParser=readConfStr("postEmbdRandObs","",_runSec);
00185   TString embdObsGensStr="";
00186   while (postEmbdRandObsParser.nArgs()>0) {
00187     // the first is data src name
00188     TString dataSrcName=postEmbdRandObsParser[0];
00189     postEmbdRandObsParser.Remove();
00190     if (_embdObsRandSet.find(dataSrcName)) {
00191       cout<<dataSrcName<<" has been defined in postEmbdRandObs"<<endl;
00192       exit(-1);
00193     }
00194     RooStringVar *srcRandStr=new RooStringVar(dataSrcName,dataSrcName,"",8192);
00195     _embdObsRandSet.addOwned(*srcRandStr);
00196     while (postEmbdRandObsParser.nArgs()>0) {
00197       TString obsName=postEmbdRandObsParser[0];
00198       postEmbdRandObsParser.Remove();
00199       srcRandStr->setVal(Form("%s %s",srcRandStr->getVal(), obsName.Data()));
00200       // check if obsName is obs or pdf
00201       if (_thePdf->getDependents(*_fullObs)->find(obsName)) continue;
00202       embdObsGensStr+=" "+obsName;
00203       break;
00204     }
00205   }
00206   if (""!=embdObsGensStr) {
00207     setConfStr("embdObsGensStr", embdObsGensStr);
00208     Int_t xPdfs=_xPdfList.GetSize();
00209     createPdfs("embdObsGensStr",&_xPdfList,&_embdObsGens);
00210     Int_t xPdfsAfter=_xPdfList.GetSize();
00211     if (xPdfsAfter>xPdfs) {//set the default pdfFit behavior for those xtraPdfs
00212       for (Int_t i=xPdfs; i<xPdfsAfter; i++) {
00213         rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00214         thePdf->setControlBit("noPdfFit", "pdfFit");
00215         thePdf->setControlBit("noPdfPlot", "pdfPlot");
00216       }
00217     }
00218   }
00220   if (_protDataVars.getSize()>0) { // display protDataVars if any
00221     cout<<"protDataVars (including conditionalObs) defined:"<<endl;
00222     _protDataVars.Print("v");
00223   }
00224   if (_conditionalObs.getSize()>0) { // display conditionalObs if any
00225     cout<<"conditionalObs defined:"<<endl;
00226     _conditionalObs.Print("v");
00227   }
00229   { // get protDataEVars defined in config file
00230     RooArgSet allProtEVars(getArgSet("protDataEVars", kTRUE));
00231     allProtEVars.add(getArgSet(readConfStr("protDataEVars","",_runSec),kFALSE));
00232     if (allProtEVars.getSize() > 0) {
00233       cout<<"protDataEVars defined:"<<endl;
00234       allProtEVars.Print("v");
00235     } else {
00236       cout << "No protDataEVars defined." << endl;
00237     }
00238     RooArgList allProtEVarList(allProtEVars);
00239     for (Int_t i=0; i<allProtEVarList.getSize(); i++) {
00240       RooAbsArg *theEVar=_fullObs->find(allProtEVarList[i].GetName());
00241       if (theEVar) _protDataEVars.add(*theEVar);
00242     }
00243   }
00245   cout<<"done init of rarMLFitter for "<<GetName()<<endl<<endl;
00246 }
00253 void rarMLFitter::setSpecialStr(RooArgSet *simConfigSet)
00254 {
00255   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00256     rarMLPdf *model=(rarMLPdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
00257     RooStringVar* modelSplitStr=(RooStringVar*)
00258       simConfigSet->find(Form("the_%s",model->GetName()));
00259     modelSplitStr->setVal(Form("%s %s", modelSplitStr->getVal(),
00260                                (model->getSpecialStr()).Data()));
00261     // because of bugs in RooFit, let's remove [] stuff
00262     TString splitVar=modelSplitStr->getVal();
00263     Int_t lIdx, rIdx;
00264     while (((lIdx=splitVar.First("["))>-1)&&
00265            ((rIdx=splitVar.First("]"))>-1)) {
00266       splitVar.Replace(lIdx, rIdx-lIdx+1, "");
00267     }
00268     modelSplitStr->setVal(splitVar.Data());
00269   }
00270 }
00278 RooArgSet rarMLFitter::getSpecialSet(TString setName)
00279 {
00280   RooArgSet specialSet("special ArgSet for splitting");
00281   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
00282     specialSet.add(((rarMLPdf*)_pdfList.At(i))->getSpecialSet(setName));
00283   }
00284   return specialSet;
00285 }
00298 void rarMLFitter::getSplitCoeffValues(RooArgList coeffList, TString valType,
00299                                       ostream &o)
00300 {
00301   for (Int_t i=0; i<coeffList.getSize(); i++) {
00302     RooRealVar *theCoeffFrac=(RooRealVar*)(&coeffList[i]);
00303     Double_t val=theCoeffFrac->getVal();
00304     if ("Frac"==valType) {
00305       o<<theCoeffFrac->GetName()<<" = "<<val<<endl;
00306     } else if ("Asym"==valType) {
00307       Double_t asym=2*val-1;
00308       Double_t err=2*theCoeffFrac->getError();
00309       Double_t errHi=2*theCoeffFrac->getAsymErrorHi();
00310       Double_t errLo=2*theCoeffFrac->getAsymErrorLo();
00311       o<<"Asym wrt "<<theCoeffFrac->GetName()<<endl
00312        <<" 1-2*("<<theCoeffFrac->GetName()<<") = "
00313        <<-asym<<" +/- "<<err<<" (+"<<errLo<<", -"<<errHi<<")"<<endl;
00314       //<<" 2*("<<theCoeffFrac->GetName()<<")-1 = "
00315       //<< asym<<" +/- "<<err<<" (+"<<errHi<<", -"<<errLo<<")"<<endl;
00316     }
00317   }
00318 }
00322 TString rarMLFitter::getPhysCat()
00323 {
00324   if (""!=_physCatStr) return _physCatStr;
00325   rarStrParser physModelsParser=readConfStr("physModels", "", getMasterSec());
00326   _physCatStr=physModelsParser[0];
00327   _physCatStr.ReplaceAll(":", "");
00328   RooAbsCategory *theCat=(RooAbsCategory*)(getCats()->find(_physCatStr));
00329   if (!theCat) _physCatStr="";
00330   return _physCatStr;
00331 }
00335 TString rarMLFitter::getSplitCats()
00336 {
00337   if (""!=_splitCatStr) return _splitCatStr;
00338   // first get splitCatSet
00339   getSplitCatSet();
00340   // loop splitCat set to fill the string
00341   Int_t nCat=_splitCatSet.getSize();
00342   if (nCat<=0) {
00343     _splitCatStr=" ";
00344     return _splitCatStr;
00345   }
00346   RooArgList splitCatList(_splitCatSet);
00347   for(Int_t i=0; i<nCat; i++) {
00348     _splitCatStr+=splitCatList[i].GetName();
00349     _splitCatStr+=" ";
00350   }
00351   _splitCatStr.Remove(_splitCatStr.Length()-1);
00353   return _splitCatStr;
00354 }
00358 RooArgSet rarMLFitter::getSplitCatSet()
00359 {
00360   if (_splitCatSet.getSize()>0) return _splitCatSet;
00361   // first remove physCat from splitCat
00362   TString splitCats=readConfStr("splitCats", "", getMasterSec());
00363   TString physCat=getPhysCat();
00364   if (""!=physCat) splitCats.ReplaceAll(physCat, "");
00365   rarStrParser catsStrParser=splitCats;
00366   Int_t nCat=catsStrParser.nArgs();
00367   for (Int_t i=0; i<nCat; i++) {
00368     TString catName=catsStrParser[i];
00369     // we do not want anything in between "(" and ")"
00370     Int_t lIdx, rIdx;
00371     while (((lIdx=catName.First("("))>-1)&&
00372            ((rIdx=catName.First(")"))>-1)) {
00373       catName.Replace(lIdx, rIdx-lIdx+1, "");
00374     }
00375     if (""==catName) continue;
00376     RooAbsCategory *theCat=(RooAbsCategory*)(getCats()->find(catName));
00377     if (!theCat) {
00378       cout<<"Can not find cat "<<catName<<endl
00379           <<"Please make sure the cat you are using exists"<<endl;
00380       exit(-1);
00381     }
00382     // do we only use part of the cat?
00383     lIdx=catsStrParser[i].First("(");
00384     rIdx=catsStrParser[i].First(")");
00385     if (lIdx<0 && rIdx<0) { // no
00386       _splitCatSet.add(*theCat);
00387       continue;
00388     }
00389     if (lIdx>-1 && rIdx<0) {
00390       cout<<" Invalid specif. w/ config splitCats in sec. "<<getMasterSec()
00391           <<endl;
00392       exit(-1);
00393     }
00394     if (lIdx<0 && rIdx>-1) {
00395       cout<<" Invalid specif. w/ config splitCats in sec. "<<getMasterSec()
00396           <<endl;
00397       exit(-1);
00398     }
00399     // now create a new cat based on it and add it to _splitCatSet
00400     TString catTypesStr=catsStrParser[i](lIdx+1, rIdx-lIdx-1);
00401     catTypesStr.ReplaceAll(",", " ");
00402     rarStrParser catTypesStrParser=catTypesStr;
00403     if (catTypesStrParser.nArgs()<1) continue; // nothing in the cat
00404     // create a new cat
00405     RooCategory *thePCat=new RooCategory(theCat->GetName(),theCat->GetTitle());
00406     // add types into the cat
00407     for (Int_t k=0; k<catTypesStrParser.nArgs(); k++) {
00408       // make sure the name is a cat type
00409       const RooCatType *theType=theCat->lookupType(catTypesStrParser[k]);
00410       if (!theType) {
00411         cout <<"The cat type "<<catTypesStrParser[k]
00412              <<" does not exist in cat "<<theCat->GetName()<<endl;
00413         exit(-1);
00414       }
00415       thePCat->defineType(theType->GetName(), theType->getVal());
00416     }
00417     _splitCatSet.add(*thePCat);
00418   }
00420   //RooArgList l(_splitCatSet);
00421   //for (Int_t i=0; i<l.getSize(); i++)
00422   //l[i].Print("v");
00423   return _splitCatSet;
00424 }
00430 RooAbsCategory *rarMLFitter::getSplitCat(RooArgSet &splitCatSet,
00431                                          TString catName)
00432 {
00433   TString retName="";
00434   RooAbsCategory *retVal(0);
00435   RooArgSet thisSet;
00436   rarStrParser catNameParser=catName;
00437   while (catNameParser.nArgs()>0) {
00438     TString theName=catNameParser[0];
00439     catNameParser.Remove();
00440     if (!splitCatSet.find(theName)) {
00441       cout<<" Can not find "<<theName<<" in split cats "<<endl;
00442       return retVal;
00443     }
00444     thisSet.add(*splitCatSet.find(theName));
00445     retName+=theName+" ";
00446   }
00447   retName.Remove(retName.Length()-1);
00448   retName.ReplaceAll(" ", "_");
00449   // remove found cats
00450   splitCatSet.remove(thisSet);
00452   // do we need to create super cat?
00453   if (1==thisSet.getSize()) {
00454     retVal=(RooAbsCategory*)thisSet.find(retName);
00455     return retVal;
00456   }
00457   // do we have the super cat?
00458   retVal=(RooAbsCategory*)_splitCatSet2.find(retName);
00459   if (retVal) return retVal;
00460   // create super cat
00461   retVal=new RooSuperCategory(retName, retName, thisSet);
00462   // add it to the argset
00463   _splitCatSet2.add(*retVal);
00465   return retVal;
00466 }
00473 TString rarMLFitter::getRootFileName(TString aType, TString configToken)
00474 {
00475   TString rootFile;
00476   if (("yes"==configToken)||("default"==configToken)) // default name
00477     rootFile=getFullFileName(_resultDir,aType,_runSec,"none", getMasterSec());
00478   else {
00479     char *bName=basename((char*)configToken.Data());
00480     rootFile=_resultDir+"/"+bName;
00481   }
00482   if (!rootFile.EndsWith(".root")) rootFile+=".root";
00483   if (_toyID) {
00484     rootFile.Replace(rootFile.Length()-5, 5, ".%03d.root");
00485     rootFile=Form(rootFile.Data(), _toyID);
00486   }
00488   return rootFile;
00489 }
00497 TString rarMLFitter::getParamFileName(TString aType, TString configToken,
00498                                       TString dirName)
00499 {
00500   TString paramFile;
00501   TString name="none";
00502   TString dsName="";
00503   TString msName="";
00504   TString cfName=_configFile;
00505   rarStrParser paramIDParser=configToken;
00506   while (paramIDParser.nArgs()>1) {
00507     char flag=paramIDParser[0][0];
00508     paramIDParser.Remove();
00509     switch (flag) {
00510     case 'F' :
00511       cfName=paramIDParser[0];
00512       paramIDParser.Remove();
00513       break;
00514     case 'D' :
00515       dsName=paramIDParser[0];
00516       paramIDParser.Remove();
00517       break;
00518     case 'C' :
00519       msName=paramIDParser[0];
00520       paramIDParser.Remove();
00521       break;
00522     case 'A' :
00523       aType=paramIDParser[0];
00524       paramIDParser.Remove();
00525       break;
00526     case 'N' :
00527       name=paramIDParser[0];
00528       paramIDParser.Remove();
00529       break;
00530     }
00531   }
00533   if (""==dirName) dirName=_paramDir;
00534   return getFullFileName(dirName, aType, name, dsName, msName, cfName);
00535 }
00543 void rarMLFitter::paramFileIO(RooArgSet params, TString paramFile, Bool_t In)
00544 {
00545   // add correlation coeffs
00546   RooArgSet corrCoeffs(getCorrCoeffs());
00547   TString paramOrder=readConfStr("outParamOrder", "ascend", getMasterSec());
00548   if (("ascend"==paramOrder) || ("descend"==paramOrder)) {
00549     Bool_t reverse=("descend"==paramOrder);
00550     RooArgList paramList(corrCoeffs);
00551     corrCoeffs.removeAll();
00552     paramList.sort(reverse);
00553     corrCoeffs.add(paramList);
00554   }
00555   if (!In) { // remove trivial corr coeffs for output
00556     RooArgSet trivSet;
00557     TIterator* iter = corrCoeffs.createIterator();
00558     RooRealVar *theCorrCoef(0);
00559     while(theCorrCoef=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
00560       Double_t theVal=theCorrCoef->getVal();
00561       if ((fabs(theVal)>1)||(fabs(theVal)<1e-4))
00562         trivSet.add(*theCorrCoef);
00563     }
00564     delete iter;
00565     corrCoeffs.remove(trivSet);
00566   }
00567   params.add(corrCoeffs);
00568   // construct param info
00569   RooStringVar configFile("configFile", "configFile", _configFile);
00570   params.add(configFile);
00571   RooStringVar DataInputSec("DataInputSec", "DataInputSec",
00572                             getDatasets()->getVarSec());
00573   params.add(DataInputSec);
00574   RooStringVar MasterPdfSec("MasterPdfSec", "MasterPdfSec", getMasterSec());
00575   params.add(MasterPdfSec);
00576   RooStringVar ActionSec("ActionSec", "ActionSec", _runSec);
00577   params.add(ActionSec);
00579   if (!In) params.writeToFile(paramFile);
00580   else {
00581     Bool_t fail=params.readFromFile(paramFile);
00582     if (fail) {
00583       cout<<"Fail to read in from "<<paramFile<<endl;
00584       exit(-1);
00585     }
00586     cout<<"Info of params you just read in"<<endl
00587         <<"Config  file  : "<<configFile.getVal()<<endl
00588         <<"Data input Sec: "<<DataInputSec.getVal()<<endl
00589         <<"Master pdf Sec: "<<MasterPdfSec.getVal()<<endl
00590         <<"Action     Sec: "<<ActionSec.getVal()<<endl;
00591   }
00592 }
00599 void rarMLFitter::paramFileI(RooArgSet params, TString paramFile)
00600 {
00601   paramFileIO(params, paramFile);
00602 }
00609 void rarMLFitter::paramFileO(RooArgSet params, TString paramFile)
00610 {
00611   paramFileIO(params, paramFile, kFALSE);
00612 }
00618 void rarMLFitter::chkBlind(TString dsName)
00619 {
00620   if (_datasets->isBlind(dsName)) {
00621     cout<<endl<<" Dataset \""<<dsName<<"\" is still blind."<<endl
00622         <<" (any action other than pdfFit or toyStudy on the dataset"
00623         <<" requires its unblind)"<<endl
00624         <<" (unblinding dataset does not necessarily"
00625         <<" unblind your results,)"<<endl
00626         <<" (as long as you use RooUnblindPrecision or RooUnblindOffset"
00627         <<" and the state is set to blind,)"<<endl
00628         <<" (those variables they blind still remain blind.)"<<endl
00629         <<" If you really want to UNBLIND "<<dsName<<","<<endl
00630         <<" please specify in dsi section ["
00631         <<_datasets->getVarSec()<<"]:"<<endl<<endl
00632         <<"  ub_"<<dsName<<" = [<OldIDsIfAny>] "<<_datasets->ubStr(dsName)
00633         <<endl<<endl<<" and re-run the job"<<endl;
00634     //    exit(-1);
00635   }
00636   return;
00637 }
00648 RooFitResult *rarMLFitter::doMLFit(RooDataSet *mlFitData,
00649                                    TString opt, ostream &o, Int_t ncpus)
00650 {
00651   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doMLFit for "<<GetName()<< " Options: " << opt 
00652       << " using " << ncpus << " CPUs (if available)." << endl;
00653   RooFitResult *fitResult(0);
00654   // first check if it has its pdf
00655   assert(_thePdf);
00657   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
00658   Bool_t mlFitExtended = opt.Contains("e");
00659   Bool_t mlFitMinos    = opt.Contains("m");
00660   Bool_t mlFitHesse    = opt.Contains("h");
00661   Bool_t mlFitVerbose  = !opt.Contains("q");
00662   Bool_t mlFitSave     = opt.Contains("r"); // return results
00664   //_thePdf->Print();
00665   //fit to its dataset
00666   fitResult=_thePdf->fitTo(*mlFitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
00667                            Save(mlFitSave), Extended(mlFitExtended), 
00668                            Verbose(mlFitVerbose), Hesse(mlFitHesse),
00669                            Minos(mlFitMinos), NumCPU(ncpus));
00671   // needed to fill "GblCorr." column of printout (now redundant?) FFW
00672   fitResult->globalCorr();
00673   // save correlation coeffs from final fit
00674   saveCorrCoeffs(fitResult);
00675   // output the result
00676   o<<endl<<"The mlFit results (wrt "<<mlFitData->GetName()
00677    <<" with " << mlFitData->numEntries() <<" events):"<<endl;
00678 #ifndef USENEWROOT 
00679   fitResult->printToStream(o, RooPrintable::Verbose);
00680 #else
00681   Int_t contents(0);
00682   fitResult->printMultiline(o, contents, kTRUE);
00683 #endif
00684   // calculate frac in cat1Set and asym in asymSet
00685   getSplitCoeffValues(getSpecialSet("cat1Set"), "Frac", o);
00686   getSplitCoeffValues(getSpecialSet("asymSet"), "Asym", o);
00688   return fitResult;
00689 }
00699 RooFitResult *rarMLFitter::doTheFit(RooAbsPdf *pdf, RooDataSet *fitData, TString fitOptions, Int_t ncpus)
00700 {
00701   cout<<endl<<"In rarMLFitter doTheFit for "<<GetName()<< " Options: " << fitOptions 
00702       << " using " << ncpus << " CPUs (if available)." << endl;
00704   // first check if it has its pdf
00705   assert(pdf);
00707   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
00708   Bool_t fitExtended = fitOptions.Contains("e");
00709   Bool_t fitMinos    = fitOptions.Contains("m");
00710   Bool_t fitHesse    = fitOptions.Contains("h");
00711   Bool_t fitVerbose  = !fitOptions.Contains("q");
00712   Bool_t fitSave     = fitOptions.Contains("r"); // return results
00714   TStopwatch timer;
00715   timer.Start();
00716   // fit to its dataset
00717   RooFitResult *fitResult=_thePdf->fitTo(*fitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
00718                                          Save(fitSave), Extended(fitExtended), 
00719                                          Verbose(fitVerbose), Hesse(fitHesse),
00720                                          Minos(fitMinos), NumCPU(ncpus));
00721   timer.Stop();
00722   // output the time
00723   cout<<endl<<"The doTheFit RealTime= " << timer.RealTime() << " CpuTime= "<< timer.CpuTime() << endl;
00725   return fitResult;
00726 }
00736 void rarMLFitter::doSignf(RooDataSet *mlFitData, TString signfStr,
00737                           RooFitResult *fitResult, RooArgSet fullParams,
00738                           ostream &o)
00739 {
00740   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doSignf for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00742   // save params
00743   string fParamSStr0;
00744   writeToStr(fullParams, fParamSStr0);
00746   TString signfFitOpt="qemhr";
00747   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
00748   Bool_t signfFitExtended = signfFitOpt.Contains("e");
00749   Bool_t signfFitMinos    = signfFitOpt.Contains("m");
00750   Bool_t signfFitHesse    = signfFitOpt.Contains("h");
00751   Bool_t signfFitVerbose  = !signfFitOpt.Contains("q");
00752   Bool_t signfFitSave     = signfFitOpt.Contains("r"); // return results
00754   // get nll
00755   if (!fitResult) {
00756     cout<<"No fit results from mlFit"<<endl;
00757     exit(-1);
00758     return;
00759   }
00760   Double_t nll=2*fitResult->minNll();
00761   o<<endl;
00762   rarStrParser signfStrParser=signfStr;
00763   while (signfStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00764     TString paramName=signfStrParser[0];
00765     signfStrParser.Remove();
00766     RooRealVar *theParam=(RooRealVar*)fullParams.find(paramName);
00767     if (!theParam) continue;
00768     // restore params
00769     readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr0);
00770     Double_t zSignfVal(0);
00771     if ((signfStrParser.nArgs()>0)&&(isNumber(signfStrParser[0]))) {
00772       zSignfVal = atof(signfStrParser[0]);
00773       signfStrParser.Remove();
00774     }
00775     Double_t sVal=theParam->getVal();
00776     theParam->setVal(zSignfVal);
00777     theParam->setConstant();
00779     // fit again
00780     //Int_t ncpus(1);
00782     RooFitResult *theResult=
00783       _thePdf->fitTo(*mlFitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs), 
00784                      Save(signfFitSave), Extended(signfFitExtended), 
00785                      Verbose(signfFitVerbose), Hesse(signfFitHesse),
00786                      Minos(signfFitMinos));
00787     //RooFitResult *theResult = doTheFit(_thePdf, mlFitData, signfFitOpt, ncpus);
00789     o<<" Signf. of "<<theParam->GetName()<<" being "<<sVal
00790      <<" wrt "<<zSignfVal<<" is "<<sqrt(2*theResult->minNll()-nll)
00791      <<" (sigma)"<<endl;
00792   }
00794   // restore saved params
00795   readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr0);
00796   return;
00797 }
00807 void rarMLFitter::doSysStudy(RooDataSet *mlFitData, TString paramsStr,
00808                              TString varsStr, RooArgSet fullParams,
00809                              ostream &o)
00810 {
00811   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doSysStudy for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00813   // save params
00814   string fParamSStr0;
00815   writeToStr(fullParams, fParamSStr0);
00816   // first find out max length for param name
00817   Int_t paramNameLen=12;
00818   {
00819     rarStrParser paramsStrParser=paramsStr;
00820     for (Int_t i=0; i<paramsStrParser.nArgs(); i++) {
00821       if (paramNameLen<paramsStrParser[i].Length())
00822         paramNameLen=paramsStrParser[i].Length();
00823     }
00824   }
00825   // ArgSet of study vars
00826   RooArgSet studyVars;
00827   rarStrParser varsStrParser=varsStr;
00828   while (varsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00829     TString varName=varsStrParser[0];
00830     varsStrParser.Remove();
00831     RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)fullParams.find(varName);
00832     if (theVar) studyVars.add(*theVar);
00833   }
00834   if (studyVars.getSize()<1) {
00835     cout<<" No vars in postMLSysVars found!"<<endl;
00836     return;
00837   }
00838   cout<<" postMLSysVars:"<<endl;
00839   studyVars.Print("v");
00840   // fit again with option emhr
00841   TString sysFitOpt="qemhr";
00843   //Int_t ncpus(1);
00845   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
00846   Bool_t sysFitExtended = sysFitOpt.Contains("e");
00847   Bool_t sysFitMinos    = sysFitOpt.Contains("m");
00848   Bool_t sysFitHesse    = sysFitOpt.Contains("h");
00849   Bool_t sysFitVerbose  = !sysFitOpt.Contains("q");
00850   Bool_t sysFitSave     = sysFitOpt.Contains("r"); // return results
00852   _thePdf->fitTo(*mlFitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs), 
00853                  Save(sysFitSave), Extended(sysFitExtended), 
00854                  Verbose(sysFitVerbose), Hesse(sysFitHesse),
00855                  Minos(sysFitMinos));
00856   //  doTheFit(_thePdf, mlFitData, sysFitOpt, ncpus);
00858   string fParamSStr;
00859   writeToStr(fullParams, fParamSStr);
00860   // clone it
00861   RooArgSet *cStudyVars=(RooArgSet*)studyVars.snapshot(kTRUE);
00862   // vary params
00863   rarStrParser paramsStrParser=paramsStr;
00864   // default variant unit
00865   Double_t defVU(1);
00866   if (paramsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00867     if (isNumber(paramsStrParser[0])) {
00868       defVU=fabs(atof(paramsStrParser[0]));
00869       paramsStrParser.Remove();
00870     }
00871   }
00872   Int_t nSysParams(0);
00873   // string for all params varied
00874   TString vParams="";
00875   TArrayD pV(1), mV(1);
00876   TArrayD pArray(studyVars.getSize()), mArray(studyVars.getSize());
00877   TArrayD aArray(studyVars.getSize()); // avg error
00878   // loop over all params
00879   while (paramsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00880     TString theParamName=paramsStrParser[0];
00881     paramsStrParser.Remove();
00882     RooArgSet theParamSet;
00883     TIterator* iter = fullParams.createIterator();
00884     RooRealVar *theParam(0);
00885     Bool_t foundvParam=kFALSE;
00886     while(theParam=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
00887       TString theName=theParam->GetName();
00888       if ((theName==theParamName)||(theName.BeginsWith(theParamName+"_"))) {
00889         theParamSet.add(*theParam);
00890         if (!foundvParam) {
00891           foundvParam=kTRUE;
00892           vParams=vParams+" \""+theParamName+"\"";
00893         }
00894       }
00895     }
00896     delete iter;
00897     if (theParamSet.getSize()<1) continue;
00898     nSysParams++;
00899     // reset arrays
00900     pV.Set(nSysParams);
00901     mV.Set(nSysParams);
00902     pArray.Set(nSysParams*studyVars.getSize());
00903     mArray.Set(nSysParams*studyVars.getSize());
00904     aArray.Set(nSysParams*studyVars.getSize());
00905     // for this param
00906     cout<<" SysStudy for "<<theParamName<<endl;
00907     theParamSet.Print("v");
00908     // for plus variation
00909     Bool_t useErr=kTRUE;
00910     pV[nSysParams-1]=defVU;
00911     // do we have plusV specified?
00912     if (paramsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00913       if (isNumber(paramsStrParser[0])) {
00914         TString myVStr=paramsStrParser[0];
00915         paramsStrParser.Remove();
00916         pV[nSysParams-1]=fabs(atof(myVStr));
00917         if (myVStr.EndsWith("V")||(myVStr.EndsWith("v"))) useErr=kFALSE;
00918       }
00919     }
00920     // restore params
00921     readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr);
00922     // set variation
00923     setVariation(theParamSet, pV[nSysParams-1], useErr, kTRUE);
00924     // fit
00926     _thePdf->fitTo(*mlFitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs), 
00927                    Save(sysFitSave), Extended(sysFitExtended), 
00928                    Verbose(sysFitVerbose), Hesse(sysFitHesse),
00929                    Minos(sysFitMinos));
00930    // doTheFit(_thePdf, mlFitData, sysFitOpt, ncpus);
00932     // calculation errors
00933     calSysErrors(nSysParams-1, *cStudyVars, studyVars, pArray);
00934     // for minus variation
00935     // do we have minusV specified?
00936     mV[nSysParams-1]=pV[nSysParams-1];
00937     if (paramsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
00938       if (isNumber(paramsStrParser[0])) {
00939         TString myVStr=paramsStrParser[0];
00940         paramsStrParser.Remove();
00941         mV[nSysParams-1]=fabs(atof(myVStr));
00942         if (myVStr.EndsWith("V")||(myVStr.EndsWith("v"))) useErr=kFALSE;
00943       }
00944     }
00945     // restore params
00946     readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr);
00947     // set variation
00948     setVariation(theParamSet, mV[nSysParams-1], useErr, kFALSE);
00949     // fit
00950     _thePdf->fitTo(*mlFitData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs), 
00951                    Save(sysFitSave), Extended(sysFitExtended), 
00952                    Verbose(sysFitVerbose), Hesse(sysFitHesse),
00953                    Minos(sysFitMinos));
00954     //doTheFit(_thePdf, mlFitData, sysFitOpt, ncpus);
00955     // calculation errors
00956     calSysErrors(nSysParams-1, *cStudyVars, studyVars, mArray);
00957   }
00958   // get correlation matrix
00959   TMatrixD corrM1=getCorrMatrix(nSysParams, vParams, kTRUE);
00960   TMatrixD corrM=getCorrMatrix(nSysParams, vParams);
00961   // output error table
00962   o<<endl<<" Systematic Error Table:"<<endl;
00963   o<<setw(paramNameLen+11)<<" ";
00964   // output obs names
00965   RooArgList studyVarList(studyVars);
00966   for (Int_t i=0; i<studyVarList.getSize(); i++) {
00967     o<<setw(40)<<studyVarList[i].GetName();
00968   }
00969   // output correlation matrix index
00970   o<<setw(15)<<"corr matrix:";
00971   rarStrParser vParamsParser=vParams;
00972   for (Int_t i=0; i<nSysParams; i++) {
00973     o<<setw(paramNameLen+1)<<vParamsParser[i];
00974   }
00975   o<<endl;
00976   // get avg errros, and output param variations
00977   avgSysErrors(o, vParams, paramNameLen, pV,pArray, mV,mArray, aArray, corrM);
00978   // final error output
00979   outSysErrors(o, "(w/o corr):", paramNameLen, corrM1, aArray);
00980   outSysErrors(o, "(w/ corr):", paramNameLen, corrM, aArray);
00981   // restore saved params
00982   readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr0);
00983   return;
00984 }
00991 void rarMLFitter::setVariation(RooArgSet theParams, Double_t myV,
00992                                Bool_t useErr, Bool_t isPlus)
00993 {
00994   TIterator* iter = theParams.createIterator();
00995   RooRealVar *theParam(0);
00996   while(theParam=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
00997     Double_t myVariant=myV;
00998     if (useErr) {
00999       Double_t myErr(0);
01000       if (theParam->hasAsymError()) {
01001         if (isPlus) myErr=theParam->getAsymErrorHi();
01002         else myErr=theParam->getAsymErrorLo();
01003       }
01004       if ((0==myErr)&&(theParam->hasError()))
01005         myErr=theParam->getError();
01006       if (0==myErr) {
01007         cout<<" No err specified for "<<theParam->GetName()<<endl;
01008         continue;
01009       }
01010       myVariant=myV*myErr;
01011     }
01012     myVariant=fabs(myVariant);
01013     if (!isPlus) myVariant=-myVariant;
01014     cout<<" Variation for "<<theParam->GetName()<<": "<<myVariant<<endl;
01015     theParam->setVal(theParam->getVal()+myVariant);
01016   }
01017   delete iter;
01018   return;
01019 }
01026 void rarMLFitter::calSysErrors(Int_t iParam, RooArgSet &cstudyVars,
01027                                RooArgSet &studyVars, TArrayD &eArray)
01028 {
01029   TIterator* iter = studyVars.createIterator();
01030   RooRealVar *theVar(0), *theIVar(0);
01031   Int_t vIdx(iParam*studyVars.getSize());
01032   while(theVar=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
01033     theIVar=(RooRealVar*)cstudyVars.find(theVar->GetName());
01034     if (!theIVar) {
01035       cout<<" Can not find "<<theVar->GetName()<<endl;
01036       exit(-1);
01037     }
01038     eArray[vIdx++]=theVar->getVal()-theIVar->getVal();
01039   }
01041   delete iter;
01042   return;
01043 }
01055 void rarMLFitter::avgSysErrors(ostream &o, TString vParams, Int_t pnLen,
01056                                TArrayD &pV, TArrayD &pArray,
01057                                TArrayD &mV, TArrayD &mArray,
01058                                TArrayD &aArray, TMatrixD corrM)
01059 {
01060   Int_t nParam=pV.GetSize();
01061   rarStrParser vParamsParser=vParams;
01062   if (nParam!=vParamsParser.nArgs()) {
01063     cout<<vParams<<endl
01064         <<"does not match # of params: "<<nParam<<endl;
01065     o<<vParams<<endl
01066         <<"does not match # of params: "<<nParam<<endl;
01067   }
01068   Int_t nVar=pArray.GetSize()/nParam;
01069   for (Int_t j=0; j<nParam; j++) {
01070     o.unsetf(ios_base::scientific);
01071     o.setf(ios_base::showpos);
01072     o.precision(4);
01073     o<<setw(pnLen)<<vParamsParser[j]<<setw(5)<<pV[j]<<setw(5)<<-mV[j]<<":";
01074     o.setf(ios_base::scientific);
01075     for (Int_t i=0; i<nVar; i++) {
01076       // output +/- errors
01077       o<<setw(16)<<pArray[j*nVar+i]
01078        <<setw(12)<<mArray[j*nVar+i];
01079       // calculate the avg error
01080       Double_t aError(0);
01081       if (pV[j]>0) aError+=pArray[j*nVar+i];
01082       if (mV[j]>0) aError-=mArray[j*nVar+i];
01083       if ((pV[j]>0)&&(mV[j]>0)) {
01084         aError/=2.;
01085         if (pArray[j*nVar+i]*mArray[j*nVar+i]>0) { // same sign
01086           cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
01087               <<" + and - variation have the same sign!"<<endl
01088               <<" Using the larger one only!"<<endl;
01089           aError=pArray[j*nVar+i];
01090           if (fabs(aError)<fabs(mArray[j*nVar+i]))
01091             aError=mArray[j*nVar+i];
01092         }
01093       }
01094       aArray[j*nVar+i]=aError;
01095       o.unsetf(ios_base::showpos);
01096       o<<setw(12)<<aError;
01097     }
01098     // now correlation matrix elements
01099     o<<setw(15)<<" ";
01100     for (Int_t i=0; i<nParam; i++) {
01101       o<<setw(pnLen+1)<<corrM(j, i);
01102     }
01103     o<<endl;
01104   }
01106   return;
01107 }
01115 void rarMLFitter::outSysErrors(ostream &o, TString rowName, Int_t pnLen,
01116                                TMatrixD corrM, TArrayD &aArray)
01117 {
01118   // final error output for the row
01119   o<<setw(pnLen)<<rowName<<setw(11)<<" ";
01120   o.setf(ios_base::scientific);
01121   // # of params
01122   Int_t nSysParams=corrM.GetNcols();
01123   Int_t nSysVars=aArray.GetSize()/nSysParams;
01124   for (Int_t i=0; i<nSysVars; i++) {
01125     // get error matrics
01126     TMatrixD errM(nSysParams,1);
01127     for (Int_t j=0; j<nSysParams; j++) {
01128       errM(j,0)=aArray[j*nSysVars+i];
01129     }
01130     // get transpose of errM
01131     TMatrixD errMT(1,nSysParams);
01132     errMT.Transpose(errM);
01133     // get final error matrix
01134     TMatrixD errorSq(errMT*corrM*errM);
01135     o<<setw(40)<<sqrt(errorSq(0,0));
01136     //errM.Print();
01137   }
01138   o<<endl;
01139   //corrM.Print();
01140 }
01146 TMatrixD rarMLFitter::getCorrMatrix(Int_t nSysParams, TString vParams,
01147                                     Bool_t diagOnly)
01148 {
01149   TMatrixD retM(nSysParams, nSysParams);
01150   retM.Zero();
01151   rarStrParser vParamsParser=vParams;
01152   if (vParamsParser.nArgs()!=nSysParams) {
01153     cout<<" Names and number of names ("<<nSysParams<<") do not match"<<endl
01154         <<vParams<<endl;
01155     return retM;
01156   }
01157   for (Int_t i=0; i<nSysParams; i++) {
01158     for (Int_t j=0; j<nSysParams; j++) {
01159       if (i==j) {
01160         retM(i,j)=1;
01161         continue;
01162       }
01163       if (diagOnly) continue;
01164       retM(i,j)=getCorrCoeff(vParamsParser[i], vParamsParser[j]);
01165     }
01166   }
01167   return retM;
01168 }
01177 Double_t rarMLFitter::doGOFChisq(RooDataSet *mlFitData, ostream &o,
01178                              TList *plotList)
01179 {
01180   // first get obs
01181   RooArgSet GOFObsSet;
01182   addProtVars("postMLGOFObs", GOFObsSet);
01183   GOFObsSet.add(*_thePdf->getDependents(mlFitData), kTRUE);
01184   if (GOFObsSet.getSize()<=0) return 0;
01185   // save obs
01186   string obsStr;
01187   writeToStr(GOFObsSet, obsStr);
01188   // set # of bins for obs
01189   RooArgList GOFObsList(GOFObsSet);
01190   for (Int_t i=0; i<GOFObsList.getSize(); i++) {
01191     RooRealVar *theVar=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(GOFObsList.at(i));
01192     if (!theVar) continue;
01193     Double_t min, max;
01194     getRange(theVar, "plotRange_", min, max, _runSec);
01195     Int_t nBins=atoi
01196       (readConfStr(Form("plotBins_%s",theVar->GetName()),"-1",_runSec));
01197     if (nBins>0) theVar->setBins(nBins);
01198   }
01199   if (plotList) {
01200     cout<<"GOFObsSet:"<<endl;
01201     GOFObsSet.Print("v");
01202   }
01203   //_thePdf->Print("v");
01204   //abort();
01205   // fill data histogram
01206   RooDataHist dHist("dHist", "dHist", GOFObsSet, *mlFitData);
01207   if (plotList) {
01208     //dHist.dump();
01209     dHist.dump2();
01210   }
01211   // calculate chisq using RooChi2Var
01212   //RooChi2Var chisqVar("chisqVar", "chisqVar", *_thePdf, dHist,
01213   //_conditionalObs, kTRUE);
01214   //o<<"GOF chisq: "<<chisqVar.getVal()<<endl;
01215   // if simpdf, get super cat
01216   RooSuperCategory *theSuperCat(0);
01217   RooArgSet inputCats;
01218   if (getControlBit("SimFit")) {
01219     theSuperCat=(RooSuperCategory*) &((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf)->indexCat();
01220     inputCats.add(theSuperCat->inputCatList());
01221   }
01222   // fill pdf histogram
01223   RooDataHist pHist("pHist", "pHist", GOFObsSet);
01224   Int_t nBins=pHist.numEntries();
01225   Double_t sum(0);
01226   for (Int_t i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
01227     const RooArgSet *theBinSet=pHist.get(i);
01228     // set bin for each obs
01229     RooArgList theBinList(*theBinSet);
01230     for (Int_t j=0; j<theBinList.getSize(); j++) {
01231       RooRealVar *theBin=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(theBinList.at(j));
01232       if (!theBin) {
01233         RooAbsCategory *theCat=dynamic_cast<RooAbsCategory*>
01234           (theBinList.at(j));
01235         if (!theCat) continue;
01236         RooAbsCategoryLValue *theInCat=(RooAbsCategoryLValue*)
01237           inputCats.find(theCat->GetName());
01238         if (!theInCat) continue;
01239         theInCat->setLabel(theCat->getLabel());
01240         continue;
01241       }
01242       RooRealVar *theVar=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(GOFObsList.at(j));
01243       assert(theVar);
01244       Double_t hbSize=(theBin->getMax()-theBin->getMin())/theBin->getBins()/2.;
01245       theVar->setRange("subrange",
01246                        theBin->getVal()-hbSize, theBin->getVal()+hbSize);
01247       theVar->setVal(theBin->getVal());
01248       //theBin->Print();
01249       //theVar->Print();
01250     }
01251     // the pdf to integrate
01252     RooAbsPdf *theIntPdf(_thePdf);
01253     if (theSuperCat) {
01254       theIntPdf=((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf)->getPdf(theSuperCat->getLabel());
01255       //theIntPdf->Print();
01256       //theIntPdf->Print("v");
01257     }
01258     // get integral
01259     RooAbsReal *pdfIntegral(0);
01260     if (theIntPdf) pdfIntegral=
01261       theIntPdf->createIntegral(GOFObsSet, GOFObsSet, "subrange");
01262     //pdfIntegral->Print("v");
01263     Double_t thisIntegral(0);
01264     RooArgSet nullDS;
01265     if (pdfIntegral) thisIntegral=
01266       theIntPdf->expectedEvents(&nullDS)*pdfIntegral->getVal();
01267     if (theSuperCat) thisIntegral/=theSuperCat->numTypes();
01268     sum+=thisIntegral;
01269     //cout<<"pdfIntegral="<<thisIntegral<<endl;
01270     // fill the bin
01271     pHist.set(*theBinSet, thisIntegral);
01272     //theBin->Print("v");
01273   }
01274   if (plotList) {
01275     cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl;
01276     pHist.dump2();
01277   }
01278   // create histograms
01279   TH1F *dataHist(0);
01280   TH1F *pdfHist(0);
01281   if (plotList) {
01282     dataHist=new TH1F("dataHist_GOF", "dataHist_GOF", nBins, 0, 1);
01283     pdfHist=new TH1F("pdfHist_GOF", "pdfHist_GOF", nBins, 0, 1);
01284     plotList->Add(dataHist);
01285     plotList->Add(pdfHist);
01286   }
01287   // calculate chisq by myself
01288   Double_t chisq(0);
01289   // fill histograms
01290   for (Int_t i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
01291     const RooArgSet *theBinSet=dHist.get(i);
01292     //theBinSet->Print("v");
01293     Double_t dw=dHist.weight(*theBinSet,0);
01294     Double_t ym,yp;
01295     RooHistError::instance().getPoissonInterval(Int_t(dw+0.5),ym,yp,1);
01296     Double_t del=dw-ym;
01297     Double_t deh=yp-dw;
01298     Double_t pw=pHist.weight(*theBinSet,0);
01299     if (plotList) {
01300       dataHist->SetBinContent(i, dw);
01301       pdfHist->SetBinContent(i, pw);
01302     }
01303     Double_t pwmdw=pw-dw;
01304     Double_t err=(pwmdw>0)?deh:del;
01305     if (0==err) continue;
01306     chisq+=pwmdw*pwmdw/(err*err);
01308     if (plotList)
01309       cout<<"err="<<err<<" dw="<<dw<<" pw="<<pw<<endl;
01311   }
01312   o<<"GOF chisq: "<<chisq<<endl;
01314   // restore saved obs
01315   readFromStr(GOFObsSet, obsStr);
01316   return chisq;
01317 }
01334 RooDataSet *rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(RooArgSet fullParams)
01335 {
01336   rarToyList toylist; // keeps tarck of requested events 
01338   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doToyStudy for "<<GetName()<<endl;
01339   // verbose/quiet
01340   TString temp=readConfStr("toyVerbose", "yes", _runSec);
01341   Bool_t toyVerbose = kFALSE;
01342   if (temp == "yes") {toyVerbose = kTRUE;}
01344   RooDataSet *toyResults(0);
01345   // get protDatasets from config
01346   TString protDataStr=readConfStr("protToyData", "", _runSec);
01347   if (""==protDataStr) protDataStr=readConfStr("protDatasets", "", _runSec);
01348   rarStrParser protDataStrParser=protDataStr;
01349   // master protDataset
01350   if (protDataStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
01351     TString mpdsName=protDataStrParser[0];
01352     protDataStrParser.Remove();
01353     _protDataset=_datasets->getData(mpdsName);
01354     if (!_protDataset) {
01355       cout<<" Toy Error: Can not find dataset named "<<mpdsName<<endl
01356           <<" for your prototype dataset."<<endl
01357           <<" Please make sure you have the right Dataset name"<<endl;
01358       exit(-1);
01359     }
01360   } else if (_theData) _protDataset=_theData;
01361   else {
01362     cout<<" Toy Error: No prototype datasets defined!!"<<endl
01363         <<" You could have problem with your toy study"<<endl
01364         <<" See config `protDatasets' in online doc for more info"<<endl;
01365     exit(-1);
01366   }
01367   cout<<" Toy Using "<<_protDataset->GetName()<<" as master protDataset"<<endl;
01369   // string for param randomization
01370   TString preToyRandParams="";
01371   // find param randomizer obs
01372   RooArgSet paramRandSet;
01373   if (_theToyParamGen) {
01374     RooArgSet paramNobs(*_thePdf->getParameters(_protDataset));
01375     paramNobs.add(*_thePdf->getDependents(_protDataset));
01376     RooArgList allOtherParams(*_theToyParamGen->getParameters(paramNobs));
01377     for (Int_t i=0; i<allOtherParams.getSize(); i++) {
01378       RooRealVar *theParam=(RooRealVar*)allOtherParams.at(i);
01379       if (theParam->hasMin()&&theParam->hasMax()) paramRandSet.add(*theParam);
01380     }
01381     // params to be randomized
01382     preToyRandParams=readConfStr("preToyRandParams", "", _runSec);
01383   }
01384   rarStrParser preToyRandParser=preToyRandParams;
01385   if ((preToyRandParser.nArgs()>0)&&(preToyRandParser[0]=="no"))
01386     preToyRandParser="";
01388   // get number of toy experiment
01389   Int_t toyNexp=atoi(readConfStr("toyNexp", "1", _runSec));
01390   if (_toyNexp>0) toyNexp=_toyNexp;
01391   // get #evt option
01392   rarStrParser toyNevtParser=readConfStr("toyNevt", "0 fixed", _runSec);
01393   Double_t toyNevt=atoi(toyNevtParser[0]);
01394 #ifndef USENEWROOT 
01395   if (toyNevt<=0) toyNevt=_protDataset->numEntries(kTRUE); // use weight
01396 #else
01397   if (toyNevt<=0) toyNevt=_protDataset->numEntries(); // use weight
01398 #endif
01399   toylist.setDataset(_protDataset->GetName(), toyNevt);
01401   Bool_t extendedGen=
01402     ("floated"==toyNevtParser[1])||
01403     ("extended"==toyNevtParser[1])||
01404     ("notfixed"==toyNevtParser[1]);
01405   cout<<"Toy Total Number of events: "<<toyNevt << " to be generated ";
01406   if (extendedGen) cout<<"with";
01407   else cout<<"without";
01408   cout<<" Poisson fluctuation"<<endl;
01409   // find all parameters of nEvt
01410   RooArgSet compCoeffSet("Comp Coeff Set");
01411   RooArgSet coeffParamSet("Comp Coeff Parameter Set");
01412   Int_t nComp=1;
01413   if (getControlBit("SimFit")) nComp=_nComp;
01414   for (Int_t i=0; i<nComp; i++) {
01415     rarAdd *compPdf=(rarAdd*)_pdfList.At(i);
01416     RooArgList thisCompCoeffList(compPdf->getCoeffList());
01418     compCoeffSet.add(thisCompCoeffList);
01419     cout << "Toy Size thisCompCoeffList " << thisCompCoeffList.getSize() << endl;
01420     thisCompCoeffList.Print("v");
01421     for (Int_t j=0; j<thisCompCoeffList.getSize(); j++) {
01423       // this line seems to work differently  in standalone - FFW
01424       RooArgList thisCompCoeffParams(*(thisCompCoeffList[j].getParameters(*_fullObs)));
01425       //cout << "Toy Size " << j << " " << thisCompCoeffParams.getSize() << endl;
01427       if (thisCompCoeffParams.getSize() == 0) {
01428         coeffParamSet.add(thisCompCoeffList[j]); // needed in standalone
01429       } else {
01430         for (Int_t k=0; k<thisCompCoeffParams.getSize(); k++) {
01431           TString thisParamName=thisCompCoeffParams[k].GetName();
01432           //cout << "Toy thisParamName " << thisParamName << " " << thisCompCoeffParams.getSize() << endl;
01433           if (isFracName(thisParamName)) continue;
01434           coeffParamSet.add(thisCompCoeffParams[k]);
01435         }
01436       }
01437     }
01438   }
01439   Int_t nCoeff=compCoeffSet.getSize();
01440   Int_t nCoeffParam=coeffParamSet.getSize();
01441   RooArgList compCoeffList(compCoeffSet);
01442   RooArgList coeffParamList(coeffParamSet);
01444   if (toyVerbose) {
01445     cout << "Toy: List of coefficients: " << nCoeff << endl;
01446     compCoeffList.Print("v");
01447     cout << "Toy: List of parameters: " << nCoeffParam << endl;
01448     coeffParamList.Print("v");
01449   }
01451   // find number of events for each type of data source
01452   RooArgSet evtTypeVarSet("Event Type Var Set");
01453   RooArgSet evtTypeStrSet("Event Type Str Set"); // for dynamic embed gen
01454   for (Int_t i=0; i<nCoeffParam; i++) {
01455     RooAbsReal *theCoeff=dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal*>(coeffParamList.at(i));
01456     if (!theCoeff) {
01457       cout<<endl<<"Toy W A R N I N G ! ! !"<<endl
01458           <<" "<<coeffParamList[i].GetName()
01459           <<" is not a (sub-)class of RooAbsReal."<<endl
01460           <<" If it is a blind category var,"
01461           <<" please set it to unblind for toy study."<<endl
01462           <<" ie, by adding in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
01463           <<" "<<coeffParamList[i].GetName()<<" = 0"<<endl
01464           <<endl;
01465       continue;
01466     }
01467     //
01468     TString coeffName = theCoeff->GetName();
01469     toylist.setInitial(coeffName, theCoeff->getVal());
01471     rarStrParser toySrcParser=
01472       readConfStr(Form("toySrc_%s", theCoeff->GetName()),
01473                   Form("pdf %f",theCoeff->getVal()), _runSec);
01474     Double_t coeffParamVal(0);
01475     Int_t nSrcType=toySrcParser.nArgs()/2; // type of sources for this Nevt
01476     for (Int_t j=0; j<nSrcType; j++) {
01477       TString evtSrc=toySrcParser[0];
01478       toySrcParser.Remove();
01479       TString evtSrcStr=toySrcParser[0];
01480       toySrcParser.Remove();
01481       Double_t evtSrcVal=getFormulaVal(evtSrcStr);
01482       coeffParamVal+=evtSrcVal;
01483       TString evtTypeName=
01484         Form("%s \"%s\"", coeffParamList[i].GetName(), evtSrc.Data());
01485       RooRealVar *evtTypeVar=(RooRealVar*)evtTypeVarSet.find(evtTypeName);
01486       toylist.setMethod(coeffName, evtSrc.Data());
01488       if (!evtTypeVar) {
01489         evtTypeVar=new RooRealVar(evtTypeName, evtTypeName, 0);
01490         evtTypeVarSet.addOwned(*evtTypeVar);
01491       }
01492       evtTypeVar->setVal(evtTypeVar->getVal()+evtSrcVal);
01493       // save the string for dynamic toy generating
01494       RooStringVar *evtTypeStr=(RooStringVar*)evtTypeStrSet.find(evtTypeName);
01495       if (!evtTypeStr) {
01496         evtTypeStr=new RooStringVar(evtTypeName, evtTypeName, "");
01497         evtTypeStrSet.addOwned(*evtTypeStr);
01498       }
01499       evtTypeStr->
01500         setVal(Form("%s \"%s\"",evtTypeStr->getVal(),evtSrcStr.Data()));
01501     }
01502     RooRealVar *coeffParamVar=(RooRealVar*)coeffParamList.at(i);
01503     // seg faults with RooFormula
01504     if (!coeffParamVar->inRange(coeffParamVal, "range")) {
01505       cout<<coeffParamVal<<" not within the range of "
01506           <<coeffParamVar->GetName()<<": ("
01507           <<coeffParamVar->getMin()<<","
01508           <<coeffParamVar->getMax()<<")"<<endl;
01509       exit(-1);
01510     }
01511     coeffParamVar->setVal(coeffParamVal);
01512     //cout<<" "<<coeffParamVar->GetName()<<"="<<coeffParamVal<<endl;
01513     toylist.setRequested(coeffName, coeffParamVal);
01514   } // for (Int_t i=0; i<nCoeffParam; i++)
01516   if (toyVerbose) {
01517     cout << "Toy: List of generating methods: " << nCoeff << endl;
01518     evtTypeVarSet.Print("v");
01519     evtTypeStrSet.Print("v");
01520   }
01522   RooArgList evtTypeVarList(evtTypeVarSet);
01523   RooArgList evtTypeStrList(evtTypeStrSet);
01524   Int_t nEvtType=evtTypeVarList.getSize();
01525   { // now, let's figure out what need to be adjusted
01527     // methods for adjusting events: total/largest/prorata/smallest
01528     TString toyAdjustMethod=readConfStr("toyAdjustMethod", "Largest", _runSec);
01529     toyAdjustMethod.ToLower();
01530     if (toyAdjustMethod.Contains("largest") ||
01531         toyAdjustMethod.Contains("total") ||
01532         toyAdjustMethod.Contains("smallest") ||
01533         toyAdjustMethod.Contains("prorata")) {
01534       //cout << "toyAdjustMethod: using method " << toyAdjustMethod 
01535       //           << " to adjust events in toy." << endl;
01536     } else {
01537       cout << "Toy toyAdjustMethod: expected token [Largest|Total|Smallest|Prorata]" 
01538            << " found : " << toyAdjustMethod << "." << endl;
01539       //exit(-1);
01540     }
01542     // identify which dataset to adjutst if necessary. Use the dataset
01543     // that has been set to 0 events e.g. nSig = pdf 0 first; if not set
01544     // use largest.
01545     TString zEvtName("notSet"), lEvtName("notSet");
01546     Int_t zEvtIdx(-1),lEvtIdx(-1); //0 evt comp index, largest # evt comp index
01547     Double_t lEvt(0); // largest #s evts
01548     for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvtType; i++) {
01549       RooRealVar *evtTypeVar=(RooRealVar *)evtTypeVarList.at(i);
01550       TString evtTypeVarName=evtTypeVar->GetName();
01551       Double_t evtTypeVarVal=evtTypeVar->getVal();
01552       if(0==evtTypeVarVal) {
01553         if (zEvtIdx!=-1) {
01554           cout<<"Toy Can not have more than one coeff=0"<<endl;
01555           exit(-1);
01556         } else {
01557           //zEvtIdx=i; // commented out to disable 0 event adjustment
01558           zEvtName=evtTypeVarName;
01559         }
01560       }
01561       if(evtTypeVarVal>lEvt) {
01562         lEvt=evtTypeVarVal;
01563         lEvtIdx=i;
01564         lEvtName=evtTypeVarName;
01565       }
01566     }
01567     if (toyVerbose) {
01568       if (zEvtName != "notSet") {
01569         cout << "Toy Dataset with #evts = 0 specified:     " << zEvtName << endl;
01570       }
01571       cout << "Toy Dataset with largest #evts specified: " << lEvtName << endl;
01572     }
01573     // see if they can be adjusted
01574     Bool_t zParamAdj(kFALSE), lParamAdj(kFALSE);
01575     while (1) {
01576       if (-1==zEvtIdx) break;
01577       if (!compCoeffSet.find(rarStrParser(zEvtName)[0])) {
01578         if (!compCoeffSet.find("theSim_"+rarStrParser(zEvtName)[0])) {//simuPdf
01579           // do not allow this
01580           cout<<"Toy " <<zEvtName<<" is set to zero but is not adjustable"<<endl;
01581           exit(-1);
01582           break;
01583         }
01584       }
01585       zParamAdj=kTRUE;
01586       break;
01587     }
01588     while (1) {
01589       if (-1==lEvtIdx) break;
01590       if (!compCoeffSet.find(rarStrParser(lEvtName)[0])) {
01591         if (!compCoeffSet.find("theSim_"+rarStrParser(lEvtName)[0])) {
01592           // warning about this
01593           cout<<"Toy "<<lEvtName<<" is the largest but might not be adjustable"<<endl;
01594         }
01595       }
01596       lParamAdj=kTRUE;
01597       break;
01598     }
01599     // check total # evt
01600     Double_t totEvt(0);
01601     for (Int_t i=0; i<nCoeff; i++) { totEvt+=((RooAbsReal&)compCoeffList[i]).getVal(); }
01603     if (totEvt!=toyNevt) {
01604       Double_t nAdjust=toyNevt-totEvt;
01605       Int_t adjIdx(-1);
01606       // we prefer to adjust zEvtIdx
01607       if (zParamAdj) adjIdx=zEvtIdx;
01608       else if (lParamAdj) adjIdx=lEvtIdx;
01609       else {
01610         cout << "Toy #totEvts = " << totEvt << " #toyNevt = " << toyNevt << endl;
01611         cout<<"Need to adjust number of evenst but none of the toySrc_* can be adjusted" 
01612             <<endl;
01613         exit(-1);
01614       }
01615       // adjust that evt type for the 'var', not for the 'str',
01616       // hopefully, the 'str' is a formula so the adj is done automatically
01617       RooRealVar *evtTypeVar=(RooRealVar *)evtTypeVarList.at(adjIdx);
01618       evtTypeVar->setVal(evtTypeVar->getVal()+nAdjust);
01619       // adjust that coeff
01620       RooRealVar *coeffAdjust=(RooRealVar*)
01621         compCoeffSet.find(rarStrParser(evtTypeVar->GetName())[0]);
01622       if (!coeffAdjust) coeffAdjust=(RooRealVar*)
01623         coeffParamSet.find(rarStrParser(evtTypeVar->GetName())[0]);
01624       if (!coeffAdjust) {
01625         cout<<"Toy Can not find var "<<rarStrParser(evtTypeVar->GetName())[0]
01626             <<endl;
01627         exit(-1);
01628       }
01629       nAdjust+=coeffAdjust->getVal();
01630       cout<<"Toy "<<coeffAdjust->GetName()<<" needs to be adjusted from "
01631           <<coeffAdjust->getVal()<<" to "<<nAdjust<<endl;
01632       if (!coeffAdjust->inRange(nAdjust, "range")) {
01633         cout<<"Toy "<<nAdjust<<" not within the range of "<<coeffAdjust->GetName()
01634             <<": ("<<coeffAdjust->getMin()<<","
01635             <<coeffAdjust->getMax()<<")"<<endl;
01636         exit(-1);
01637       }
01638       coeffAdjust->setVal(nAdjust);
01639       { // double-check if we have adjusted
01640         Double_t totEvt(0);
01641         for (Int_t i=0; i<nCoeff; i++) {totEvt+=((RooAbsReal&)compCoeffList[i]).getVal();}
01643         if (fabs(totEvt-toyNevt)>.01) {
01644           cout<<endl<<"Toy Adjusting "<<evtTypeVar->GetName()
01645               <<" will not set totEvtGen "<<totEvt<<" to "<<toyNevt<<endl
01646               <<" If you are using blind var for yields,"<<endl
01647               <<" please make sure you set it to unblind"<<endl
01648               <<" (or temporarily do not use blind var for toy study)"<<endl
01649               <<" (search for `W A R N I N G ! ! !\' in your log file)"<<endl;
01650           exit(-1);
01651         }
01652       }
01653     }
01655     // update table with number to be used
01656     for (Int_t i=0; i<nCoeff; i++) {
01657       Double_t nevts = ((RooAbsReal&)compCoeffList[i]).getVal();
01658       TString coeffName = ((RooAbsReal&)compCoeffList[i]).getTitle();
01659       //cout << "coeffname " << coeffName << endl;
01660       toylist.setUsed(coeffName, nevts);
01661     }
01663     //if (toyVerbose) { evtTypeVarSet.Print("v"); }
01664   }
01665   toylist.print();
01667   // get data output file prefix
01668   TString toyFilePrefix=readConfStrCnA("toyDataFilePrefix", "default");
01669   if (("default"==toyFilePrefix)||
01670       ("no"==toyFilePrefix))
01671     toyFilePrefix="no";
01672   else {
01673     if ("yes"==toyFilePrefix) toyFilePrefix=Form("N \"%s\"", _runSec.Data());
01674     toyFilePrefix=getParamFileName("toySample", toyFilePrefix, _toyDir);
01675     toyFilePrefix+=Form(".%03d", _toyID);
01676     toyFilePrefix+=".%03d";
01677   }
01678   // generate and fit options
01679   TString genOpt="r"; // always randomize
01680   if (extendedGen) genOpt+="e";
01681   TString fitOpt=readConfStr("toyFitOption", "mhq", _runSec);
01682   // force option to be extended and return results
01683   fitOpt+="er";
01684   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
01685   //Bool_t toyFitExtended = fitOpt.Contains("e"); // must be true
01686   Bool_t toyFitMinos    = fitOpt.Contains("m");
01687   Bool_t toyFitHesse    = fitOpt.Contains("h");
01688   Bool_t toyFitVerbose  = !fitOpt.Contains("q");
01689   //Bool_t toyFitSave     = fitOpt.Contains("r"); // must be true
01691   // get number of cpus option
01692   Int_t toyFitNumCPU=atoi(readConfStr("useNumCPU", "1", getMasterSec()));
01694   // now see if we have toyFitMinos (do Minos only for some parameters)
01695   RooArgSet toyFitMinosAS;
01696   TString toyFitMinosStr=readConfStr("toyFitMinos", "notSet", _runSec);
01697   if ("notSet"!=toyFitMinosStr) {
01698     toyFitMinosAS.add(getArgSet(toyFitMinosStr,kFALSE,&fullParams));
01699   }
01701   // print full obs
01702   if (toyVerbose) {
01703     cout<<"Toy full obs for toy study"<<endl;
01704     _fObsSet.Print("v");
01705   }
01707   // get protGen
01708   if (!getProtGen()) {
01709     cout<<"Toy Can not create protGen!"<<endl;
01710     exit(-1);
01711   }
01713   // get comp-cat-ed datasets
01714   getCompCatDS(&_protDatasetsM, _protDataset);
01715   // for individual protDataset
01716   const char *dummy("");
01717   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nComp; i++) {
01718     rarMLPdf *model=(rarMLPdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
01719     TList *modelPdfList=model->getPdfList();
01720     Int_t nModelComp=modelPdfList->GetSize();
01721     for (Int_t j=0; j<nModelComp; j++) {
01722       rarBasePdf *comp=(rarBasePdf*)modelPdfList->At(j);
01723       RooDataSet *theData(0);
01724       if (protDataStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
01725         theData=_datasets->getData(protDataStrParser[0]);
01726         protDataStrParser.Remove();
01727       } else theData=comp->getData(dummy);
01728       _compCat.setIndex(j);
01729       getCompCatDS(&_protDatasets, theData, &_compCat);
01730     }
01731   }
01733   // determine protGenLevel
01734   _protGenLevel=atoi(readConfStr("protDataGenLevel", "1", _runSec));
01735   if (_protGenLevel>3) _protGenLevel=3;
01736   if (_protGenLevel<=0) _protGenLevel=0;
01737   // let's find fullProtVars
01738   RooArgSet fullProtVars(_protDataVars);
01739   { // let's find fullProtVars
01740     RooArgSet protGenVars(*_theProtGen->getDependents(_protDataset));
01741     fullProtVars.add(protGenVars);
01742     if (fullProtVars.getSize()<=0) _protGenLevel=0; // no need for protData
01743     else {
01744       if (0==_protGenLevel) _protGenLevel=2;
01745     }
01746     //_protDataVars.add(fullProtVars); // get full protVars//disable it for now
01747     if (toyVerbose) {
01748       if (fullProtVars.getSize() > 0) {
01749         cout<<"Toy Full protDataVars defined:"<<endl;
01750         fullProtVars.Print("v");
01751       } else {
01752         cout<<"Toy No Full protDataVars defined."<<endl;
01753       }
01754       cout<<"Toy protGenLevel: "<<_protGenLevel<<endl;
01755     }
01756   }
01758   if (!getGenerator()) {
01759     cout<<"Toy Can not create toy Gen!"<<endl;
01760     exit(-1);
01761   }
01762   // clone it to keep the initial values for fitting
01763   RooArgSet pdfNparamFSet(*_theGen, *_theProtGen);
01764   pdfNparamFSet.add(_subPdfs); // add original params, pdfs
01765   RooArgSet *fCloneSet=(RooArgSet*)pdfNparamFSet.snapshot(kTRUE);
01766   RooAbsPdf *theGen=(RooAbsPdf*)fCloneSet->find(_theGen->GetName());
01767   RooAbsPdf *theProtGen=(RooAbsPdf*)fCloneSet->find(_theProtGen->GetName());
01769   // define protData
01770   RooDataSet *protData(0);
01771   if (1==_protGenLevel) { // get default protData
01772     protData=(RooDataSet*)_protDataset->reduce(fullProtVars);
01773     if (toyVerbose) {
01774       cout<<"Toy The prototype dataset for toy study:"<<endl;
01775       protData->Print("v");
01776       //protData->write("/tmp/pd.text");
01777       cout<<endl;
01778     }
01779   }
01781   // save params just before toy study begins
01782   string fParamSStr;
01783   writeToStr(fullParams, fParamSStr);
01784   // try to figure out how many loops
01785   Int_t nLoops=1; // one loop
01786   Int_t nExpPerLoop=toyNexp;
01787   Bool_t tooManyEvts=kFALSE;
01788   if (nExpPerLoop*toyNevt>1000000) tooManyEvts=kTRUE;
01789   if (tooManyEvts||(_protGenLevel>1)||(preToyRandParser.nArgs()>0)) {
01790     nLoops=toyNexp;
01791     nExpPerLoop=1;
01792   }
01793   // loop to do toy study
01794   Bool_t firstToy(kTRUE);
01795   //for (Int_t expIdx=0; expIdx<toyNexp; expIdx++) {
01796   for (Int_t expIdx=0; expIdx<nLoops; expIdx++) {
01797     //if (expIdx>0) {RooMsgService::instance().setSilentMode(kTRUE); }
01798     // get toy data file
01799     TString toyFileName=Form(toyFilePrefix.Data(), expIdx);
01800     if (nExpPerLoop>1) toyFileName+=".%03d";
01801     toyFileName+=".text";
01802     // restore param for each toy loop
01803     readFromStr(fullParams, fParamSStr);
01804     readFromStr(*fCloneSet, fParamSStr);
01805     // do we need to randomize params?
01806     if ((preToyRandParser.nArgs()>0)&&_theToyParamGen) { // yes
01807       // generate an set of randomizers
01808       RooDataSet *theRandDataSet=_theToyParamGen->generate(paramRandSet, 1);
01809       RooArgSet *theRandSet=(RooArgSet*)theRandDataSet->get(0);
01810       stringstream theRandSetStr;
01811       theRandSet->writeToStream((ostream&)theRandSetStr, kFALSE);
01812       delete theRandDataSet;
01813       paramRandSet.readFromStream((istream&)theRandSetStr, kFALSE);
01814       cout<<"Toy Randomizer ArgSet:"<<endl;
01815       paramRandSet.Print("v");
01816       Int_t nParams=preToyRandParser.nArgs()/2; // # of params
01817       RooArgSet rParams, cParams;
01818       for (Int_t i=0; i<nParams; i++) {
01819         RooRealVar *theParam=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>
01820           (getAbsVar(preToyRandParser[2*i]));
01821         if (!theParam) {
01822           cout<<"Toy Can not find param "<<preToyRandParser[2*i]<<endl;
01823           continue;
01824         }
01825         rParams.add(*theParam);
01826         // find cloned param
01827         theParam=(RooRealVar*)fCloneSet->find(theParam->GetName());
01828         if (!theParam) {
01829           cout<<"Toy Can not find cloned param "<<theParam->GetName()<<endl;
01830           exit(-1);
01831         }
01832         cParams.add(*theParam);
01833         cout<<"Toy "<<theParam->GetName()<<" = "<<theParam->getVal();
01834         theParam->setVal(getFormulaVal(preToyRandParser[2*i+1]));
01835         cout<<" --> "<<theParam->getVal()<<endl;
01836       }
01837       // now save cParams to rParams
01838       string cTorStr;
01839       writeToStr(cParams, cTorStr);
01840       readFromStr(rParams, cTorStr);
01841     }
01842     // save params after possible randomization
01843     string randParamSStr;
01844     writeToStr(fullParams, randParamSStr);
01845     // now check if there are any data need to be generated from dataset
01846     TString genStr="";
01847     Double_t toyNevtGen=toyNevt;
01848     for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvtType; i++) {
01849       RooStringVar *evtTypeStr=(RooStringVar *)evtTypeStrList.at(i);
01850       rarStrParser toySrcParser=evtTypeStr->GetName();
01851       rarStrParser toySrcStrParser=evtTypeStr->getVal();
01852       if ("pdf"==toySrcParser[1]) continue; // otherwise, from other src
01853       // get evtTypeStr's value
01854       Double_t evtTypeStrVal(0);
01855       while (toySrcStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
01856         evtTypeStrVal+=getFormulaVal(toySrcStrParser[0]);
01857         toySrcStrParser.Remove();
01858       }
01859       // get #evt for this src
01860       Double_t nEvtWSrc(0);
01861       for (Int_t j=0; j<nCoeff; j++) {
01862         TString coefName=compCoeffList[j].GetName();
01863         nEvtWSrc+=((RooAbsReal*)fCloneSet->find(coefName))->getVal();
01864       }
01865       RooRealVar *paramVar=(RooRealVar*)fCloneSet->find(toySrcParser[0]);
01866       paramVar->setVal(paramVar->getVal()-evtTypeStrVal);
01867       Double_t nEvtWoSrc(0);
01868       for (Int_t j=0; j<nCoeff; j++) {
01869         TString coefName=compCoeffList[j].GetName();
01870         nEvtWoSrc+=((RooAbsReal*)fCloneSet->find(coefName))->getVal();
01871       }
01872       Double_t nEvtGen=nEvtWSrc-nEvtWoSrc;
01873       if (nEvtGen<0) {
01874         cout<<"Toy W A R N I N G !"<<endl
01875             <<" Can not generate negative event from src "<<toySrcParser[1]
01876             <<" for parameter "<<toySrcParser[0]<<endl;
01877         continue;
01878       }
01879       genStr+=Form(" \"%s\" %f ", toySrcParser[1].Data(), nEvtGen);
01880       toyNevtGen-=nEvtGen;
01881     }
01882     if (""!=genStr) {
01883       cout<<"Toy Using generation string: \""<<genStr<<"\" for embedding"<<endl;
01884     }
01885     // do we need to generate protData?
01886     if (_protGenLevel>=2) {
01887       RooArgSet protDeps(fullProtVars);
01888       // add compCat as well
01889       protDeps.add(_compCat);
01890       // get expected number of event
01891       Int_t nEvt=_protDataset->numEntries();
01892       if (protData) delete protData; // delete old one
01893       if (_protGenLevel>=3) protData=theProtGen->generate(protDeps, nEvt);
01894       else { // from individual protDatasets
01895         // first generate cats
01896         RooArgSet fCatSet(*((RooSimultaneous*)theProtGen)
01897                          ->indexCat().getDependents(_protDataset));
01898         fCatSet.add(_compCat);
01899         RooDataSet *fCatData=theProtGen->generate(fCatSet, nEvt);
01900         // cat w/o protEVars
01901         RooArgSet catSet(fCatSet);
01902         // remove protEVars
01903         catSet.remove(_protDataEVars, kFALSE, kTRUE);
01904         RooSuperCategory sCat("sCat", "sCat", catSet);
01905         sCat.attachDataSet(*fCatData);
01906         protData=new RooDataSet("protData", "protData", protDeps);
01907         for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvt; i++) {
01908           const RooArgSet *theCat=fCatData->get(i);
01909           TString dsName=sCat.getLabel();
01910           dsName.ReplaceAll("{", "");
01911           dsName.ReplaceAll("}", "");
01912           // find the dataset
01913           RooDataSet *theData=(RooDataSet*)_protDatasets.FindObject(dsName);
01914           if (!theData) {
01915             if (dsName.Last(';')<0) theData=(RooDataSet*)_protDatasetsM.At(0);
01916             else {
01917               dsName.Remove(dsName.Last(';'), dsName.Length());
01918               theData=(RooDataSet*)_protDatasetsM.FindObject(dsName);
01919             }
01920           }
01921           if (!theData) theData=(RooDataSet*)_protDatasetsM.At(0);
01922           Int_t I=RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Integer(theData->numEntries());
01923           RooArgSet protSet(*theCat);
01924           protSet.add(*theData->get(I), kTRUE);
01925           protData->add(protSet);
01926         }
01927         delete fCatData;
01928       }
01929       cout<<"Toy protData from protGen:"<<endl;
01930       protData->Print("v");
01931       //protData->write("/tmp/pd.text");
01932       //TFile f("/tmp/pd.root", "recreate");
01933       //protData->tree().Write();
01934       //f.Close();
01935       RooArgList protDepList(protDeps);
01936       for (Int_t i=0; i<protDepList.getSize(); i++) {
01937         RooCategory *theCat=(RooCategory *)&(protDepList[i]);
01938         if (theCat->ClassName()!=TString("RooCategory")) continue;
01939         Roo1DTable *theTable(0);
01940         if (theCat&&(theTable=protData->table(*theCat))) {
01941           theTable->Print();
01942           // get frac table
01943           TIterator* catTypeIter = theCat->typeIterator();
01944           RooCatType *theType(0);
01945           while(theType=(RooCatType*)catTypeIter->Next()) {
01946             TString typeName=theType->GetName();
01947             cout<<"    "<<typeName<<"\t"<<theTable->getFrac(typeName)<<endl;
01948           }
01949           cout<<endl;
01950           delete catTypeIter;
01951         }
01952       }
01953     }
01954     // toy dependents
01955     RooArgSet toyDeps(*theGen->getDependents(_protDataset));
01956     if (protData) toyDeps.remove(*theGen->getDependents(protData));
01957     //protData->Print("v");
01958     toyDeps.Print();
01959     RooMCStudy *theToy(0);
01960     if (toyFitMinosAS.getSize()<1) {
01961       theToy=new RooMCStudy
01962         (*theGen, toyDeps, FitModel(*_thePdf),
01963          Extended(extendedGen), ProtoData(*protData, kTRUE),
01964          ProjectedObservables(_conditionalObs),
01965          FitOptions(Save(kTRUE), Extended(kTRUE),
01966                     Verbose(toyFitVerbose), Hesse(toyFitHesse),
01967                     Minos(toyFitMinos), NumCPU(toyFitNumCPU)));
01968     } else {
01969       theToy=new RooMCStudy
01970         (*theGen, toyDeps, FitModel(*_thePdf),
01971          Extended(extendedGen), ProtoData(*protData, kTRUE),
01972          ProjectedObservables(_conditionalObs),
01973          FitOptions(Save(kTRUE), Extended(kTRUE),
01974                     Verbose(toyFitVerbose), Hesse(toyFitHesse),
01975                     Minos(toyFitMinos), Minos(toyFitMinosAS)), FitOptions(NumCPU(toyFitNumCPU)));
01976     }
01977     if (firstToy) {
01978       cout<<"Toy The toyDeps"<<endl;
01979       toyDeps.Print("v");
01980       cout<<"Toy The protVars"<<endl;
01981       _protDataVars.Print("v");
01982     }
01983     // do we want to check negative pdf value
01984     Bool_t toyChkNegativePdf(kFALSE);
01985     if ("yes"==readConfStr("toyChkNegativePdf", "no", _runSec)) {
01986       toyChkNegativePdf=kTRUE;
01987     }
01988     RooDataSet *chkNPdfDS(0);
01989     // generate
01990     if ("no"!=readConfStr("toyGenerate", "yes", _runSec)) {
01991       if (firstToy) {
01992         cout<<endl<<"Toy RooMCStudy params for generating:"<<endl;
01993         theGen->getParameters(_protDataset)->Print("v");
01994       }
01995       // first generate dataset to check negative pdf value
01996       if (toyChkNegativePdf) {
01997         chkNPdfDS=_dummyPdf.generate(toyDeps, *protData, (Int_t)toyNevt);
01998       }
01999       // generate through standard RooMCStudy
02000       theToy->generate(nExpPerLoop, randInt(toyNevtGen), kTRUE);
02001       RooArgSet toyObs(toyDeps);
02002       if (protData) toyObs.add(*protData->get(),kTRUE);
02003       if (firstToy) {
02004         cout<<"Toy Full obs generated:"<<endl;
02005         toyObs.Print();
02006       }
02007       if (kTRUE) { // now we need to find if we need two-step generation
02008         //generate(theToy, theGen, genOpt, nExpPerLoop);
02009       }
02010       if (""!=genStr) {
02011         // find obs to get distribution from prototype dataset
02012         RooArgList etoyDeps(toyObs);
02013         etoyDeps.remove(_protDataEVars, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02014         if (firstToy) {
02015           cout<<"Toy etoyDeps"<<endl;
02016           etoyDeps.Print("v");
02017           cout<<"Toy protDataEVars"<<endl;
02018           _protDataEVars.Print("v");
02019           cout<<"Toy genStr "<<genStr<<endl;
02020         }
02021         generate(theToy, etoyDeps, genStr, genOpt, nExpPerLoop);
02022       }
02023       if (!toyFileName.BeginsWith("no")) { // output toy data per request
02024         Int_t nSamples=nExpPerLoop;
02025         while (nSamples--) {
02026           TString thisToyFileName=Form(toyFileName.Data(),nSamples);
02027           ((RooDataSet*)theToy->genData(nSamples))->write(thisToyFileName);
02028           //cout<<"toy sample structure"<<endl;
02029           //((RooDataSet*)theToy->genData(nSamples))->Print();
02030           thisToyFileName.ReplaceAll(".text", ".root");
02031 #ifndef USENEWROOT
02032           TFile f(thisToyFileName, "recreate");
02033           ((RooDataSet*)theToy->genData(nSamples))->tree().Write();
02034           f.Close();
02035 #else
02036           RooDataSet *theSet = (RooDataSet*) theToy->genData(nSamples);
02037           saveAsRootFile(theSet, thisToyFileName, kTRUE);
02038 #endif
02039         }
02040       }
02041       if (firstToy) { // save sample 
02042         RooDataSet *toySample=(RooDataSet*)theToy->genData(0);
02043         toySample=(RooDataSet*)toySample->Clone();
02044         toySample->SetName(_datasets->getDSName("toySample"));
02045         _datasets->getDatasetList()->Add(toySample);
02046         _datasets->ubStr(_datasets->getDSName("toySample"), "Unblinded");
02047       }
02048     }
02049     // fit
02050     if ("no"!=readConfStr("toyFit", "yes", _runSec)) {
02051       if (firstToy) {
02052         cout<<endl<<"Toy fitting coeffParamSet:"<<endl;
02053         coeffParamSet.Print("v");
02054       }
02055       // check negative pdf values
02056       if (toyChkNegativePdf&&chkNPdfDS) {
02057         // first attach the dataset
02058         attachDataSet(*chkNPdfDS);
02059         Int_t nChkEvt=chkNPdfDS->numEntries();
02060         for (Int_t iChkEvt=0; iChkEvt<nChkEvt; iChkEvt++) {
02061           RooArgSet *theEvt=(RooArgSet*)chkNPdfDS->get(iChkEvt);
02062           if (isNegativeValue()) {
02063             cout<<"Toy The PDF have negative value for current event"<<endl;
02064             theEvt->Print();
02065             theEvt->Print("v");
02066             exit(-1);
02067           }
02068         }
02069       }
02070       if ("no"!=readConfStr("toyGenerate", "yes", _runSec)) {
02071         // construct dataset list
02072         TList genSamples;
02073         Int_t nSamples=nExpPerLoop;
02074         while (nSamples--) genSamples.Add(theToy->genData(nSamples)->Clone());
02075         theToy->fit(nExpPerLoop, genSamples);
02076       } else {
02077         theToy->fit(nExpPerLoop, toyFileName);
02078       }
02079       // pulls for embedded toy are not right, re-calculate
02080       if (""!=genStr) {
02081         cout<<"Toy Re-calculate pulls for embedded toys"<<endl;
02082         // restore the randomized params
02083         readFromStr(fullParams, randParamSStr);
02084         RooDataSet &fitParData=(RooDataSet &)theToy->fitParDataSet();
02085         const RooArgSet *fitParDataSet=fitParData.get();
02086         TIterator* iter = coeffParamSet.createIterator();
02087         RooRealVar *par(0);
02088         while(par=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
02089           TString pullName=Form("%spull", par->GetName());
02090           RooPullVar *origPull=(RooPullVar*)fitParDataSet->find(pullName);
02091           if (!origPull) continue;
02092           RooAbsReal* tPar=(RooAbsReal*)par->Clone("truth");
02093           RooPullVar pull(pullName+"_embd", origPull->GetTitle(),*par,*tPar);
02094           fitParData.addColumn(pull);
02095           delete tPar;
02096         }
02097         delete iter;
02098         // add vars for # of embedded events
02099         rarStrParser genStrParser=genStr;
02100         Int_t nSubset=genStrParser.nArgs()/2;
02101         for(Int_t i=0; i<nSubset; i++) {
02102           TString genSrcName=genStrParser[0];
02103           genStrParser.Remove();
02104           Double_t nEvtGen=atof(genStrParser[0]);
02105           genStrParser.Remove();
02106           RooRealVar embdEvt("embdEvt_"+genSrcName, "embd Evt", nEvtGen);
02107           fitParData.addColumn(embdEvt);
02108         }
02109       }
02110       { // add toy ID's
02111         RooDataSet &fitParData=(RooDataSet &)theToy->fitParDataSet();
02112         RooRealVar ID_COL0("ID_COL0", "Toy ID", _toyID);
02113         fitParData.addColumn(ID_COL0);
02114         RooRealVar ID_COL1("ID_COL1", "Toy Loop ID", expIdx);
02115         fitParData.addColumn(ID_COL1);
02116         RooRealVar ID_COL2("ID_COL2", "Toy Loop #", 0);
02117         fitParData.addColumn(ID_COL2);
02118         // add correlation matrix for floating params
02119         const RooFitResult *fr=theToy->fitResult(0);
02120         Int_t nFloat=fr->floatParsFinal().getSize();
02121         for (Int_t iF=1; iF<=nFloat; iF++) {
02122           RooRealVar CorrG(Form("CorrG_%i",iF), "Global Corr",0);
02123           fitParData.addColumn(CorrG);
02124           for(Int_t jF=1; jF<iF; jF++) {
02125             RooRealVar Corr(Form("Corr_%i_%i", iF, jF), "Corr",0);
02126             fitParData.addColumn(Corr);
02127           }
02128         }
02129         // add more result info
02130         RooRealVar covQual("covQual", "covQual", 0);
02131         fitParData.addColumn(covQual);
02132         RooRealVar numInvalidNLL("numInvalidNLL", "numInvalidNLL", 0);
02133         fitParData.addColumn(numInvalidNLL);
02134         RooRealVar edm("edm", "edm", 0);
02135         fitParData.addColumn(edm);
02137         // add gof chisq
02138         RooRealVar GOFChisq("GOFChisq", "GOFChisq", 0);
02139         fitParData.addColumn(GOFChisq);
02140       }
02141       if (!toyResults) {
02142         toyResults=new
02143           RooDataSet("toyResults","toyResults",*theToy->fitParDataSet().get());
02144       }
02145       // merge w/ toy IDs and check if all toy fits converged
02146       Int_t ii=0;
02147       for (Int_t i=0; i<nExpPerLoop; i++) {
02148         RooFitResult *fr=(RooFitResult*)theToy->fitResult(i);
02149         if (fr->status()) {
02150           cout<<"Toy Fit status for experiment #"<<expIdx<<"-"<<nExpPerLoop-i
02151               <<": "<<fr->status()<<endl;
02152           continue;
02153         }
02154         RooArgSet *fitResultSet=(RooArgSet *)theToy->fitParams(ii);
02155         ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find("ID_COL2"))->setVal(nExpPerLoop-i);
02156         // add correlation matrix
02157         Int_t nFloat=fr->floatParsFinal().getSize();
02158         for (Int_t iF=0; iF<nFloat; iF++) {
02159           RooAbsArg &iArg=fr->floatParsFinal().operator[](iF);
02160           ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find(Form("CorrG_%i",iF+1)))->
02161             setVal(fr->globalCorr(iArg));
02162            for(Int_t jF=0; jF<iF; jF++) {
02163              RooAbsArg &jArg=fr->floatParsFinal().operator[](jF);
02164              ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find(Form("Corr_%i_%i", iF+1,jF+1)))->
02165                setVal(fr->correlation(iArg, jArg));
02166            }
02167         }
02168         // add more result info
02169         ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find("covQual"))->setVal(fr->covQual());
02170         ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find("numInvalidNLL"))
02171           ->setVal(fr->numInvalidNLL());
02172         ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find("edm"))->setVal(fr->edm());
02174         // gof chisq
02175         Double_t gofChisq(0);
02176         TString postMLGOFChisq=readConfStrCnA("postMLGOFChisq", "no");
02177         if (!postMLGOFChisq.BeginsWith("no"))
02178           gofChisq=doGOFChisq((RooDataSet*)theToy->genData(i), cout);
02179         ((RooRealVar*)fitResultSet->find("GOFChisq"))->setVal(gofChisq);
02181         toyResults->add(*fitResultSet);
02182         ii++;
02183       }
02184     }
02185     delete theToy;
02186     firstToy=kFALSE;
02187   }
02189   //return theToy;
02190   return toyResults;
02191 }
02199 void rarMLFitter::getCompCatDS(TList*ds,RooDataSet *iData,RooCategory *compCat)
02200 {
02201   RooArgSet catSet(*((RooSimultaneous*)_theProtGen)
02202                    ->indexCat().getDependents(iData));
02203   catSet.remove(_compCat, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02204   catSet.remove(_protDataEVars, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02205   if (catSet.getSize()<=0) {
02206     RooDataSet *theData=(RooDataSet*)iData->reduce("1");
02207     theData->SetName("noCompCatDS");
02208     if (compCat) {
02209       theData->addColumn(*compCat);
02210       theData->SetName(compCat->getLabel());
02211     }
02212     ds->Add(theData);
02213     return;
02214   }
02215   // we do have split cats, let's create datasets for each cat-type
02216   RooSuperCategory sCat("sCat", "sCat", catSet);
02217   sCat.attachDataSet(*iData);
02218   Int_t nEvt=iData->numEntries();
02219   for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvt; i++) {
02220     RooArgSet *theEvt=(RooArgSet*)iData->get(i);
02221     TString dsName=sCat.getLabel();
02222     if (compCat) dsName=Form("%s;%s", dsName.Data(), compCat->getLabel());
02223     dsName.ReplaceAll("{", "");
02224     dsName.ReplaceAll("}", "");
02225     RooDataSet *theData=(RooDataSet*)ds->FindObject(dsName);
02226     if (!theData) {
02227       theData=new RooDataSet(dsName, dsName, *theEvt);
02228       if (compCat) theData->addColumn(*compCat);
02229       ds->Add(theData);
02230     }
02231     theData->add(*theEvt);
02232   }
02233 }
02241 Int_t rarMLFitter::randInt(Double_t iNumber)
02242 {
02243   Int_t retVal=(Int_t) iNumber;
02244   if (RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Uniform()+retVal<iNumber) retVal++;
02245   return retVal;
02246 }
02249 void rarMLFitter::generate(RooMCStudy *theToy, RooAbsPdf *theGen,
02250                            const TString genOpt, const Int_t toyNexp)
02251 {
02252   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter generate (two-step) for "<<GetName()<<endl;
02254   // generate toys
02255   Int_t nSamples=toyNexp;
02256   while(nSamples--) {
02257     cout<<endl;
02258     RooDataSet *genSample=(RooDataSet *)theToy->genData(nSamples);
02259     //genSample->Print();
02260     //genSample->Print("v");
02261     // remove d-cosheli
02262     RooArgSet subSet(*genSample->get());
02263     subSet.remove(*subSet.selectByName("hzCat,hcCat"),
02264                   kTRUE, kTRUE);
02265     // reduce the dataset
02266     RooDataSet *subData=(RooDataSet*)genSample->reduce(subSet);
02267     // now add dcoshel0 and dcoshelC
02268     RooArgSet *addOns=getAddOnCols();
02269     addOns=(RooArgSet*)(addOns->selectByName("hzCat,hcCat"));
02270     subData->addColumns(*addOns);
02271     //subData->Print();
02272     //subData->Print("v");
02273     genSample->reset();
02274     genSample->append(*subData);
02275     //genSample->Print("v");
02276     delete subData;
02277   }
02278   if (genOpt.Contains("safasse")) {theGen->Print();} // avoid "unused" warning
02279 }
02294 void rarMLFitter::generate(RooMCStudy *theToy,
02295                            const RooArgList& etoyDeps,
02296                            const TString genStr, const TString genOpt,
02297                            const Int_t toyNexp)
02298 {
02299   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter generate (embed) for "<<GetName()<<endl;
02301   // generate toys
02302   Int_t nSamples=toyNexp;
02303   while(nSamples--) {
02304     cout<<endl;
02305     RooDataSet *genSample=(RooDataSet *)theToy->genData(nSamples);
02306     // generate each sub sample from genStr
02307     rarStrParser genStrParser=genStr;
02308     Int_t nSubset=genStrParser.nArgs()/2;
02309     for(Int_t i=0; i<nSubset; i++) {
02310       TString genSrcName=genStrParser[0];
02311       genStrParser.Remove();
02312       Double_t nEvtGen=atof(genStrParser[0]);
02313       genStrParser.Remove();
02314       RooDataSet *embedSample=generate(etoyDeps, genSrcName, nEvtGen, genOpt);
02315       if (embedSample) {
02316         genSample->append(*embedSample);
02317         delete embedSample;
02318       }
02319     }
02320   }
02321 }
02338 RooDataSet *rarMLFitter::generate(const RooArgList& dependents,
02339                                   const TString genSrcName, Double_t nEvtGen,
02340                                   const TString genOpt)
02341 {
02342   //cout<<" In rarMLFitter generate (embed) 2 for "<<GetName()<<endl;
02343   RooDataSet *theSample(0);
02344   RooArgSet fullDeps(dependents);
02345   RooArgSet randObs;
02346   RooAbsPdf *theObsGen(0);
02347   // first find out if need to randomize obs
02348   RooStringVar *srcRandStr=(RooStringVar *)_embdObsRandSet.find(genSrcName);
02349   if (srcRandStr) {
02350     rarStrParser srcRandStrParser=srcRandStr->getVal();
02351     //cout<<srcRandStr->getVal()<<endl;
02352     while (srcRandStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
02353       TString obsName=srcRandStrParser[0];
02354       srcRandStrParser.Remove();
02355       if (_fObsSet.find(obsName)) randObs.add(*_fObsSet.find(obsName));
02356       else theObsGen=(RooAbsPdf*)_embdObsGens.find("the_"+obsName);
02357     }
02358     if (theObsGen) {
02359       cout<<" Using "<<theObsGen->GetName()<<" as embd randomizer"<<endl;
02360       theObsGen->Print();
02361       //RooArgSet(*theObsGen).snapshot(kTRUE)->Print("v");
02362     } else {
02363       cout<<" Can not find randomizer defined in \""<<srcRandStr->getVal()
02364           <<"\""<<endl;
02365     }
02366     if (randObs.getSize()>0) {
02367       cout<<" The following params will be randomized:"<<endl;
02368       randObs.Print("v");
02369     } else {
02370       cout<<" Can not find params to randomize in \""<<srcRandStr->getVal()
02371           <<"\""<<endl;
02372     }
02373   }
02374   if (theObsGen) fullDeps.add(*theObsGen->getDependents(_protDataset), kTRUE);
02375   // remove compCat from fullDeps
02376   fullDeps.remove(_compCat, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02377   // get source dataset
02378   RooDataSet *genSrcData=_datasets->getData(genSrcName);
02379   if (!genSrcData) {
02380     cout<<"toy src data \""<<genSrcName<<"\" does not exist"<<endl;
02381     exit(-1);
02382   }
02384   if (genSrcData->numEntries()<=0) {
02385     cout<<"toy src data \""<<genSrcName<<"\" does not contain any entries"
02386         <<endl;
02387     exit(-1);
02388   }
02390   if (genOpt.Contains("e")) { // extended
02391     cout<<"Extended generating nEvt "<<nEvtGen;
02392     nEvtGen = RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Poisson(nEvtGen);
02393     cout<<" -> "<<nEvtGen<<endl;
02394   }
02395   nEvtGen=randInt(nEvtGen);
02396   cout<<"Generate "<<nEvtGen<<" events from dataset "
02397       <<genSrcData->GetName()<<endl;
02398   if (nEvtGen<.1) {
02399     return theSample;
02400   }
02401   // generate each uncorrelated sub sample
02402   rarStrParser embdUnCorrParser=readConfStr("toyEmbdUnCorrelate","",_runSec);
02403   for (Int_t i=0; i<=embdUnCorrParser.nArgs(); i++) {
02404     RooDataSet *subSample(0);
02405     if ((i==embdUnCorrParser.nArgs())&&(fullDeps.getSize()>0)) {
02406       //cout<<" Remaining obs:"<<endl;
02407       //fullDeps.Print();
02408       subSample=new RooDataSet("subSample", "subSample", fullDeps);
02409     } else {
02410       RooArgSet subSampleSet;
02411       rarStrParser groupObsParser=embdUnCorrParser[i];
02412       for (Int_t j=0; j<groupObsParser.nArgs(); j++) {
02413         RooAbsArg *theObs=fullDeps.find(groupObsParser[j]);
02414         if (theObs) {
02415           subSampleSet.add(*theObs);
02416           fullDeps.remove(*theObs);
02417         }
02418       }
02419       if (subSampleSet.getSize()<1) continue;
02420       cout<<" Sub obs:"<<endl;
02421       subSampleSet.Print();
02422       subSample=new RooDataSet("subSample", "subSample", subSampleSet);
02423     }
02424     if(!subSample) continue;
02425     for (Int_t j=0; j<nEvtGen; j++) {
02426       Int_t I=RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Integer(genSrcData->numEntries());
02427       const RooArgSet* row=genSrcData->get(I);
02428       if(!row) {
02429         cout<<"skipping null row entry I="<<I<<endl;
02430         continue;
02431       }
02432       subSample->add(*row);
02433     }
02434     if (!theSample)
02435       theSample=subSample;
02436     else {
02437       theSample->merge(subSample);
02438       delete subSample;
02439     }
02440   }
02442   // merge those columns from prototype dataset
02443   if (_protDataEVars.getSize()>0) {
02444     RooDataSet *protSample=
02445       new RooDataSet("protEDataSet", "prot embedded Dataset", _protDataEVars);
02446     Int_t nEvt=theSample->numEntries();
02447     for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvt; i++) {
02448       Int_t Idx=RooRandom::randomGenerator()->
02449         Integer(_protDataset->numEntries());
02450       const RooArgSet* row=_protDataset->get(Idx);
02451       protSample->add(*row);
02452     }
02453     cout<<"Merge "<<nEvt<<" events from prototype dataset "
02454         <<_protDataset->GetName()<<endl;
02455     theSample->merge(protSample);
02456     delete protSample;
02457   }
02458   { // merge with compCat set to max
02459     _compCat.setIndex(_compCat.numTypes()-1);
02460     theSample->addColumn(_compCat);
02461   }
02462   // do we need to randomize obs
02463   if (theObsGen&&randObs.getSize()>0) {
02464     RooArgSet embProtSet;
02465     embProtSet.add(*theSample->get(0));
02466     embProtSet.remove(randObs, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02467     RooDataSet *protDS=(RooDataSet*)theSample->reduce(embProtSet);
02468     RooDataSet *oldembedSample=theSample;
02469     theSample=theObsGen->generate(randObs,*protDS, (Int_t)nEvtGen);
02470     //for (Int_t iEvt=0; iEvt<nEvtGen; iEvt++) {
02471     //  oldembedSample->get(iEvt)->Print("v");
02472     //  theSample->get(iEvt)->Print("v");
02473     //}
02474     //theSample->write("/tmp/new.txt");
02475     //oldembedSample->write("/tmp/old.txt");
02476     delete oldembedSample;
02477     delete protDS;
02478   }
02480   return theSample;
02481 }
02487 RooAbsPdf *rarMLFitter::getProtGen()
02488 {
02489   if (_theProtGen) return _theProtGen;
02490   // call super class' getProtGen
02491   rarCompBase::getProtGen();
02492   // now tricky part, different treatment for simFit or not
02493   if (getControlBit("noSimFit")) { // no simFit
02494     _theProtGen=(RooAbsPdf*)_subProtGenPdfs.at(0);
02495   } else { // now, create simProtGen
02496     RooSimPdfBuilder *simBuilder=new RooSimPdfBuilder(_subProtGenPdfs);
02497     RooArgSet *simConfig=simBuilder->createProtoBuildConfig();
02498     // get configs from #_simConfig
02499     ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find("splitCats"))->
02500       setVal(((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find("splitCats"))->getVal());
02501     TString modelStr=((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find("physModels"))->getVal();
02502     for (Int_t i=0; i<_subProtGenPdfs.getSize(); i++) {
02503       TString genName = _subProtGenPdfs[i].GetName();
02504       TString pdfName =_subPdfs[i].GetName();
02505       // construct splitting configStr
02506       TString configStr=((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find(pdfName))->getVal();
02507       ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find(genName))->setVal(configStr);
02508       modelStr.ReplaceAll(pdfName, genName);
02509     }
02510     ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find("physModels"))->setVal(modelStr);
02511     cout<<"simPdfBuilder configs for protGen:"<<endl;
02512     simConfig->Print("v");
02513     simBuilder->addSpecializations(_simBuilder->splitLeafList());
02514     _theProtGen=(RooAbsPdf*)
02515       simBuilder->buildPdf(*simConfig, _protDataset, 0, kTRUE);
02516     // now for leftovers
02517     RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
02518       (&((RooSimultaneous*)_theProtGen)->indexCat());
02519     Int_t nCats=simCats->numTypes();
02520     for(Int_t i=0; i<nCats; i++) {
02521       TString catName=((RooCatType*)simCats->lookupType(i))->GetName();
02522       if (!((RooSimultaneous*)_theProtGen)->getPdf(catName.Data())) {
02523         ((RooSimultaneous*)_theProtGen)->addPdf(_dummyExtPdf, catName);
02524       }
02525     }
02527     _theProtGen->SetName(Form("simProtGen_%s", GetName()));
02528     _theProtGen->Print();
02529     //_theProtGen->Print("v");
02530   }
02531   // now component-categorized
02532   _theProtGen=compGen(_theProtGen, _subProtGenPdfs, _compCat);
02534   return _theProtGen;
02535 }
02541 RooAbsPdf *rarMLFitter::getGenerator()
02542 {
02543   if (_theGen) return _theGen;
02544   _theGen=_thePdf;
02545   if (getControlBit("SimFit")) { // get fitter cats
02546     RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
02547       (&((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf)->indexCat());
02548     Int_t nCats=simCats->numTypes();
02549     // construct toy generator from fitter
02550     _theGen=new RooSimultaneous
02551       (Form("simGen_%s",GetName()),"simGen",*simCats);
02552     for(Int_t i=0; i<nCats; i++) {
02553       TString catName=((RooCatType*)simCats->lookupType(i))->GetName();
02554       RooAbsPdf *catPdf=((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf)->getPdf(catName.Data());
02555       if (!catPdf) catPdf=&_dummyExtPdf;
02556       ((RooSimultaneous*)_theGen)->addPdf(*catPdf, catName);
02557     }
02558   }
02559   // now component-categorized
02560   if (_protGenLevel>1) _theGen=compGen(_theGen, _subPdfs, _compCat);
02562   cout<<"Generator created from fitter:"<<endl;
02563   _theGen->Print();
02564   return _theGen;
02565 }
02575 RooAbsArg *rarMLFitter::findSimed(RooArgSet &simSet,
02576                                   TString argName, TString catName,
02577                                   RooAbsPdf *srcPdf)
02578 {
02579   RooAbsArg *theComp(0);
02580   // the default comb
02581   theComp=simSet.find(argName+"_"+catName);
02582   if (theComp) return theComp;
02583   // maybe we can put the 1st cat to the end
02584   if (catName.Contains(";")) {
02585     // find the first ;
02586     TString phyCat=catName(1, catName.First(";")-1);
02587     catName.Replace(1, phyCat.Length()+1,"");
02588     catName.Replace(catName.Length()-1, 0, ";"+phyCat);
02589     theComp=simSet.find(argName+"_"+catName);
02590     if (theComp) return theComp;
02591   }
02592   // now for the name itself
02593   theComp=simSet.find(argName);
02594   if (""==getPhysCat()||" "==getPhysCat()) return theComp; // no physCat
02595   if (!srcPdf) return theComp;
02596   RooSimultaneous *sPdf=dynamic_cast<RooSimultaneous*>(srcPdf);
02597   if (!sPdf) return theComp;
02598   // now let's find the arg in sPdf, set to default first
02599   theComp=0;
02600   RooAbsPdf *mlPdf=sPdf->getPdf(catName);
02601   if (!mlPdf) return theComp;
02602   RooArgSet *mlSet=mlPdf->getComponents();
02603   theComp=mlSet->find(argName);
02604   return theComp; // return it anyway
02605 }
02615 RooSimultaneous *rarMLFitter::compGen(RooAbsPdf *gen, RooArgList subGens,
02616                                       RooCategory &compCat)
02617 {
02618   RooSimultaneous *theCompGen(0);
02619   if (getControlBit("noSimFit")) { // the first mode only
02620     Int_t nCompTypes=compCat.numTypes();
02621     theCompGen=new RooSimultaneous
02622       (Form("simComp_%s", gen->GetName()), "comp-cated gen", compCat);
02623     RooAddPdf &theMode=(RooAddPdf&)subGens[0];
02624     RooArgList pdfList(theMode.pdfList());
02625     RooArgList coefList(theMode.coefList());
02626     Int_t nComps=pdfList.getSize();
02627     for (Int_t i=0; i<nComps; i++) {
02628       RooAddPdf *thePdf=new RooAddPdf
02629         (Form("comp_%s_%s", theMode.GetName(), pdfList[i].GetName()),
02630          Form("comp %s %s", theMode.GetName(), pdfList[i].GetName()),
02631          pdfList[i], coefList[i]);
02632       theCompGen->addPdf(*thePdf, Form("%02d", i));
02633     }
02634     // any leftover?
02635     for (Int_t i=nComps; i<nCompTypes; i++)
02636       theCompGen->addPdf(_dummyExtPdf, Form("%02d", i));
02638     return theCompGen;
02639   }
02640   // now for sim generator
02641   RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
02642     (&((RooSimultaneous*)gen)->indexCat());
02643   RooArgSet *genSimSet=gen->getComponents();
02644   // get superCat inputList
02645   RooArgSet myInputCats(compCat);
02646   // get genCat inputCat
02647   RooSuperCategory *simSuperCats=dynamic_cast<RooSuperCategory*>(simCats);
02648   if (simSuperCats) myInputCats.add(simSuperCats->inputCatList());
02649   else myInputCats.add(*simCats);
02650   // create superCat
02651   RooSuperCategory *compGenCat=new RooSuperCategory
02652     ("compGenCat", "compGenCat", myInputCats);
02653   // create compGen
02654   theCompGen=new RooSimultaneous
02655     (Form("simComp_%s", gen->GetName()), "comp-cated gen", *compGenCat);
02656   Int_t nCats=compGenCat->numTypes();
02657   for (Int_t i=0; i<nCats; i++) { // each component
02658     TString catName=((RooCatType*)compGenCat->lookupType(i))->GetName();
02659     TString compLabel=catName(1,catName.First(";")-1);
02660     Int_t compIdx=atoi(compLabel);
02661     // find genCat name
02662     TString gCatName=catName
02663       (catName.First(";")+1, catName.Last('}')-catName.First(";")-1);
02664     if (simSuperCats) gCatName="{"+gCatName+"}";
02665     // construct extended add
02666     RooAbsPdf *thisCatGen(0);
02667     for (Int_t j=0; j<_nComp; j++) { // sub-mode
02668       RooAddPdf &theMode=(RooAddPdf&)subGens[j];
02669       if (compIdx>=theMode.pdfList().getSize()) continue;
02670       // find comp pdf and coef
02671       TString thePdfName=theMode.pdfList()[compIdx].GetName();
02672       TString theCoefName=theMode.coefList()[compIdx].GetName();
02673       RooAbsPdf *thisPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)findSimed(*genSimSet,thePdfName,gCatName,
02674                                                gen);
02675       RooAbsReal *thisCoef=(RooAbsReal*)
02676         findSimed(*genSimSet, theCoefName, gCatName, gen);
02677       if (thisPdf&&thisCoef) {
02678         thisCatGen=new RooAddPdf
02679           ("comp_"+catName+"_"+thePdfName+"_"+theCoefName,
02680            "comp "+catName+" "+thePdfName+" "+theCoefName, *thisPdf,*thisCoef);
02681         break;
02682       }
02683     }
02684     if (thisCatGen) theCompGen->addPdf(*thisCatGen, catName);
02685     else theCompGen->addPdf(_dummyExtPdf, catName);
02686   }
02688   theCompGen->Print();
02689   //theCompGen->Print("v");
02690   RooArgSet nullDS;
02691   cout << "Expected number of events generated : " 
02692        << theCompGen->expectedEvents(&nullDS)<<endl;
02693   for (Int_t i=0; i<nCats; i++) {
02694     TString catName=((RooCatType*)compGenCat->lookupType(i))->GetName();
02695     compGenCat->setLabel(catName);
02696     cout<<"\t"<<catName<<" "
02697         <<theCompGen->expectedEvents(&nullDS)<<endl;
02698   }
02700   return theCompGen;
02701 }
02707 RooAbsPdf *rarMLFitter::getExtCompPdf(RooAbsPdf *thePdf, RooAbsReal *theCoef)
02708 {
02709   RooAbsPdf *theComp(0);
02710   TString thePdfName=thePdf->GetName();
02711   TString theCoefName=theCoef->GetName();
02712   TString theCompName="ExtComp_"+thePdfName+"_"+theCoefName;
02713   if (theComp=(RooAbsPdf*)_extCompPdfs.find(theCompName)) return theComp;
02714   // if simFit?
02715   if (!getControlBit("SimFit")) {
02716     theComp=new RooAddPdf
02717       (theCompName, theCompName, RooArgList(*thePdf), RooArgList(*theCoef));
02718     _extCompPdfs.add(*theComp);
02719     return theComp;
02720   }
02721   // create extended sim comp
02722   RooAbsCategoryLValue *theCat=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
02723     (&((RooSimultaneous*)_thePdf)->indexCat());
02724   RooArgSet *theSimSet=_thePdf->getComponents();
02725   theComp=new RooSimultaneous(theCompName, theCompName, *theCat);
02726   _extCompPdfs.add(*theComp);
02727   TIterator* catTypeIter = theCat->typeIterator();
02728   RooCatType *theType(0);
02729   while(theType=(RooCatType*)catTypeIter->Next()) {
02730     TString theTypeName=theType->GetName();
02731     RooAbsPdf *thisPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)
02732       findSimed(*theSimSet, thePdfName, theTypeName);
02733     RooAbsReal *thisCoef=(RooAbsReal*)
02734       findSimed(*theSimSet, theCoefName, theTypeName);
02735     RooAbsPdf *thisCatPdf=&_dummyExtPdf;
02736     if (thisPdf&&thisCoef) {
02737       thisCatPdf=new RooAddPdf
02738         ("extComp_"+theTypeName+"_"+thePdfName+"_"+theCoefName,
02739          "extComp "+theTypeName+" "+thePdfName+" "+theCoefName,
02740          *thisPdf, *thisCoef);
02741     }
02742     //thisCatPdf->Print();
02743     //thisCatPdf->Print("v");
02744     ((RooSimultaneous *)theComp)->addPdf(*thisCatPdf, theTypeName);
02745   }
02747   delete catTypeIter;
02748   return theComp;
02749 }
02754 void rarMLFitter::getSnB()
02755 {
02756   if (_theSPdf) return;
02757   // get proj components
02758   rarStrParser compStrParser=readConfStr("projComps", "", _runSec);
02759   if (compStrParser.nArgs()<=0) {
02760     cout<<"no projection component defined with config \"projComps\""
02761         <<" in section \""<<_runSec<<"\""<<endl;
02762     exit(-1);
02763   }
02764   // S and B argList
02765   RooArgList sList, bList;
02766   Int_t nComp=1;
02767   if (getControlBit("SimFit")) nComp=_nComp;
02768   for (Int_t i=0; i<nComp; i++) {
02769     rarMLPdf *mlPdf=(rarMLPdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
02770     TList *pdfList=mlPdf->getPdfList();
02771     Int_t pdfSize=pdfList->GetSize();
02772     RooArgList coefList(mlPdf->getCoeffList());
02773     for (Int_t j=0; j<pdfSize; j++) {
02774       rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)pdfList->At(j);
02775       RooAbsReal *theCoef=(RooAbsReal*)coefList.at(j);
02776       _fCompList.Add(thePdf);
02777       _fCoefList.add(*theCoef);
02778       RooAbsPdf *theExtCompPdf=getExtCompPdf(thePdf->getPdf(), theCoef);
02779       // S or B?
02780       if (compStrParser.Have(thePdf->GetName())) {
02781         sList.add(*theExtCompPdf);
02782         _sCompList.Add(thePdf);
02783         _sCoefList.add(*theCoef);
02784       } else bList.add(*theExtCompPdf);
02785     }
02786   }
02787   if ((sList.getSize()<1)||(bList.getSize()<1)) {
02788     cout<<"Can not find any comp for projPlot"<<endl;
02789     exit(-1);
02790   }
02791   // create S and B
02792   _theSPdf=new RooAddPdf("S_Pdf", "S Pdf", sList);
02793   _theBPdf=new RooAddPdf("B_Pdf", "B Pdf", bList);
02795   return;
02796 }
02804 RooDataSet *rarMLFitter::getLLRDataset(RooDataSet *theData, RooFormulaVar *LLR)
02805 {
02806   RooDataSet *retDS=new
02807     RooDataSet(*theData,Form("%s_wLLR", theData->GetName()));
02809   // add limits to the newly created dataset,
02810   // because the derived column, LLR, needs those limits to get normalization
02811   setColLimits(retDS);
02812   // now add the derived column
02813   //LLR->Print();
02814   //LLR->Print("v");
02815   //retDS->Print();
02816   //retDS->Print("v");
02817   retDS->addColumn(*LLR);
02818   // now remove the limits
02819   setColLimits(retDS, kFALSE);
02820   // if removing limits of derived columns is keeping causing problems,
02821   // we should not remove the limits any longer,
02822   // because if the limits are causing the problems,
02823   // it usually should be fixed by changing the deriving formula,
02824   // or other method. It is reasonable to have limits.
02826   return retDS;
02827 }
02835 void rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(RooDataSet *projData, TList &plotList)
02836 {
02837   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doLLRPlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
02838   TString llrStr=readConfStr("projLLRPlots", "yes", _runSec);
02839   if ("no"==llrStr) return;
02840   // dummy projection settings
02841   RooArgSet projVarSet;
02842   RooArgSet depVarSet(_fObsSet);
02843   depVarSet.remove(_conditionalObs,kFALSE,kTRUE);
02844   // construct lRatio
02845   const RooAbsReal *theSProj=_theSPdf->createPlotProjection(depVarSet, projVarSet);
02846   const RooAbsReal *theBProj=_theBPdf->createPlotProjection(depVarSet, projVarSet);
02847   RooArgList projPdfList(*theSProj, *theBProj, "Projected Pdf List");
02848   TString formulaStr="@0/(@0+@1)";
02849   TString funcName="LLR";
02850   RooFormulaVar *lRatioFunc=new
02851     RooFormulaVar(funcName, "LRatio Func", formulaStr, projPdfList);
02852   // get bins
02853   Int_t nBins=atoi(readConfStr("plotBins_LLR", "100", _runSec));
02854   // now for projection dataset
02855   TH1F *LLRP0=new TH1F(Form("LLR_%s", projData->GetName()),"LLR ds",nBins,0,1);
02856   projData=getLLRDataset(projData, lRatioFunc);
02857   for (Int_t idxEvt=0; idxEvt<projData->numEntries(); idxEvt++) {
02858     RooArgSet *dEntry=(RooArgSet*)projData->get(idxEvt);
02859     LLRP0->Fill(((RooRealVar*)dEntry->find(funcName))->getVal(),
02860                 projData->weight());
02861   }
02862   LLRP0->Print("v");
02863   plotList.Add(LLRP0);
02864   RooDataSet *protData(0);
02866   if (_protDataVars.getSize()>0)
02867     protData=(RooDataSet*)projData->reduce(_protDataVars);
02868   RooArgSet theDeps(*_thePdf->getDependents(projData));
02869   if (protData) theDeps.remove(*_thePdf->getDependents(protData));
02871   // now for total model
02872   TString projLLRScale=
02873     readConfStr(Form("projLLRScale_%s", GetName()), "-1", _runSec);
02874   if ("-1"==projLLRScale)
02875     projLLRScale=readConfStr("projLLRScale", "10", _runSec);
02876   Double_t scale=atof(projLLRScale);
02877   Int_t nEvt=(Int_t)(scale*projData->numEntries());
02878   if (nEvt>0) {
02879     getLLRPlot(plotList, GetName(), _thePdf, nEvt,
02880                theDeps, protData, nBins, lRatioFunc);
02881   } else {
02882     cout<<" Do not generate sample for LLR plot of "<<GetName()<<endl;
02883   }
02884   // for comp in projComps and projLLRPlots
02885   TString llrCompStr="";
02886   if ("yes"!=llrStr) llrCompStr=llrStr;
02887   else for (Int_t i=0; i<_fCompList.GetSize(); i++)
02888     llrCompStr+=Form(" \"%s\"", _fCompList.At(i)->GetName());
02889   rarStrParser llrStrParser=llrCompStr;
02890   while (llrStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
02891     TString compName=llrStrParser[0];
02892     llrStrParser.Remove();
02893     rarBasePdf *compPdf=(rarBasePdf*)_fCompList.FindObject(compName);
02894     if (!compPdf) continue;
02895     Int_t compIdx=_fCompList.IndexOf(compPdf);
02896     RooAbsPdf *thePdf=compPdf->getSimPdf();
02897     if (!thePdf) thePdf=compPdf->getPdf();
02898     // scale
02899     TString projLLRScale=
02900       readConfStr(Form("projLLRScale_%s", compPdf->GetName()), "-1", _runSec);
02901     if ("-1"==projLLRScale)
02902       projLLRScale=readConfStr("projLLRScale", "10", _runSec);
02903     Double_t scale=atof(projLLRScale);
02904     // find #evt
02905     Int_t nEvt=(Int_t)(scale*((RooAbsReal&)_fCoefList[compIdx]).getVal());
02906     if (nEvt<=0) {
02907       cout<<" Negative yield for component "<<compPdf->GetName()
02908           <<", Ignored!!!"<<endl;
02909       continue;
02910     }
02911     getLLRPlot(plotList, compPdf->GetName(), thePdf, nEvt,
02912                theDeps, protData, nBins, lRatioFunc);
02913   }
02914   // delete the created projData
02915   delete projData;
02917   return;
02918 }
02931 void rarMLFitter::getLLRPlot(TList &plotList, TString plotName,
02932                              RooAbsPdf *thePdf, Int_t nEvt,
02933                              RooArgSet theDeps, RooDataSet *protData,
02934                              Int_t nBins, RooAbsReal *LLRFunc)
02935 {
02936   TString histName="LLR_"+plotName;
02937   if (plotList.FindObject(histName)) return;
02938   TH1F *theHist(0);
02939   // generate dataset with the non-fancy generator
02940   RooDataSet *theData(0);
02941   if (protData)
02942     theData=thePdf->generate(theDeps,*protData,nEvt,kFALSE,kTRUE);
02943   else theData=thePdf->generate(theDeps, nEvt);
02944   theData->addColumn(*LLRFunc);
02945   theHist=new TH1F(histName, "LLR hist", nBins,0,1);
02946   for (Int_t idxEvt=0; idxEvt<theData->numEntries(); idxEvt++) {
02947     RooArgSet *dEntry=(RooArgSet*)theData->get(idxEvt);
02948     theHist->Fill(((RooRealVar*)dEntry->find(LLRFunc->GetName()))->getVal(),
02949                   theData->weight());
02950   }
02951   theHist->Print("v");
02952   plotList.Add(theHist);
02953   delete theData;
02954   return;
02955 }
02969 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::doProjPlot(RooDataSet *projData, RooRealVar *theVar,
02970                                  TList &plotList)
02971 {
02972   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doProjPlot of "<<theVar->GetName()
02973       <<" for "<<GetName()<<endl;
02974   RooPlot *frame(0);
02975   // theVar name
02976   TString varName=theVar->GetName();
02977   // get proj plot data
02978   TString ppdStr=readConfStrCnA("projPlotData_"+varName,"");
02979   RooDataSet *projPlotData(0);
02980   if (""!=ppdStr) projPlotData=_datasets->getData(ppdStr);
02981   if(projPlotData) chkBlind(projPlotData->GetName());
02982   if(!projPlotData) projPlotData=projData;
02983   cout<<" Using dataset "<<projPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
02984   RooArgSet projVarSet;
02985   //projVarSet.add(*theVar); // JA
02986   RooArgSet depVarSet(_fObsSet);
02987   //depVarSet.remove(projVarSet, kFALSE, kTRUE); // JA
02988   depVarSet.remove(*theVar, kFALSE, kTRUE); // JA
02989   depVarSet.remove(_conditionalObs, kFALSE, kTRUE);
02990   // construct lRatio
02991   //_theSPdf->Print();
02992   //_theSPdf->Print("v");
02993   //_theBPdf->Print();
02994   //_theBPdf->Print("v");
02996   TString LRatioCut=readConfStr("projLRatioCut_"+varName, "-1", _runSec);
02997   if ("-1"==LRatioCut) LRatioCut=readConfStr("projLRatioCut", "-1", _runSec);
02998   // see if we need to find the optimal cut
02999   TString findOptCut=readConfStr("projFindOptimCut_"+varName,"notSet",_runSec);
03000   if ("notSet"==findOptCut)
03001     findOptCut=readConfStr("projFindOptimCut", "no", _runSec);
03003   RooDataSet* sliceData = 0;
03004   bool delDS = false;
03006   if ( LRatioCut!="-1" || findOptCut!="no" ) {
03007     const RooAbsReal *theSProj=_theSPdf->createPlotProjection(depVarSet, projVarSet);
03008     const RooAbsReal *theBProj=_theBPdf->createPlotProjection(depVarSet, projVarSet);
03009     RooArgList projPdfList(*theSProj, *theBProj, "Projected Pdf List");
03010     TString formulaStr="@0/(@0+@1)";
03011     TString funcName="lRatioFunc_"+varName;
03012     RooFormulaVar *lRatioFunc=new
03013       RooFormulaVar(funcName, "LRatio Func", formulaStr, projPdfList);
03015     projPlotData=getLLRDataset(projPlotData, lRatioFunc);
03016     delDS = true;
03017     // get the cut
03018     if ("no"!=findOptCut) {
03019       cout<<"Finding optimal cut"<<endl;
03020       // set steps
03021       TString projOptStep=readConfStr("projOptimStep_"+varName, "-1", _runSec);
03022       if ("-1"==projOptStep)
03023         projOptStep=readConfStr("projOptimStep", ".005", _runSec);
03024       Int_t sStep=(Int_t)(.5+1./atof(projOptStep));
03025       if (sStep<=0) sStep=10;
03026       cout<<"Searching step: "<<1./sStep<<", ie "<<sStep<<" steps"<<endl;
03027       // do we have any cut from projPlotData
03028       TString ppdCut="1";
03029       rarStrParser cutParser=ppdStr;
03030       if (cutParser.nArgs()>=2) ppdCut=cutParser[1];
03031       // do we have any range cuts
03032       TString optRangeCut=readConfStr("projOptimRange_"+varName, "-1", _runSec);
03033       if ("-1"==optRangeCut)
03034         optRangeCut=readConfStr("projOptimRange", "1", _runSec);
03035       if (("1"!=optRangeCut)||("1"!=ppdCut)) {
03036         // remove any " in cut string
03037         optRangeCut.ReplaceAll("\"", "");
03038         optRangeCut="("+optRangeCut+")&&("+ppdCut+")";
03039         cout<<"With cuts "<<optRangeCut<<endl;
03040       }
03041       // reduced total sample
03042       cout<<" Reducing "<<projPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
03043       RooDataSet *theData=(RooDataSet*)projPlotData->reduce(optRangeCut);
03044       // create histogram for ratio searching
03045       TH1F *nTotHist=new TH1F("nTotHist_"+varName,"nTotHist_"+varName,sStep,0,1);
03046       cout<<" Creating nTotHist_"+varName<<endl;
03047       for (Int_t idxEvt=0; idxEvt<theData->numEntries(); idxEvt++) {
03048         RooArgSet *dEntry=(RooArgSet*)theData->get(idxEvt);
03049         nTotHist->Fill(((RooRealVar*)dEntry->find(funcName))->getVal(),
03050                        theData->weight());
03051       }
03052       delete theData;
03053       nTotHist->Print("v");
03054       plotList.Add(nTotHist);
03055       // get datasets for efficiency calculation
03056       rarStrParser optDataStrParser=readConfStr("projOptimData", "", _runSec);
03057       // get max size of the dataset
03058       Int_t projDataSize=atoi(readConfStr("projOptimDataLimit","40000",_runSec));
03059       if (projDataSize<=1000) projDataSize=1000;
03060       // get histograms for components
03061       TList hList;
03062       RooArgSet fullObsWOEVars(*_fullObs);
03063       fullObsWOEVars.remove(_protDataEVars, kFALSE, kTRUE);
03064       const char *dummy("");
03065       for (Int_t i=0; i<_sCompList.GetSize(); i++) {
03066         rarBasePdf *rarPdf=(rarBasePdf*)_sCompList.At(i);
03067         RooDataSet *theData=rarPdf->getData(dummy);
03068         if (optDataStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
03069           TString theDataName=optDataStrParser[0];
03070           optDataStrParser.Remove();
03071           theData=_datasets->getData(theDataName);
03072           if (!theData) {
03073             cout<<"Can not find dataset named "<<theDataName<<endl
03074                 <<"Use the default dataset"<<endl;
03075             theData=rarPdf->getData(dummy);
03076           }
03077         }
03078         Bool_t reducedData(kFALSE);
03079         // now get a smaller subset of the dataset
03080         if ((theData->numEntries()>projDataSize)||(_protDataEVars.getSize()>0)) {
03081           cout<<" Reducing "<<theData->GetName()<<endl;
03082           Int_t nEvt=theData->numEntries();
03083           if (nEvt>projDataSize) nEvt=projDataSize;
03084           theData=(RooDataSet*)
03085             theData->reduce(SelectVars(fullObsWOEVars),EventRange(0, nEvt-1));
03086           reducedData=kTRUE;
03087         }
03088         // make sure protDataEVars in theData are from prototype data
03089         if (_protDataEVars.getSize()>0) {
03090           RooDataSet protEData("protEData", "protEData", _protDataEVars);
03091           Int_t nEvt=theData->numEntries();
03092           Int_t nProtEvt=projPlotData->numEntries();
03093           cout<<" Getting protDataEVars from "<<projPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
03094           for (Int_t j=0; j<nEvt; j++) {
03095             Int_t I=RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Integer(nProtEvt);
03096             protEData.add(*projPlotData->get(I));
03097           }
03098           cout<<" Merging protDataEVars to "<<theData->GetName()<<endl;
03099           theData->merge(&protEData);
03100         }
03101         cout<<" Adding LRatio to "<<theData->GetName()<<endl;
03102         RooDataSet *tmpData=theData;
03103         RooDataSet *theDataNew=getLLRDataset(theData, lRatioFunc);
03104         theData=theDataNew;
03105         Double_t sigScale=theData->numEntries();
03106         theData=(RooDataSet*)theData->reduce(optRangeCut);
03107         if (reducedData) delete tmpData; // delete if created here
03108         sigScale=theData->numEntries()/sigScale;
03109         TString hName=Form("hist_%s_%s", rarPdf->GetName(), varName.Data());
03110         TH1F *h=new TH1F(hName, hName, sStep, 0, 1);
03111         cout<<" Creating histogram "<<h->GetName()<<endl;
03112         for (Int_t idxEvt=0; idxEvt<theData->numEntries(); idxEvt++) {
03113           RooArgSet *dEntry=(RooArgSet*)theData->get(idxEvt);
03114           h->Fill(((RooRealVar*)dEntry->find(funcName))->getVal(),
03115                   theData->weight());
03116         }
03117         plotList.Add(h);
03118         h->Scale(sigScale/h->GetEntries());
03119         h->Print("v");
03120         hList.Add(h);
03121         delete theData;
03122         delete theDataNew;
03123       }
03124       // set optimization formula, default (n1+n2+...)^2/ntotal
03125       TString optimFormulaStr=
03126         readConfStr("projOptimFormula_"+varName, "notSet", _runSec);
03127       if ("notSet"==optimFormulaStr)
03128         optimFormulaStr=readConfStr("projOptimFormula", "notSet", _runSec);
03129       if ("notSet"==optimFormulaStr) optimFormulaStr="@0*@0/@1";
03130       optimFormulaStr.ReplaceAll("\"", "");
03131       RooRealVar NprojVar("NprojVar", "NprojVar", 0);
03132       RooRealVar NtotalVar("NtotalVar", "NtotalVar", 1);
03133       RooFormulaVar optimFormula("optimFormula", optimFormulaStr,
03134                                  RooArgList(NprojVar, NtotalVar));
03135       cout<<" Optimization formula: "<<optimFormulaStr<<endl;
03136       Double_t bestRatio(0.), bestCut(0.);
03137       for (Int_t i=0; i<sStep+1; i++) {
03138         //Double_t nTot=nTotHist->Integral(i, sStep);
03139         //if (nTot<=0) continue;
03140         NtotalVar.setVal(nTotHist->Integral(i, sStep));
03141         if (NtotalVar.getVal()<=0) continue;
03142         Double_t nSig(0.);
03143         for (Int_t j=0; j<_sCoefList.getSize(); j++) {
03144           nSig+=((RooAbsReal &)_sCoefList[j]).getVal()*
03145             ((TH1F*)hList.At(j))->Integral(i, sStep);
03146         }
03147         NprojVar.setVal(nSig);
03148         //Double_t ratio=nSig*nSig*nSig/nTot;
03149         //cout<<i<<" nSig:"<<nSig<<" nTot:"<<nTot<<" ratio:"<<ratio<<endl;
03150         Double_t ratio=optimFormula.getVal();
03151         cout<<i<<" nSig:"<<NprojVar.getVal()<<" nTot:"<<NtotalVar.getVal()
03152             <<" ratio:"<<ratio<<endl;
03153         if (ratio>bestRatio) {
03154           bestRatio=ratio;
03155           bestCut=i;
03156         }
03157       }
03158       bestCut=bestCut/((Double_t)sStep);
03159       LRatioCut=Form("%f", bestCut);
03160       cout<<"optimal cut @ "<<bestCut<<" with n^2/ntot="<<bestRatio<<endl;
03161     }
03162     LRatioCut=funcName+">"+LRatioCut;
03163     // reduce the dataset
03164     sliceData=(RooDataSet*)projPlotData->reduce(LRatioCut);
03165   } else {
03166     sliceData = (RooDataSet*)projPlotData->Clone(); // to avoid SEGV on delete
03167   }
03168   // get plot bins
03169   Int_t nBins=atoi(readConfStr(Form("plotBins_%s", theVar->GetName()),
03170                                "0", _runSec));
03171   if (nBins<=0) nBins=theVar->getBins();
03172   // get X error scaling
03173   Double_t xerrorscale = atof(readConfStr("XErrorSize", "1.0", _runSec));
03174   // plot range
03175   Double_t plotMin=theVar->getMin();
03176   Double_t plotMax=theVar->getMax();
03177   RooBinning *abins=
03178     getRange(theVar, "plotRange_", plotMin, plotMax, _runSec, &nBins);
03179   abins->Print();
03180   // plot name and title
03181   TString frameName=Form("proj_%s", theVar->GetName());
03182   TString frameTitle;
03183   if ( LRatioCut != "" ) {
03184     frameTitle =
03185       Form("projection of %s with %s",theVar->GetTitle(), LRatioCut.Data());
03186   } else {
03187     frameTitle =  Form("projection of %s",theVar->GetTitle());
03188   }
03189   // do we need to have asym plot?
03190   TString projAsymPlot=readConfStr("projAsymPlot_"+varName,"notSet", _runSec);
03191   if ("notSet"==projAsymPlot)
03192     projAsymPlot=readConfStr("projAsymPlot","no", _runSec);
03193   // Lists for proj datasets
03194   TList projDS;
03195   TList projNames;
03196   projDS.Add(sliceData);
03197   projNames.Add(new TObjString(frameName));
03198   // proj cat
03199   TString projPlotCat=readConfStr("projPlotCat_"+varName,"notSet", _runSec);
03200   if ("notSet"==projPlotCat)
03201     projPlotCat=readConfStr("projPlotCat","no", _runSec);
03202   if ("no"!=projPlotCat) {
03203     rarStrParser projPlotCatParser=projPlotCat;
03204     while (projPlotCatParser.nArgs()>0) {
03205       TString catName=projPlotCatParser[0];
03206       projPlotCatParser.Remove();
03207       RooAbsCategory *projCat=(RooAbsCategory *)_fullObs->find(catName);
03208       if (!projCat) {
03209         cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
03210             <<" category "<<catName<<" does not exist!"<<endl;
03211         continue;
03212       }
03213       if (catName==projAsymPlot) {
03214         cout<<" "<<catName<<" is used for asymPlot"<<endl
03215             <<" Ignored"<<endl;
03216         continue;
03217       }
03218       TIterator *cIter=projCat->typeIterator();
03219       RooCatType *cType(0);
03220       while(cType=(RooCatType*)cIter->Next()) {
03221         TString catCut=catName+"=="+catName+"::"+cType->GetName();
03222         RooDataSet *catSliceData=(RooDataSet*)sliceData->reduce(catCut);
03223         projDS.Add(catSliceData);
03224         projNames.Add(new TObjString(frameName+"_"+catCut));
03225       }
03226       delete cIter;
03227     }
03228   }
03229   // projection plot for each dataset
03230   for (Int_t pIdx=0; pIdx<projDS.GetSize(); pIdx++) {
03231     sliceData=(RooDataSet*)projDS.At(pIdx);
03232     frameName=projNames.At(pIdx)->GetName();
03233     if ("no"==projAsymPlot) {
03234       frame=getProjPlot(theVar, plotMin, plotMax, nBins, sliceData,
03235                      frameName, frameTitle, plotList, RooCmdArg(), RooCmdArg(),
03236                       XErrorSize(xerrorscale));
03237     } else { // asym plot
03238       // check cat
03239       RooCategory *cat=(RooCategory *)_fullObs->find(projAsymPlot);
03240       if (!cat) {
03241         cout<<"Can not find category: "<<projAsymPlot<<endl;
03242         exit(-1);
03243       }
03244       // make sure it is two-type cat
03245       if (2!=cat->numTypes()) {
03246         cout<<"Asym plot is for two-type category only"<<endl;
03247         exit(-1);
03248       }
03249       TIterator *catI=cat->typeIterator();
03250       RooCatType *theCatType=(RooCatType*)catI->Next();
03251       TString catCutA=
03252         projAsymPlot+"=="+projAsymPlot+"::"+theCatType->GetName();
03253       Int_t catIdxA=theCatType->getVal();
03254       theCatType=(RooCatType*)catI->Next();
03255       TString catCutB=
03256         projAsymPlot+"=="+projAsymPlot+"::"+theCatType->GetName();
03257       Int_t catIdxB=theCatType->getVal();
03258       TString catCutMinus=catIdxA<catIdxB?catCutA:catCutB;
03259       TString catCutPlus =catIdxA>catIdxB?catCutA:catCutB;
03260       RooDataSet *catSliceData=(RooDataSet*)sliceData->reduce(catCutMinus);
03261       cout<<"Dataset (-) with cut: "<<catCutMinus<<endl;
03262       catSliceData->Print();
03263       RooPlot *frameM=
03264         getProjPlot(theVar, plotMin, plotMax, nBins, catSliceData,
03265                     frameName+"_Minus", frameTitle+" Minus", plotList,
03266                     RooCmdArg(), RooCmdArg(), XErrorSize(xerrorscale));
03267       delete catSliceData;
03268       catSliceData=(RooDataSet*)sliceData->reduce(catCutPlus);
03269       cout<<"Dataset (+) with cut: "<<catCutPlus<<endl;
03270       catSliceData->Print();
03271       RooPlot *frameP=
03272         getProjPlot(theVar, plotMin, plotMax, nBins, catSliceData,
03273                     frameName+"_Plus", frameTitle+" Plus", plotList,
03274                      RooCmdArg(), RooCmdArg(), XErrorSize(xerrorscale));
03275       delete catSliceData;
03276       delete catI;
03277       // now asym plot
03278       frame=getProjPlot(theVar, plotMin, plotMax, nBins, sliceData,
03279                         frameName+"_Asym", frameTitle+" Asym", plotList,
03280                         Asymmetry(*cat), Binning(*abins), 
03281                         XErrorSize(xerrorscale), frameM, frameP);
03282     }
03283     sliceData->Print("v");
03284   }
03285   projDS.Delete();
03286   projNames.Delete();
03288   // do we need to save the dataset as well
03289   TString saveDS=readConfStrCnA("projPlotSaveLLR", "no");
03290   if ("no"==saveDS) {
03291     if ( delDS ) delete projPlotData;
03292   } else {
03293     TString dsName=projPlotData->GetName();
03294     dsName+="_";
03295     dsName+=theVar->GetName();
03296     projPlotData->SetName(dsName);
03298     TTree *theDSTree = createTreeFromDataset(projPlotData, kFALSE);
03299     plotList.Add(theDSTree);
03300   }
03302   cout<<endl<<"lRatio Cut: "<<LRatioCut<<endl;
03303   return frame;
03304 }
03325 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::getProjPlot(RooRealVar *theVar, Double_t plotMin,
03326                                   Double_t plotMax, Int_t nBins,
03327                                   RooDataSet *sliceData, TString frameName,
03328                                   TString frameTitle, TList &plotList,
03329                                   const RooCmdArg &asymCat,
03330                                   const RooCmdArg &nuBins,
03331                                   const RooCmdArg &xerrorscale,
03332                                   RooPlot *frameM, RooPlot *frameP)
03333 {
03334   // first add limits to addOns for sliceData
03335   setColLimits(sliceData);
03336   RooPlot *frame(0);
03337   frame=theVar->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
03338   RooLinkedList plotOpts;
03339   plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&asymCat);
03340   plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&nuBins);
03341   plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&xerrorscale);
03342   RooCmdArg datErrArg = DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2);
03343   if (sliceData->isWeighted())
03344     plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&datErrArg);
03345   sliceData->plotOn(frame, plotOpts);
03346   Int_t lineStyle=1;
03347   Int_t lineWidth=2;
03348   Int_t lineColor=kBlue;
03349   if (!(frameM&&frameP)) { // plot pdf and components
03350     //_thePdf->plotOn(frame, ProjWData(_conditionalObs, *sliceData),asymCat,
03351     _thePdf->plotOn(frame, ProjWData(*sliceData),asymCat,
03352                     LineStyle(lineStyle), LineColor(lineColor));
03353     for (Int_t i=0; i<_fCompList.GetSize(); i++) {
03354       if (lineStyle>2) lineStyle=2;
03355       else lineStyle=4;
03356       rarBasePdf *compPdf=(rarBasePdf*)_fCompList.At(i);
03357       TString pdfName=compPdf->getPdf()->GetName();
03358       TString compStr=pdfName+","+pdfName+"_*";
03359       cout<<"Comps to proj: "<<compStr<<endl;
03360       _thePdf->plotOn(frame, Components(compStr), ProjWData(*sliceData),
03361                       asymCat, LineWidth(lineWidth), LineStyle(lineStyle),
03362                       LineColor(getColor(i)), Name(pdfName));
03363     }
03364   } else { // plot asym between two sets of pdf components
03365     Int_t nCurves=(Int_t)frameP->numItems();
03366     for (Int_t i=1; i<nCurves; i++) {
03367       RooCurve *asymCurve(0);
03368       RooCurve *B0Curve(0), *B0barCurve(0);
03369       B0Curve= (RooCurve*) frameP->getObject(i);
03370       B0barCurve = (RooCurve*) frameM->getObject(i);
03371       if (B0Curve&&B0barCurve) {
03372         TString curveName=Form("asymCurve_%s", B0Curve->GetName());
03373         Int_t lineWidth=B0Curve->GetLineWidth();
03374         Int_t lineStyle=B0Curve->GetLineStyle();
03375         Int_t lineColor=B0Curve->GetLineColor();
03376         asymCurve=combCurves(B0Curve, B0barCurve, "(@0-@1)/(@0+@1)", "@0+@1>0",
03377                              curveName, lineWidth, lineStyle, lineColor);
03378       }
03379       if (asymCurve)
03380         frame->addPlotable(asymCurve);
03381     }
03382   }
03384   frame->SetNameTitle(frameName, frameTitle);
03385   //#ifndef RAR_USE_ROOT5
03386   frame->SetTitleSize(0.05);
03387   //#endif
03388   plotList.Add(frame);
03389   // remove limits
03390   setColLimits(sliceData, kFALSE);
03391   return frame;
03392 }
03407 RooCurve *rarMLFitter::combCurves(RooCurve *crv1, RooCurve *crv2,
03408                                   const char *formula, const char *valid,
03409                                   const char *crvName, Int_t lineWidth,
03410                                   Int_t lineStyle, Int_t lineColor)
03411 {
03412   RooCurve* newCurve = new RooCurve();
03413   if (0 != crvName) newCurve->SetName(crvName);
03414   newCurve->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
03415   newCurve->SetLineStyle(lineStyle);
03416   newCurve->SetLineColor(lineColor);
03417   Double_t x1 = -1.E30;
03418   Double_t x2 = -1.E30;
03419   Double_t y1, y2;
03420   Int_t n1 = crv1->GetN();
03421   Int_t n2 = crv2->GetN();
03422   RooRealVar y1RV("y1RV", "", 0.), y2RV("y2RV", "", 0.);
03423   RooFormulaVar yComb("yComb", "", formula, RooArgSet(y1RV, y2RV));
03424   RooFormulaVar testOK("testOK", "", valid, RooArgSet(y1RV, y2RV));
03426   bool needPt = true;
03427   int i(0), j(0);
03428   while (i < n1-1 && j < n2-1) {
03429     while (i < n1-1 && (needPt || x1 < x2)) {
03430       needPt = false;
03431       crv1->GetPoint(++i, x1, y1);
03432       y1RV.setVal(y1);
03433     }
03434     while (j < n2-1 && (needPt || x2 < x1)) {
03435       needPt = false;
03436       crv2->GetPoint(++j, x2, y2);
03437       y2RV.setVal(y2);
03438     }
03439     if (x1 == x2 && 0 != testOK.getVal()) {
03440       //cout << i << " " << j << " " << x1 << " " << x2
03441       //<< "  " << y1 << "  " << y2 << endl;
03442       newCurve->addPoint(x1, yComb.getVal());
03443     }
03444     needPt = true;
03445   }
03446   //  newCurve->Print("v");
03448   return newCurve;
03449 }
03456 void rarMLFitter::scanVarShiftToNorm(RooArgList scanVars, TArrayD &scanVarDiff)
03457 {
03458   if ("no"==readConfStr("scanVarShiftToNorm", "no", _runSec)) return;
03459   for (Int_t i=0; i<scanVars.getSize(); i++) {
03460     RooRealVar *theVar=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(scanVars.at(i));
03461     if (!theVar) continue;
03462     theVar->setVal(theVar->getVal()+scanVarDiff[i]);
03463     //theVar->Print("v");
03464   }
03465 }
03476 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::doScanPlot(TList &plotList)
03477 {
03478   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doScanPlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
03479   RooPlot *frame(0);
03480   RooCurve *curve(0);
03481   // get fit option
03482   TString fitOption=readConfStr("scanPlotFitOption", "qemhr", _runSec);
03483   cout<<"scanPlot fit option: \""<<fitOption<<"\""<<endl;
03485   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
03486   Bool_t scanPlotExtended = fitOption.Contains("e");
03487   Bool_t scanPlotMinos    = fitOption.Contains("m");
03488   Bool_t scanPlotHesse    = fitOption.Contains("h");
03489   Bool_t scanPlotVerbose  = !fitOption.Contains("q");
03490   Bool_t scanPlotSave     = fitOption.Contains("r"); // return results
03492   // get scan plot data
03493   RooDataSet *scanPlotData=
03494     _datasets->getData(readConfStrCnA("scanPlotData", "notSet"));
03495   if(!scanPlotData) {
03496     cout<<endl<<" Please specify in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
03497         <<" the dataset you want to scan with config "<<endl<<endl
03498         <<"   scanPlotData = <datasetName>"<<endl
03499         <<endl<<" and ru-run your job"<<endl;
03500     exit(-1);
03501   }
03502   chkBlind(scanPlotData->GetName());
03503   cout<<" Using dataset "<<scanPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
03504   // full paramters
03505   RooArgSet fullParams(*_thePdf->getParameters(scanPlotData));
03506   // save them first
03507   string paramSStr0;
03508   writeToStr(fullParams, paramSStr0);
03509   // get scan plot vars
03510   RooArgSet scanVars;
03511   rarStrParser scanVarsParser=readConfStr("scanVars", "notSet", _runSec);
03512   while (scanVarsParser.nArgs()>0) {
03513     TString varName=scanVarsParser[0];
03514     scanVarsParser.Remove();
03515     RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)fullParams.find(varName);
03516     if (!theVar) continue;
03517     scanVars.add(*theVar);
03518     // new min?
03519     Double_t min=theVar->getMin();
03520     Double_t max=theVar->getMax();
03521     // check if the next two are limits for it
03522     if (isNumber(scanVarsParser[0])) {
03523       min=atof(scanVarsParser[0]);
03524       scanVarsParser.Remove();
03525     }
03526     if (isNumber(scanVarsParser[0])) {
03527       max=atof(scanVarsParser[0]);
03528       scanVarsParser.Remove();
03529     }
03530     if (min>max) {
03531       Double_t v=min;
03532       min=max;
03533       max=v;
03534     }
03535     theVar->setRange(min,max);
03536     theVar->setConstant();
03537   }
03538   if (scanVars.getSize()<1) {
03539     cout<<" Please specify var to scan with config scanVars"<<endl;
03540     exit(-1);
03541   }
03542   // if only one var to scan, create RooCurve for it
03543   if (scanVars.getSize()==1) {
03544     RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)RooArgList(scanVars).at(0);
03545     frame=theVar->frame(theVar->getMin(), theVar->getMax(), 100);
03546     frame->SetNameTitle(Form("NLLScanPlot_%s", theVar->GetName()),
03547                         Form("NLLScanPlot_%s", theVar->GetName()));
03548     frame->SetYTitle("-2 ln (L/L_{0})");
03549     curve=new RooCurve();
03550     curve->SetName("NLL_curve");
03551     frame->addPlotable(curve);
03552     frame->SetMinimum(0);
03553     plotList.Add(frame);
03554   }
03555   // save params
03556   string paramSStr;
03557   writeToStr(fullParams, paramSStr);
03558   // number of points
03559   Int_t nPoints=atoi(readConfStr("nScanPoints", "100", _runSec));
03560   if (nPoints<1) nPoints=1;
03561   RooRealVar NLL("NLL", "NLL", 0);
03562   RooArgSet scanSet(scanVars);
03563   scanSet.add(NLL);
03564   // Dataset for scan points
03565   RooDataSet *theDS=new RooDataSet("scanDS", "scanDS", scanSet);
03566   // save the old values for scanVars
03567   TArrayD scanVarDiff(scanVars.getSize());
03568   RooArgList scanList(scanVars);
03569   for (Int_t i=0; i<scanList.getSize(); i++) {
03570     scanVarDiff[i]=((RooAbsReal&)scanList[i]).getVal();
03571   }
03572   // do an initial fit to find min nll
03573   Double_t mNLL(0), maxNLL(0);
03574   scanVars.setAttribAll("Constant", kFALSE);
03575   cout<<" Refit to find mins for scanPlot"<<endl;
03576   RooFitResult *fr=_thePdf->fitTo(*scanPlotData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
03577                                   Save(scanPlotSave),Extended(scanPlotExtended), 
03578                                   Verbose(scanPlotVerbose), Hesse(scanPlotHesse),
03579                                   Minos(scanPlotMinos));
03581   //Int_t ncpus(1);
03582   //RooFitResult *fr=doTheFit(_thePdf, scanPlotData, fitOption, ncpus);
03584   if (fr->status()) {
03585     cout<<" Fit status for inital fit: "<<fr->status()<<endl;
03586     exit(-1);
03587   }
03588   mNLL=2*fr->minNll();
03589   // set the difference
03590   for (Int_t i=0; i<scanList.getSize(); i++) {
03591     scanVarDiff[i]-=((RooAbsReal&)scanList[i]).getVal();
03592     cout<<" scanVarDiff["<<scanList[i].GetName()<<"]="<<scanVarDiff[i]<<endl;
03593   }
03594   // save the min point
03595   Double_t theVarNormVal=((RooRealVar*)RooArgList(scanVars).at(0))->getVal();
03596   Double_t theVarNormNLL=2*fr->minNll();
03597   // fix the obs and refit again for scan points
03598   {
03599     scanVars.setAttribAll("Constant");
03600     RooFitResult *fr=_thePdf->fitTo(*scanPlotData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
03601                                     Save(scanPlotSave),Extended(scanPlotExtended), 
03602                                     Verbose(scanPlotVerbose), Hesse(scanPlotHesse),
03603                                     Minos(scanPlotMinos));
03604     //Int_t ncpus(1);
03605     //RooFitResult *fr=doTheFit(_thePdf, scanPlotData, fitOption, ncpus);
03607     if (fr->status()) {
03608       cout<<" Fit status for fit: "<<fr->status()<<endl;
03609       exit(-1);
03610     }
03611     // shift fixed values
03612     scanVarShiftToNorm(scanVars, scanVarDiff);
03613     // reset the mins
03614     theVarNormNLL=2*fr->minNll();
03615     theVarNormVal=((RooRealVar*)RooArgList(scanVars).at(0))->getVal();
03616     // save the point
03617     NLL.setVal(theVarNormNLL-mNLL);
03618     theDS->add(scanSet);
03619   }
03620   // first find nScanSegments for 1D
03621   Int_t nSegs=atoi(readConfStr("nScanSegments", "1", _runSec));
03622   if (nSegs<1) {
03623     cout<<" nScanSegments = "<<nSegs<<endl
03624         <<" reset to 1"<<endl;
03625     nSegs=1;
03626   }
03627   Int_t segIdx=_toyID%nSegs;
03628   for(Int_t i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
03629     // restore params
03630     readFromStr(fullParams, paramSStr);
03631     // loop over scanVars to set initial values
03632     RooArgList scanList(scanVars);
03633     for(Int_t j=0; j<scanList.getSize(); j++) {
03634       RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)scanList.at(j);
03635       Double_t min=theVar->getMin();
03636       Double_t max=theVar->getMax();
03637       if (scanList.getSize()>1) {
03638         theVar->setVal(min+(max-min)*RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Uniform());
03639       } else {
03640         // first find seg size
03641         Double_t segSize=(max-min)/nSegs;
03642         // reset the max and min
03643         min=min+segSize*segIdx;
03644         max=min+segSize;
03645         theVar->setVal(min+(max-min)*i/nPoints);
03646       }
03647       cout<<" Set scan var "<<theVar->GetName()<<" to "
03648           <<theVar->getVal()<<endl;
03649     }
03650     RooFitResult *fr=_thePdf->fitTo(*scanPlotData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
03651                                     Save(scanPlotSave),Extended(scanPlotExtended), 
03652                                     Verbose(scanPlotVerbose), Hesse(scanPlotHesse),
03653                                     Minos(scanPlotMinos));
03654     //Int_t ncpus(1);
03655     //RooFitResult *fr=doTheFit(_thePdf, scanPlotData, fitOption, ncpus);
03657     if (fr->status()) {
03658       cout<<" Fit status for point #"<<i<<": "<<fr->status()<<endl;
03659       scanVars.Print("v");
03660       continue;
03661     }
03662     // shift fixed values
03663     scanVarShiftToNorm(scanVars, scanVarDiff);
03664     // save NLL
03665     NLL.setVal(2*fr->minNll()-mNLL);
03666     theDS->add(scanSet);
03667     if (curve) {
03668       RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)RooArgList(scanVars).at(0);
03669       Double_t x=theVar->getVal();
03670       Double_t min=theVar->getMin();
03671       Double_t max=theVar->getMax();
03672       // first find seg size
03673       Double_t segSize=(max-min)/nSegs;
03674       // reset the max and min
03675       min=min+segSize*segIdx;
03676       max=min+segSize;
03677       curve->addPoint(x, NLL.getVal());
03678       if ((x<theVarNormVal)&&(theVarNormVal<x+(max-min)/nPoints)) {
03679         curve->addPoint(theVarNormVal, theVarNormNLL-mNLL);
03680       }
03681       if (NLL.getVal()>maxNLL) maxNLL=NLL.getVal();
03682     }
03683   }
03684   // save the TTree;
03685   TTree *theDSTree = createTreeFromDataset(theDS, kFALSE);
03686   plotList.Add(theDSTree);
03687   // set max for frame
03688   if (frame) frame->SetMaximum(maxNLL);
03690   if (scanVars.getSize()==1) {
03691     // do we have uncorrelated error?
03692     TString unCorrStr=readConfStr("scanUnCorrErr", "no", _runSec);
03693     if (!unCorrStr.BeginsWith("no")) {
03694       cout<<"scanUnCorrErr obsoleted, please use combine.C"<<endl
03695           <<"remove the config to re-run the job"<<endl;
03696       exit(-1);
03697       Double_t ucErr=atof(unCorrStr);
03698       if (ucErr<=0) {
03699         cout<<" Uncorrelated error should be > 0 ("<<unCorrStr<<")"<<endl;
03700         exit(-1);
03701       }
03702       // create a new curve for NLL w/ uncorrelated syst error
03703       RooCurve *uccurve=frame->getCurve("NLL_curve");
03704       if (!uccurve) {
03705         cout<<" Can not find curve: NLL_curve"<<endl;
03706         exit(-1);
03707       }
03708       uccurve=(RooCurve*)uccurve->Clone();
03709       uccurve->SetName("NLL_curve_unCorr");
03710       frame->addPlotable(uccurve);
03711       addErrToCurve(uccurve, ucErr, &maxNLL);
03712       frame->SetMaximum(maxNLL);
03713     }
03715     // do we have correlated error?
03716     TString corrStr=readConfStr("scanCorrErr", "no", _runSec);
03717     if (!corrStr.BeginsWith("no")) {
03718       cout<<"scanCorrErr obsoleted, please use combine.C"<<endl
03719           <<"remove the config to re-run the job"<<endl;
03720       exit(-1);
03721       Double_t cErr=atof(corrStr);
03722       if (cErr<=0) {
03723         cout<<" Correlated error should be > 0 ("<<corrStr<<")"<<endl;
03724         exit(-1);
03725       }
03726       // create a new curve for NLL w/ correlated syst error
03727       RooCurve *ccurve=frame->getCurve("NLL_curve_unCorr");
03728       if (!ccurve) ccurve=frame->getCurve("NLL_curve");
03729       if (!ccurve) {
03730         cout<<" Can not find curve named NLL_curve_unCorr or NLL_curve"<<endl;
03731         exit(-1);
03732       }
03733       ccurve=(RooCurve*)ccurve->Clone();
03734       ccurve->SetName("NLL_curve_Corr");
03735       frame->addPlotable(ccurve);
03736       addErrToCurve(ccurve, cErr, &maxNLL);
03737       frame->SetMaximum(maxNLL);
03738     }
03739   }
03741   // restore original params
03742   readFromStr(fullParams, paramSStr0);
03743   return frame;
03744 }
03754 void rarMLFitter::addErrToCurve(RooCurve *curve, Double_t errLo,Double_t errHi,
03755                                 Double_t *maxNLL)
03756 {
03757   if ((0==errLo)&&(0==errHi)) return;
03758   // first get the min point
03759   Double_t mean(0), yMin(0), err(errLo);
03760   rarNLL nll(curve);
03761   nll.getMin(mean, yMin);
03762   // shift yMin to zero
03763   shiftNLLCurve(curve, 0, -yMin);
03764   // add err onto curve
03765   Int_t nPoints=curve->GetN();
03766   for(Int_t i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
03767     Double_t x, chi2Stat;
03768     curve->GetPoint(i, x, chi2Stat);
03769     err=(x<=mean) ? errLo : errHi;
03770     if (0==err) continue;
03771     Double_t chi2Syst=(x-mean)*(x-mean)/(err*err);
03772     if (chi2Stat+chi2Syst==0.) continue;
03773     Double_t chi2Tot = chi2Stat*chi2Syst/(chi2Stat+chi2Syst);
03774     curve->SetPoint(i, x, chi2Tot);
03775     if (maxNLL) if (*maxNLL<chi2Tot) *maxNLL=chi2Tot;
03776   }
03777 }
03786 void rarMLFitter::addErrToCurve(RooCurve *curve, Double_t err,Double_t *maxNLL)
03787 {
03788   addErrToCurve(curve, err, err, maxNLL);
03789 }
03798 RooCurve *rarMLFitter::shiftNLLCurve(RooCurve *curve, Double_t dx, Double_t dy)
03799 {
03800   int nPoints=curve->GetN();
03801   for(Int_t i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
03802     Double_t x(0), y(0);
03803     curve->GetPoint(i, x, y);
03804     curve->SetPoint(i, x+dx, y+dy);
03805   }
03806   return curve;
03807 }
03817 RooCurve *rarMLFitter::combineNLLCurves(TList &curves, Bool_t shiftToZero,
03818                                         Double_t *maxNLL)
03819 {
03820   // first find all x values
03821   set<Double_t> xs;
03822   TList nlls;
03823   for (Int_t i=0; i<curves.GetSize(); i++) {
03824     RooCurve *curve=(RooCurve*)curves.At(i);
03825     rarNLL *nll=new rarNLL(curve);
03826     nlls.Add(nll);
03827     Int_t nPoints=curve->GetN();
03828     for (Int_t j=0; j<nPoints; j++) {
03829       Double_t x, y;
03830       curve->GetPoint(j, x, y);
03831       xs.insert(x);
03832     }
03833   }
03834   //nlls.Print();
03835   // Max y
03836   Double_t yMax(0);
03837   // build the combined curve
03838   RooCurve *theCurve=new RooCurve();
03839   set<Double_t>::iterator the_iterator=xs.begin();
03840   while (the_iterator!=xs.end()) {
03841     Double_t y=0;
03842     for (Int_t i=0; i<curves.GetSize(); i++) {
03843       rarNLL *nll=(rarNLL*)nlls.At(i);
03844       y+=nll->getNLL(*the_iterator);
03845     }
03846     if (yMax<y) yMax=y;
03847     theCurve->addPoint(*the_iterator, y);
03848     the_iterator++;
03849   }
03850   // shift min back to zero
03851   if (shiftToZero) {
03852     // find the new min
03853     rarNLL nll(theCurve);
03854     Double_t xMin(0), yMin(0);
03855     nll.getMin(xMin, yMin);
03856     if (yMin<-1e-05) { // should be >= 0
03857       cout<<" Min of combined NLL is "<<yMin<<endl
03858           <<" Should be equal to or greater than 0"<<endl;
03859     }
03860     // shift it back to zero
03861     shiftNLLCurve(theCurve, 0, -yMin);
03862     yMax-=yMin;
03863   }
03864   // return the max y
03865   if (maxNLL) if (*maxNLL<yMax) *maxNLL=yMax;
03867   return theCurve;
03868 }
03877 RooCurve *rarMLFitter::combineNLLCurves(TList &curves, Double_t errs[],
03878                                         Double_t *maxNLL)
03879 {
03880   // First build the combined curve
03881   RooCurve *theCurve=combineNLLCurves(curves, kTRUE, maxNLL);
03882   // Then add correlated errors
03883   TList lCurves, rCurves; // left and right shifted curves by errors
03884   for(Int_t i=0; i<curves.GetSize(); i++) {
03885     RooCurve *curve=(RooCurve*)curves.At(i);
03886     RooCurve *lCurve=(RooCurve*)curve->Clone();
03887     RooCurve *rCurve=(RooCurve*)curve->Clone();
03888     shiftNLLCurve(lCurve, -fabs(errs[i]), 0);
03889     shiftNLLCurve(rCurve, +fabs(errs[i]), 0);
03890     lCurves.Add(lCurve);
03891     rCurves.Add(rCurve);
03892   }
03893   RooCurve *lCurve=combineNLLCurves(lCurves);
03894   RooCurve *rCurve=combineNLLCurves(rCurves);
03895   Double_t lx(0), rx(0), yMin(0);
03896   rarNLL lnll(lCurve), rnll(rCurve);
03897   lnll.getMin(lx, yMin);
03898   rnll.getMin(rx, yMin);
03899   // the overall correlated error
03900   Double_t err=fabs(rx-lx)/2.;
03901   // add the overall correlated error to plot
03902   addErrToCurve(theCurve, err, maxNLL);
03904   return theCurve;
03905 }
03912 Double_t rarMLFitter::getMeanErrs(RooCurve *curve,
03913                                   Double_t *errLo, Double_t *errHi)
03914 {
03915   Double_t theX(0), theY(0);
03916   rarNLL theNLL(curve);
03917   theNLL.getMin(theX, theY);
03918   if (fabs(theY)>1e-5) {
03919     cout<<" The NLL curve is minimized @ y="<<theY<<endl
03920         <<" (should be y=0)"<<endl;
03921   }
03922   TArrayD errs=theNLL.getX(1+theY);
03923   if (errs.GetSize()!=2) {
03924     cout<<" W A R N I N G ! !"<<endl
03925         <<" The number of points for error from NLL curve is not TWO"<<endl
03926         <<" The first and last points (if any)"
03927         <<" will be used for error calculation"<<endl
03928         <<" Your results might be problematic"<<endl
03929         <<" The points found:"<<endl;
03930     for (Int_t i=0; i<errs.GetSize(); i++) {
03931       cout<<" "<<errs[i];
03932     }
03933     cout<<endl;
03934   }
03935   if (errs.GetSize()>0) {
03936     errs[0]-=theX;
03937     errs[errs.GetSize()-1]-=theX;
03938     if (errLo) *errLo=errs[0];
03939     if (errHi) *errHi=errs[errs.GetSize()-1];
03940   }
03941   return theX;
03942 }
03948 Double_t rarMLFitter::getSignf(RooCurve *curve, Double_t refVal)
03949 {
03950   rarNLL nll(curve);
03951   Double_t signf=nll.getNLL(refVal);
03952   if (signf<0) {
03953     cout<<" NLL("<<refVal<<")="<<signf<<"<0"<<endl;
03954     signf=0;
03955   }
03956   signf=sqrt(signf);
03957   //cout<<" Signf = "<<signf<<" ("<<curve->GetName()<<" @ "<<refVal<<")"<<endl;
03958   return signf;
03959 }
03965 Double_t rarMLFitter::getUL(RooCurve *curve, Double_t CL)
03966 {
03967   // first instantiate rarNLL object
03968   rarNLL theNLL(curve);
03969   Double_t theIntegral=theNLL.getLIntegral();
03970   Double_t UL=theNLL.getLIntegralInverse(theIntegral*CL);
03971   return UL;
03972 }
03985 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::doContourPlot(TList &plotList)
03986 {
03987   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doContourPlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
03988   RooPlot *frame(0);
03990   // get contour plot data
03991   RooDataSet *contourPlotData=
03992     _datasets->getData(readConfStr("contourPlotData", "notSet", _runSec));
03993   if(!contourPlotData) {
03994     cout<<endl<<" Please specify in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
03995         <<" the dataset you want to do contourPlot with config "<<endl<<endl
03996         <<"   contourPlotData = <datasetName>"<<endl
03997         <<endl<<" and ru-run your job"<<endl;
03998     exit(-1);
03999   }
04000   chkBlind(contourPlotData->GetName());
04001   cout<<" Using dataset "<<contourPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
04003   // full paramters
04004   RooArgSet fullParams(*_thePdf->getParameters(contourPlotData));
04005   // save them first
04006   string paramSSaver;
04007   writeToStr(fullParams, paramSSaver);
04009   // get contour plot vars
04010   rarStrParser contourVarsParser=readConfStr("contourVars", "notSet", _runSec);
04011   RooRealVar *contX(0), *contY(0);
04012   Double_t xMin(0), xMax(0), yMin(0), yMax(0);
04013   // for x
04014   contX=(RooRealVar*)fullParams.find(contourVarsParser[0]);
04015   contourVarsParser.Remove();
04016   if (!contX) {
04017     cout<<"Can not find parameter "<<contourVarsParser[0]<<endl;
04018     exit(-1);
04019   }
04020   xMin=contX->getMin();
04021   xMax=contX->getMax();
04022   // check if the next two are limits for it
04023   if (isNumber(contourVarsParser[0])) {
04024     xMin=atof(contourVarsParser[0]);
04025     contourVarsParser.Remove();
04026   }
04027   if (isNumber(contourVarsParser[0])) {
04028     xMax=atof(contourVarsParser[0]);
04029     contourVarsParser.Remove();
04030   }
04031   if (xMin>xMax) {
04032     Double_t v=xMin;
04033     xMin=xMax;
04034     xMax=v;
04035   }
04036   contX->setRange(xMin,xMax);
04037   // for y
04038   contY=(RooRealVar*)fullParams.find(contourVarsParser[0]);
04039   contourVarsParser.Remove();
04040   if (!contY) {
04041     cout<<"Can not find parameter "<<contourVarsParser[0]<<endl;
04042     exit(-1);
04043   }
04044   yMin=contY->getMin();
04045   yMax=contY->getMax();
04046   // check if the next two are limits for it
04047   if (isNumber(contourVarsParser[0])) {
04048     yMin=atof(contourVarsParser[0]);
04049     contourVarsParser.Remove();
04050   }
04051   if (isNumber(contourVarsParser[0])) {
04052     yMax=atof(contourVarsParser[0]);
04053     contourVarsParser.Remove();
04054   }
04055   if (yMin>yMax) {
04056     Double_t v=yMin;
04057     yMin=yMax;
04058     yMax=v;
04059   }
04060   contY->setRange(yMin,yMax);
04061   // change floating ranges for free parameters
04062   rarStrParser restParser=
04063     readConfStr("contourRestrictFloatParams", "no", _runSec);
04064   if ("no"!=restParser[0]) {
04065     Double_t dScale=2;
04066     if (isNumber(restParser[0])) {
04067       dScale=atof(restParser[0]);
04068       restParser.Remove();
04069     }
04070     // go through all parameters
04071     RooArgList fullParamList(fullParams);
04072     for (Int_t i=0; i<fullParamList.getSize(); i++) {
04073       RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)fullParamList.at(i);
04074       if ((contX==theVar)||(contY==theVar)) continue;
04075       if (TString("RooRealVar")!=theVar->ClassName()) continue;
04076       if (theVar->isConstant()) continue;
04077       if ((!theVar->hasError()) && (!theVar->hasAsymError())) continue;
04078       Double_t min=theVar->getMin();
04079       Double_t max=theVar->getMax();
04080       Double_t myScale=dScale;
04081       Int_t myIdx=restParser.Index(theVar->GetName());
04082       if ((myIdx>=0)&&isNumber(restParser[myIdx+1]))
04083         myScale=atof(restParser[myIdx+1]);
04084       Double_t nMin(min), nMax(max);
04085       if (theVar->hasError()&&(theVar->getError()>0)) {
04086         nMin=theVar->getVal()-theVar->getError()*myScale;
04087         nMax=theVar->getVal()+theVar->getError()*myScale;
04088       }
04089       if (theVar->hasAsymError()) {
04090         if (theVar->getAsymErrorLo()<0)
04091           nMin=theVar->getVal()+theVar->getAsymErrorLo()*myScale;
04092         if (theVar->getAsymErrorHi()>0)
04093           nMax=theVar->getVal()+theVar->getAsymErrorHi()*myScale;
04094       }
04095       if (nMin>nMax) {
04096         Double_t v=nMin;
04097         nMin=nMax;
04098         nMax=v;
04099       }
04100       if (nMin>min) min=nMin;
04101       if (nMax<max) max=nMax;
04102       theVar->setRange(min, max);
04103       cout<<" Reset limits: "
04104           <<theVar->GetName()<<" ("<<min<<", "<<max<<")"<<endl;
04105     }
04106   }
04108   // number of contour
04109   Int_t nContours=atoi(readConfStr("nContours", "2", _runSec));
04110   if (nContours<1) nContours=1;
04111   if (nContours>6) nContours=6;
04112   cout<<" Drawing "<<nContours<<" contour(s) of "
04113       <<contX->GetName()<<" vs "<<contY->GetName()<<endl<<endl;
04114   RooNLLVar nll("nll","nll",*_thePdf, *contourPlotData, kTRUE);
04115   rarMinuit min(nll);
04116   if      (nContours<=1) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 0);
04117   else if (2==nContours) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 2);
04118   else if (3==nContours) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 2, 3);
04119   else if (4==nContours) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 2, 3, 4);
04120   else if (5==nContours) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
04121   else if (6<=nContours) frame = min.contour(*contX, *contY, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
04122   TString myName=Form("contour_%s_%s", contX->GetName(), contY->GetName());
04123   if (frame) {
04124     frame->SetNameTitle(myName, myName);
04125     plotList.Add(frame);
04126   }
04128   // restore params
04129   readFromStr(fullParams, paramSSaver);
04130   return frame;
04131 }
04142 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::doCombinePlot(TList &plotList)
04143 {
04144   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doCombinePlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
04145   RooPlot *frame(0);
04147   // number of curves to combine
04148   Int_t ncurves = atoi(readConfStr("combineNcurves", "0", _runSec));
04150   if (ncurves <= 0) {
04151     cout << "combineNcurves must be set to 1 or more curves." << endl;
04152     return (0);
04153   }
04155   //cout << "Ncurves : " << ncurves << endl;
04157   vector<Double_t> addSystErrLo, addSystErrHi, fitBias;
04158   vector<Double_t> uncorrSystErrLo, uncorrSystErrHi, corrSystErr;
04159   vector<TString> filenames, plotnames;
04161   // set default for systematic errors
04162   Bool_t doUL = kTRUE;
04163   Double_t ConfidenceLevel(0.9);
04164   for (Int_t i=0; i < ncurves ; i++) {
04165     addSystErrLo.push_back(0.0);  addSystErrHi.push_back(0.0);
04166     uncorrSystErrLo.push_back(0.0); uncorrSystErrHi.push_back(0.0);
04167     corrSystErr.push_back(0.0);
04168     fitBias.push_back(0.0);
04169   }
04171   TString tempstr("");
04172   // read in file names
04173   tempstr = readConfStr("combineFilenames", "notSet", _runSec);
04174   if ("notSet" == tempstr) {
04175     cout << "combineFilenames must be specified." << endl;
04176     return(0);
04177   } else {
04178     rarStrParser rarFilenames = tempstr;
04179     if (rarFilenames.nArgs() < ncurves) {
04180       cout << "combineFilenames: Expected " << ncurves << " filenames, found " 
04181            << rarFilenames.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04182       return(0);
04183     }
04184     for (Int_t i=0; i < rarFilenames.nArgs() ; i++) {
04185       filenames.push_back(rarFilenames[i]);
04186       //cout << filenames[i] << endl;
04187     }
04188   }
04190   // read in RooPlot names from Scan action
04191   tempstr = readConfStr("combinePlotnames", "notSet", _runSec);
04192   if ("notSet" == tempstr) {
04193     cout << "combinePlotnames must be specified." << endl;
04194     return(0);
04195   } else {
04196     rarStrParser rarPlotnames = tempstr;
04197     if (rarPlotnames.nArgs() < ncurves) {
04198       cout << "combinePlotnames: Expected " << ncurves << " RooPlot scan plot names, found " 
04199            << rarPlotnames.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04200       return(0);
04201     }
04202     for (Int_t i=0; i < rarPlotnames.nArgs() ; i++) {
04203       plotnames.push_back(rarPlotnames[i]);
04204       //  cout << plotnames[i] << endl;
04205     }
04206   }
04208   // read in Fit bias
04209   tempstr = readConfStr("combineFitBias", "notSet", _runSec);
04210   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {
04211     rarStrParser rarFitBias = tempstr;
04212     if (rarFitBias.nArgs() < ncurves) {
04213       cout << "combineFitBias: Expected " << ncurves << " fit biases, found " 
04214            << rarFitBias.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04215       return(0);
04216     }
04217     for (Int_t i=0; i < rarFitBias.nArgs() ; i++) {
04218       fitBias[i]    = atof(rarFitBias[i]);
04219     }
04220   }
04221   // read in Additive systematic errors. If nArgs = ncurves, assume symmetric errors
04222   // if nArgs = 2*ncurves assume asymmetric (-ve/+ve).
04223   tempstr = readConfStr("combineAdditive", "notSet", _runSec);
04224   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {
04225     rarStrParser rarAddErrs = tempstr;
04226     Bool_t sym   = (rarAddErrs.nArgs() == ncurves);
04227     Bool_t assym = (rarAddErrs.nArgs() == (2*ncurves));
04229     if (!sym && !assym) {
04230       cout << "combineAdditive: Expected either " << ncurves << " (symmetric) errors or " 
04231            << ncurves*2 << " (asymmetric) errors. Found " << rarAddErrs.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04232       return (0);
04233     }
04234     for (Int_t i=0; i < ncurves ; i++) {
04235       if (assym) {
04236         addSystErrLo[i] = atof(rarAddErrs[2*i]);
04237         addSystErrHi[i] = atof(rarAddErrs[2*i+1]);
04238       } else {
04239         addSystErrHi[i] = atof(rarAddErrs[i]);
04240         addSystErrLo[i] = -1 * addSystErrHi[i];
04241       }
04242     }
04244   }
04246   // read in Uncorrelated systematic errors. 
04247   tempstr = readConfStr("combineMultiplicativeUncorrelated", "notSet", _runSec);
04248   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {
04249     rarStrParser rarSystErrs = tempstr;
04250     Bool_t sym   = (rarSystErrs.nArgs() == ncurves);
04251     Bool_t assym = (rarSystErrs.nArgs() == (2*ncurves));
04253     if (!sym && !assym) {
04254       cout << "combineMultiplicativeUncorrelated: Expected either " 
04255            << ncurves << " (symmetric) errors or " 
04256            << ncurves*2 << " (asymmetric) errors. Found "
04257            << rarSystErrs.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04258       return (0);
04259     }
04260     for (Int_t i=0; i < ncurves ; i++) {
04261       //     cout << "ASSYM : " << i << " " << rarSystErrs[2*i] << endl;
04262       if (assym) {
04263         //cout << rarSystErrs[2*i] << " " << rarSystErrs[2*i+1] << endl;
04264         uncorrSystErrLo[i] = atof(rarSystErrs[2*i]);
04265         uncorrSystErrHi[i] = atof(rarSystErrs[2*i+1]);
04266       } else {
04267         uncorrSystErrHi[i] = atof(rarSystErrs[i]);
04268         uncorrSystErrLo[i] = -1 * uncorrSystErrHi[i];
04269       }
04270     }
04271   }
04273   // read in correlated systematic errors. 
04274   tempstr = readConfStr("combineMultiplicativeCorrelated", "notSet", _runSec);
04275   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {
04276     rarStrParser rarSystMultErrs = tempstr;
04277     Bool_t sym   = (rarSystMultErrs.nArgs() == ncurves);
04279     if (!sym) {
04280       cout << "combineMultiplicativeCorrelated: Expected either " << ncurves 
04281            << " errors. Found " << rarSystMultErrs.nArgs() << "." << endl;
04282       return (0);
04283     }
04284     for (Int_t i=0; i < rarSystMultErrs.nArgs() ; i++) {
04285       corrSystErr[i] = atof(rarSystMultErrs[i]);
04286     }
04287   }
04289   // read in upper limit test
04290   tempstr = readConfStr("combineUpperLimit", "notSet", _runSec);
04291   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {
04292     rarStrParser rarULtest = tempstr;
04293     if (rarULtest.nArgs() != 2) {
04294       cout << "combineUpperLimit: Expected <yes/no> <CL>." << endl;
04295       return (0);
04296     }
04297     if (rarULtest[0] != "yes") {doUL = kFALSE;}
04298     ConfidenceLevel = atof(rarULtest[1]);
04299     if (ConfidenceLevel <= 0.0 || ConfidenceLevel >= 100) {
04300       cout << "combineUpperLimit: Expected CL between 0 and 100%. Found "
04301            <<  ConfidenceLevel << "." << endl;
04302       return (0);
04303     }
04304     ConfidenceLevel *=  0.01; // fraction rather than %
04305   }
04307   // read in upper limit test
04308   TString xAxisTitle = "";
04309   tempstr = readConfStr("combineXaxisTitle", "notSet", _runSec);
04310   rarStrParser xtitle = tempstr;
04311   if ("notSet" != tempstr) {xAxisTitle = xtitle[0];}
04313   Double_t uncorr_var(0);
04315   for (Int_t j=0; j < ncurves ; j++) {
04316     cout << endl << "Curve/mode: " << j << endl;
04317     cout << "ScanPlot File: " << filenames[j] << endl;
04318     cout << "ScanPlot Name: " << plotnames[j] << endl;
04319     cout << "Additive uncorrelated Error         : " << addSystErrLo[j] << "/" << addSystErrHi[j] << endl;
04320     cout << "Multiplicative correlated Error     : +/- " << corrSystErr[j] << endl;
04321     cout << "Multiplicative uncorrelated Error   : " << uncorrSystErrLo[j] 
04322          << "/" << uncorrSystErrHi[j] << endl;
04324     // Add uncorrelated errors together
04325     uncorr_var = pow(uncorrSystErrHi[j],2) + pow(addSystErrHi[j],2);
04326     uncorrSystErrHi[j] =  sqrt(uncorr_var);
04328     uncorr_var = pow(uncorrSystErrLo[j],2) + pow(addSystErrLo[j],2);
04329     uncorrSystErrLo[j] =  -1 * sqrt(uncorr_var);
04331     cout << "Total Uncorrelated (add+Mult) Error : " << uncorrSystErrLo[j] 
04332          << "/" << uncorrSystErrHi[j] << endl;
04334     Double_t tothi = pow(uncorrSystErrHi[j],2) + pow(corrSystErr[j],2);
04335     Double_t totlo = pow(uncorrSystErrLo[j],2) + pow(corrSystErr[j],2);
04336     cout << "Total Error                         : " << -1 * sqrt(totlo) << "/" << sqrt(tothi) << endl;
04337   }
04338   cout << endl;
04340   // now create the plots for each curved separately showing the total and stat. only
04341   // NLL distributions
04342   Bool_t doSignf = kTRUE;
04343   vector<Double_t> addLo, addHi, fb, unSystLo, unSystHi, corrSyst;
04344   vector<TString> fn, pn;
04345   RooPlot *thePlot(0);
04346   for (Int_t j=0; j < ncurves ; j++) {
04347     // reset the vectors
04348     fn.clear(); pn.clear(); addLo.clear(); addHi.clear();
04349     unSystLo.clear();unSystHi.clear(); corrSyst.clear(); fb.clear();
04350     // copy to a one element vector
04351     fn.push_back(filenames[j]); pn.push_back(plotnames[j]);
04352     addLo.push_back(addSystErrLo[j]); addHi.push_back(addSystErrHi[j]); 
04353     unSystLo.push_back(uncorrSystErrLo[j]); unSystHi.push_back(uncorrSystErrHi[j]);
04354     corrSyst.push_back(corrSystErr[j]); fb.push_back(fitBias[j]);
04356     // create the plot
04357     cout << endl << "Curve/mode: " << j << endl;
04358     thePlot = combine(1, fn, pn, fb, addLo, addHi, unSystLo, unSystHi,
04359                       corrSyst, xAxisTitle, doSignf, doUL, ConfidenceLevel);
04360     // update title
04361     thePlot->SetNameTitle(Form("combinePlot_Mode%d", j),"NLL with syst+stat and stat. errs only");
04362     plotList.Add(thePlot);
04363   }
04365   // Now combine the curves
04366   cout << endl << "Combined curves: " << endl;
04367   thePlot = combine(ncurves, filenames, plotnames, fitBias,
04368                              addSystErrLo, addSystErrHi,
04369                              uncorrSystErrLo, uncorrSystErrHi, corrSystErr, 
04370                              xAxisTitle, doSignf, doUL, ConfidenceLevel);
04372   thePlot->SetNameTitle("combinePlot","Combined curves");
04373   cout << endl;
04374   plotList.Add(thePlot);
04376   return (frame);
04377 }
04379 // combine NLL curves (w sys errs), draw the plots,
04380 // calculate signf. and UL based on the final curve
04381 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::combine(Int_t nModes, 
04382                               const vector<TString> fileNames,
04383                               const vector<TString> plotNames,
04384                               const vector<Double_t> fitBias,
04385                               const vector<Double_t> addSystErrLo,
04386                               const vector<Double_t> addSystErrHi,
04387                               const vector<Double_t> uncorrSystErrLo,
04388                               const vector<Double_t> uncorrSystErrHi,
04389                               const vector<Double_t> corrSystErr,
04390                               const TString xAxisTitle,
04391                               Bool_t doSignf, Bool_t doUL, Double_t CL)
04392 {
04393   RooPlot *thePlot(0);
04394   // List of RooCurves
04395   TList curves; // original individual NLL curves
04396   TList curvesWadds; // individual NLL curves with additive errors
04397   TList curvesWerrs; // individual NLL curves with uncorrelated errors
04399   // RooPlot properties
04400   TString yAxisTitle="-2 ln (L/L_{0})";
04401   Double_t xMin(0), xMax(0), yMax(0);
04402   // read in all the NLL Curves
04404   for (Int_t i=0; i<nModes; i++) {
04405     TFile *f=new TFile(fileNames[i]);
04406     if (!f) {
04407       cout<<" Can not read from root file: "<<fileNames[i]<<endl;
04408       return thePlot;
04409     }
04410     RooPlot *scanPlot=(RooPlot*)f->Get(plotNames[i]);
04411     if (!scanPlot) {
04412       cout<<" Can not read in RooPlot "<<plotNames[i]
04413           <<" from "<<fileNames[i]<<endl;
04414       return thePlot;
04415     }
04416     Double_t theYmax=scanPlot->GetMaximum();
04417     if (yMax<theYmax) yMax=theYmax;
04418     TAxis *a=scanPlot->GetXaxis();
04419     Double_t theXmin=a->GetXmin();
04420     if (xMin>theXmin) xMin=theXmin;
04421     Double_t theXmax=a->GetXmax();
04422     if (xMax<theXmax) xMax=theXmax;
04423     //if (!xAxisTitle) xAxisTitle=(Char_t*)a->GetTitle();
04425     // Get curve
04426     RooCurve *nllCurve=scanPlot->getCurve("NLL_curve");
04427     if (!nllCurve) {
04428       cout<<" Can not read NLL curve NLL_curve from RooPlot "<<plotNames[i]
04429           <<" in root file "<<fileNames[i]<<endl;
04430       return thePlot;
04431     }
04432     // rename it so one can tell which is which
04433     nllCurve->SetNameTitle(Form("NLL_curve_Mode%d", i),
04434                            Form("curve for sub-mode %d", i));
04435     { // now shift the curve to min=0
04436       Double_t mean(0), yMin(0);
04437       rarNLL nll(nllCurve);
04438       nll.getMin(mean, yMin);
04439       shiftNLLCurve(nllCurve, -fitBias[i], -yMin);
04440     }
04441     // Clone it
04442     RooCurve *nllCurveWadd=(RooCurve*)nllCurve->Clone();
04443     RooCurve *nllCurveWerr=(RooCurve*)nllCurve->Clone();
04444     // `add' errors onto the curve
04445     addErrToCurve(nllCurveWadd, addSystErrLo[i], addSystErrHi[i]);
04446     addErrToCurve(nllCurveWerr, uncorrSystErrLo[i], uncorrSystErrHi[i]);
04447     // add the curve into lists
04448     curves.Add(nllCurve);
04449     curvesWadds.Add(nllCurveWadd);
04450     curvesWerrs.Add(nllCurveWerr);
04451   }
04452   //curves.Print();
04453   //curvesWadds.Print();
04454   //curvesWerrs.Print();
04456   // combine the curve together
04457   RooCurve *tCurve=combineNLLCurves(curves, kTRUE, &yMax);
04458   tCurve->SetNameTitle("NLL_curve_total", "total curve w/o syst errors");
04459   // combine the curve (w additive errors) together
04460   RooCurve *aCurve=combineNLLCurves(curvesWadds, kTRUE, &yMax);
04461   aCurve->SetNameTitle("NLL_curve_additive", "total curve w/ additve errors");
04462   // combine the curve (w uncorrelated errors) together
04463   RooCurve *uCurve=combineNLLCurves(curvesWerrs, kTRUE, &yMax);
04464   uCurve->SetNameTitle("NLL_curve_unCorr", "total curve w/ unCorr. errors");
04465   // combine the curves and add correlated errors
04466   // silly hack
04467   Double_t corrSystErrArray[20];
04468   for (Int_t i=0; i< (Int_t) corrSystErr.size(); i++) {corrSystErrArray[i] = corrSystErr[i];}
04469   RooCurve *cCurve=combineNLLCurves(curvesWerrs, corrSystErrArray, &yMax);
04470   cCurve->SetNameTitle("NLL_curve_Corr", "total curve w/ ALL syst errors");
04471   // Draw the RooPlot
04472   thePlot=new RooPlot(xMin, xMax, 0, yMax);
04473   //  thePlot->SetNameTitle(plotNames[0], plotNames[0]);
04474   thePlot->SetNameTitle("combinePlot","Combined curves");
04475   thePlot->SetYTitle(yAxisTitle);
04476   thePlot->SetXTitle(xAxisTitle);
04477   // total curve without syst. error
04478   thePlot->addPlotable(tCurve);
04479   tCurve->SetLineWidth(2);
04480   tCurve->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
04481   thePlot->setInvisible(tCurve->GetName()); // invisible
04482   // total curve w/ additive errors
04483   thePlot->addPlotable(aCurve);
04484   aCurve->SetLineWidth(2);
04485   aCurve->SetLineStyle(kDashDotted);
04486   aCurve->SetLineColor(kYellow);
04487   thePlot->setInvisible(aCurve->GetName()); // invisible
04488   // total curve w/ uncorrelated errors
04489   thePlot->addPlotable(uCurve);
04490   uCurve->SetLineWidth(2);
04491   uCurve->SetLineStyle(kDashDotted);
04492   uCurve->SetLineColor(kGreen);
04493   thePlot->setInvisible(uCurve->GetName()); // invisible
04494   // total curve w/ all errors
04495   thePlot->addPlotable(cCurve);
04496   cCurve->SetLineWidth(2);
04497   // add individual NLL curves
04498   for (Int_t i=0; i<nModes; i++) {
04499     RooCurve *theCCurve=(RooCurve*)curves.At(i)->Clone();
04500     thePlot->addPlotable(theCCurve);
04501     theCCurve->SetLineWidth(1);
04502     theCCurve->SetLineColor(rarBasePdf::getColor(i));
04503     theCCurve->SetLineStyle(0==(i%2)?2:4); // kDashed or KDashDotted
04504   }
04505   // draw it
04506   thePlot->Draw();
04507   thePlot->Print("V");
04508   cout<<endl
04509       <<" To show hidden curves (those with Option \":I\"),"
04510       <<" type, for example"<<endl
04511       <<"   NLL_curve_total->SetDrawOption(\"\")"
04512       <<endl
04513       <<" To hide a curve, type, for example"<<endl
04514       <<"   NLL_curve_Mode0->SetDrawOption(\"I\")"
04515       <<endl
04516       <<" Then redraw the plot: gPad->Modified()"
04517       <<endl;
04518   // get new mean, stat. error, syst. errors
04519   Double_t theMean(0), systErrLo(0), systErrHi(0), statErrLo(0), statErrHi(0);
04520   // find stat. errors
04521   getMeanErrs(tCurve, &statErrLo, &statErrHi);
04522   // find final mean and syst. errors
04523   theMean=getMeanErrs(cCurve, &systErrLo, &systErrHi);
04524   // get pure syst. error
04525   systErrLo=(systErrLo*systErrLo-statErrLo*statErrLo);
04526   if (systErrLo>=0) systErrLo=-sqrt(systErrLo);
04527   else {
04528     cout<<" systErrLo^2="<<systErrLo<<endl
04529         <<" Can not be true!!!! Please check!!!"<<endl;
04530   }
04531   systErrHi=(systErrHi*systErrHi-statErrHi*statErrHi);
04532   if (systErrHi>=0) systErrHi=sqrt(systErrHi);
04533   else {
04534     cout<<" systErrHi^2="<<systErrHi<<endl
04535         <<" Can not be true!!!! Please check!!!"<<endl;
04536   }
04537   // signf and UL
04538   Double_t signfStat(0), ULStat(0), signf(0), UL(0);
04539   if (doSignf) {
04540     signfStat=getSignf(tCurve);
04541     signf=getSignf(aCurve);
04542   }
04543   if (doUL) {
04544     ULStat=getUL(tCurve, CL);
04545     UL=getUL(cCurve, CL);
04546   }
04548   // final output for combined results
04549   cout<<endl;
04550   cout<<"Combined results based on "<<cCurve->GetName()
04551       <<" (and "<<tCurve->GetName()<<" for stat.):"<<endl
04552       <<" mean = "<<theMean
04553       <<" ("<<statErrLo<<", +"<<statErrHi<<")(stat)"
04554       <<" ("<<systErrLo<<", +"<<systErrHi<<")(syst)"
04555       <<endl;
04556   if (doSignf) cout<<" Signf = "<<signf<<" (wrt 0)"
04557                    <<" (stat only = "<<signfStat<<")"<<endl;
04558   if (doUL) cout<<" UL = "<<UL<<" (CL="<<CL<<")"
04559                 <<" (stat only = "<<ULStat<<")"<<endl;
04561   return thePlot;
04562 }
04574 RooPlot *rarMLFitter::doSPlot(RooRealVar *theVar, TList &plotList)
04575 {
04576   cout<<endl<<" In rarMLFitter doSPlot of "<<theVar->GetName()
04577       <<" for "<<GetName()<<endl;
04578   RooPlot *frame(0);
04579   // theVar name
04580   TString varName=theVar->GetName();
04581   // get sPlot data
04582   TString spdStr=readConfStrCnA("sPlotData_"+varName,"notSet");
04583   if ("notSet"==spdStr) spdStr=readConfStrCnA("sPlotData", "");
04584   RooDataSet *sPlotData(0);
04585   if (""!=spdStr) sPlotData=_datasets->getData(spdStr);
04586   if(!sPlotData) {
04587     cout<<endl<<" Please specify in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
04588         <<" the dataset you want to project with config "<<endl<<endl
04589         <<"   sPlotData = <datasetName>  // and/or (see online doc)"<<endl
04590         <<"   sPlotData_<obsName> = <datasetName>"<<endl
04591         <<endl<<" and ru-run your job"<<endl;
04592     exit(-1);
04593   }
04594   chkBlind(sPlotData->GetName());
04595   cout<<" Using dataset "<<sPlotData->GetName()<<endl;
04597   // get plot bins
04598   Int_t nBins=atoi(readConfStr(Form("plotBins_%s", theVar->GetName()),
04599                                "0", _runSec));
04600   if (nBins<=0) nBins=theVar->getBins();
04601   // plot range
04602   Double_t plotMin=theVar->getMin();
04603   Double_t plotMax=theVar->getMax();
04604   getRange(theVar, "plotRange_", plotMin, plotMax,  _runSec);
04605   // construct ignored obs
04606   RooArgSet ignoredObsSet(*theVar);
04607   // any more?
04608   TString ignStr=readConfStr("sPlotIgnoredVars_"+varName, "notSet", _runSec);
04609   if ("notSet"==ignStr) ignStr=readConfStr("sPlotIgnoredVars", "", _runSec);
04610   rarStrParser ignoredParser=ignStr;
04611   for (Int_t i=0; i<ignoredParser.nArgs(); i++) {
04612     RooRealVar *ignored=(RooRealVar*)_fullObs->find(ignoredParser[i]);
04613     if (ignored) ignoredObsSet.add(*ignored);
04614   }
04615   cout<<" Observables not in sPlot PDF:"<<endl;
04616   ignoredObsSet.Print();
04617   // first get pdfs w/o ignored
04618   RooArgList thePdfsWOvar=getPdfsWOvar(ignoredObsSet);
04619   //RooArgList thePdfsWOvar=getPdfsWOvar(theVar);
04620   if (thePdfsWOvar.getSize()<1) {
04621     cout<<" Can not build pdf for sPlot"<<endl;
04622     exit(-1);
04623   }
04624   // do we use simultaneousFit?
04625   Bool_t simFit=getControlBit("SimFit");
04626   // no simPdf for multiple physCats for now
04627   if ((thePdfsWOvar.getSize()>1) && simFit) {
04628     cout<<" Currently no sPlot support for multi physCat in RooRarFit"<<endl;
04629     exit(-1);
04630   }
04631   // build Pdf for sPlot
04632   RooAbsPdf *theFullPdfWOvar=(RooAbsPdf*)thePdfsWOvar.at(0);
04633   // do we have simultaneousFit
04634   if (simFit) { // build SimPdf for sPlot
04635     RooSimPdfBuilder *simBuilder=new RooSimPdfBuilder(thePdfsWOvar);
04636     RooArgSet *simConfig=simBuilder->createProtoBuildConfig();
04637     // get configs from #_simConfig
04638     ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find("splitCats"))->
04639       setVal(((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find("splitCats"))->getVal());
04640     TString modelStr=((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find("physModels"))->getVal();
04641     for (Int_t i=0; i<thePdfsWOvar.getSize(); i++) {
04642       TString pdfNameWOvar= thePdfsWOvar[i].GetName();
04643       TString pdfNameWvar=_subPdfs[i].GetName();
04644       ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find(pdfNameWOvar))->
04645         setVal(((RooStringVar*)_simConfig->find(pdfNameWvar))->getVal());
04646       modelStr.ReplaceAll(pdfNameWvar, pdfNameWOvar);
04647     }
04648     ((RooStringVar*)simConfig->find("physModels"))->setVal(modelStr);
04649     cout<<"simPdfBuilder configs for sPlot:"<<endl;
04650     simConfig->Print("v");
04651     simBuilder->addSpecializations(_simBuilder->splitLeafList());
04652     theFullPdfWOvar=(RooAbsPdf*)
04653       simBuilder->buildPdf(*simConfig, sPlotData, 0, kTRUE);
04654     //simBuilder->splitLeafList().Print();
04655   }
04656   theFullPdfWOvar->Print("v");
04657   // get full paramters
04658   RooArgSet fullParams(*theFullPdfWOvar->getParameters(sPlotData));
04659   // save them first
04660   string paramSSaver;
04661   writeToStr(fullParams, paramSSaver);
04662   // get free yield, pdfsWvar, and pdfWOvar for each component
04663   RooArgList yields, pdfsWvar, pdfsWOvar, yield0s, pdf0sWOvar;
04664   TList rarPdfsWvar;
04665   Int_t nModel=1;
04666   if (simFit) nModel=_nComp;
04667   for (Int_t i=0; i<nModel; i++) {
04668     rarMLPdf *thisModel=(rarMLPdf*)_pdfList.At(i);
04669     TList *modelPdfList=thisModel->getPdfList();
04670     RooArgList modelCoeffList(thisModel->getSCoeffList());
04671     RooAddPdf *thisModelWOvar=(RooAddPdf*)thePdfsWOvar.at(i);
04672     RooArgList thisModelWOvarList(thisModelWOvar->pdfList());
04673     for (Int_t j=0; j<modelCoeffList.getSize(); j++) {
04674       // get yield
04675       if (TString("RooRealVar")!=modelCoeffList[j].ClassName()) {
04676         cout<<" Yield "<<modelCoeffList[j].GetName()
04677             <<" must be RooRealVar"<<endl;
04678         exit(-1);
04679       }
04680       RooRealVar &theYield=(RooRealVar&)modelCoeffList[j];
04681       if (theYield.isConstant()) {
04682         cout<<" "<<theYield.GetName()<<" is constant, ignored in sPlot"<<endl;
04683         yield0s.add(theYield);
04684       } else {
04685         // force fit limits large enough
04686         if (theYield.getMin()>-1e6) {
04687           theYield.setMin(-1e6);
04688           cout<<" The lower limit of "<<theYield.GetName()
04689               <<" changed to -1e6"<<endl;
04690         }
04691         if (theYield.getMax()<1e6) {
04692           theYield.setMax(1e6);
04693           cout<<" The upper limit of "<<theYield.GetName()
04694               <<" changed to 1e6"<<endl;
04695         }
04696         yields.add(theYield);
04697         // get pdfsWvar
04698         rarBasePdf *modelCompPdf=(rarBasePdf*)modelPdfList->At(j);
04699         RooAbsPdf *thePdfWvar=modelCompPdf->getSimPdf();
04700         if (!thePdfWvar) thePdfWvar=modelCompPdf->getPdf();
04701         pdfsWvar.add(*thePdfWvar);
04702         rarPdfsWvar.Add(modelCompPdf);
04703       }
04704       // get pdfsWOvar
04705       RooAbsPdf *thePdfWOvar=(RooAbsPdf*)thisModelWOvarList.at(j);
04706       RooAbsPdf *theSimPdfWOvar=
04707         getSimPdf((RooSimultaneous*)theFullPdfWOvar, thePdfWOvar);
04708       if (!theSimPdfWOvar) theSimPdfWOvar=thePdfWOvar;
04709       if (theYield.isConstant()) pdf0sWOvar.add(*theSimPdfWOvar);
04710       else pdfsWOvar.add(*theSimPdfWOvar);
04711     }
04712   }
04713   // fix all params
04714   fullParams.setAttribAll("Constant");
04715   // float those in yields
04716   yields.setAttribAll("Constant", kFALSE);
04717   // construct PdfOverlay array
04718   TString sPlotPdfOverlay=
04719     readConfStr("sPlotPdfOverlay_"+varName,"notSet", _runSec);
04720   if ("notSet"==sPlotPdfOverlay)
04721     sPlotPdfOverlay=readConfStr("sPlotPdfOverlay", "direct", _runSec);
04722   rarStrParser pdfOverlayParser=sPlotPdfOverlay;
04723   TObjArray pdfsOverlay(yields.getSize());
04724   for (Int_t i=0; i<yields.getSize(); i++) {
04725     RooAbsPdf *OpdfI=(RooAbsPdf*)pdfsWvar.at(i);
04726     RooAbsPdf *OpdfD=((rarBasePdf*)rarPdfsWvar.At(i))->getDPdfWvar(theVar);
04727     if (!OpdfD) OpdfD=OpdfI;
04728     RooAbsPdf *theOverlayPdf=OpdfI;
04729     if ("no"==pdfOverlayParser[0]) theOverlayPdf=0;
04730     else if ("yes"!=pdfOverlayParser[0]) theOverlayPdf=OpdfD;
04731     // now check if any specific config pairs
04732     Int_t idx=pdfOverlayParser.Index(yields[i].GetName())+1;
04733     if (idx>0) {
04734       if ("no"==pdfOverlayParser[idx]) theOverlayPdf=0;
04735       else if("yes"==pdfOverlayParser[idx]) theOverlayPdf=OpdfI;
04736       else if("direct"==pdfOverlayParser[idx]) theOverlayPdf=OpdfD;
04737       else { // get its pdf
04738         rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)
04739           (_rarPdfs.FindObject(pdfOverlayParser[idx]));
04740         if (!thePdf)
04741           cout<<" Can not find pdf named "<<pdfOverlayParser[idx]
04742               <<" for yield "<<yields[i].GetName()
04743               <<" in config sPlotPdfOverlay"<<endl;
04744         else {
04745           RooAbsPdf *thisPdf=thePdf->getSimPdf();
04746           if (!thisPdf) thisPdf=thePdf->getPdf();
04747           theOverlayPdf=thisPdf;
04748         }
04749       }
04750     }
04751     pdfsOverlay[i]=theOverlayPdf;
04752   }
04754   yields.Print();
04755   pdfsWvar.Print();
04756   pdfsWOvar.Print();
04759   // find sPlotNormIgnoredObs
04760   RooArgSet projDeps(getArgSet("sPlotNormIgnoredObs", kTRUE));
04761   projDeps.add
04762     (getArgSet(readConfStr("sPlotNormIgnoredObs","",_runSec),kFALSE));
04763   // add _conditionalObs
04764   projDeps.add(_conditionalObs);
04765   // fit the dataset again
04766   //RooFitResult *fitStat=
04767   //  theFullPdfWOvar->fitTo(*sPlotData, _conditionalObs,"ehmr");
04769   TString fitOption("qemhr");
04771   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
04772   Bool_t sPlotExtended = fitOption.Contains("e");
04773   Bool_t sPlotMinos    = fitOption.Contains("m");
04774   Bool_t sPlotHesse    = fitOption.Contains("h");
04775   Bool_t sPlotVerbose  = !fitOption.Contains("q");
04776   Bool_t sPlotSave     = fitOption.Contains("r"); // return results
04777   RooFitResult *fitStat=
04778     theFullPdfWOvar->fitTo(*sPlotData, ConditionalObservables(_conditionalObs),
04779                            Save(sPlotSave), Extended(sPlotExtended), 
04780                            Verbose(sPlotVerbose), Hesse(sPlotHesse),
04781                            Minos(sPlotMinos));
04782   //Int_t ncpus(1);
04783   //RooFitResult *fitStat=doTheFit(theFullPdfWOvar, sPlotData, fitOption, ncpus);
04785   // create sPlot obj
04786   TString sPlotName=Form("sPlot_%s", theVar->GetName());
04787   rarSPlot mySPlot(sPlotName, sPlotName, theVar, *sPlotData, fitStat,
04788                    pdfsWOvar, yields, pdf0sWOvar, yield0s, projDeps);
04789   // plot comps
04790   rarStrParser sPlotComps=readConfStr("sPlotComps", "all", _runSec);
04791   // do we need to have asym plot?
04792   TString sPlotAsym=readConfStr("sPlotAsym_"+varName,"notSet", _runSec);
04793   if ("notSet"==sPlotAsym)
04794     sPlotAsym=readConfStr("sPlotAsym","no", _runSec);
04795   RooCategory *sPlotAsymCat(0);
04796   if ("no"!=sPlotAsym) {
04797     sPlotAsymCat=(RooCategory *)_fullObs->find(sPlotAsym);
04798     if (!sPlotAsymCat) {
04799       cout<<"Can not find category: "<<sPlotAsym<<endl;
04800       exit(-1);
04801     }
04802     // make sure it is two-type cat
04803     if (2!=sPlotAsymCat->numTypes()) {
04804       cout<<"Asym plot is for two-type category only"<<endl;
04805       exit(-1);
04806     }
04807   }
04808   // sPlot cat
04809   TList sPlotCatList;
04810   TString sPlotCatName=readConfStr("sPlotCat_"+varName,"notSet", _runSec);
04811   if ("notSet"==sPlotCatName)
04812     sPlotCatName=readConfStr("sPlotCat","no", _runSec);
04813   if ("no"!=sPlotCatName) {
04814     rarStrParser sPlotCatParser=sPlotCatName;
04815     while (sPlotCatParser.nArgs()>0) {
04816       TString catName=sPlotCatParser[0];
04817       sPlotCatParser.Remove();
04818       RooAbsCategory *sPlotCat=(RooAbsCategory *)_fullObs->find(catName);
04819       if (!sPlotCat) {
04820         cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
04821             <<" category "<<catName<<" does not exist!"<<endl;
04822         continue;
04823       }
04824       if (catName==sPlotAsym) {
04825         cout<<" "<<catName<<" is used for sPlotAsym"<<endl
04826             <<" Ignored"<<endl;
04827         continue;
04828       }
04829       sPlotCatList.Add(sPlotCat);
04830     }
04831   }
04832   RooLinkedList plotOpts;
04833   Double_t xerrorscale = atof(readConfStr("XErrorSize", "1.0", _runSec));
04834   RooCmdArg xerrArg = XErrorSize(xerrorscale);
04835   plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&xerrArg);
04836   RooCmdArg datErrArg = DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2);
04837   RooCmdArg asymArg;
04838   if(sPlotAsymCat) {
04839     asymArg = Asymmetry(*sPlotAsymCat);
04840     plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&asymArg);
04841   }
04842   else
04843     plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&datErrArg);
04844   for (Int_t i=0; i<yields.getSize(); i++) {
04845     RooRealVar &yield=(RooRealVar&)yields[i];
04846     TString yieldName=yield.GetName();
04847     TString pdfName=pdfsWvar[i].GetName();
04848     pdfName.Remove(0,4);
04849     if (("all"!=sPlotComps[0])&&(!sPlotComps.Have(yieldName))
04850         &&(!sPlotComps.Have(pdfName))) continue;
04851     cout<<" For "<<yieldName<<" "<<varName<<endl;
04852     TString mySPlotName=sPlotName+"_"+yieldName;
04853     RooDataSet *fillData=mySPlot.fill(yield, nBins, plotMin, plotMax);
04854     // Set up splitting
04855     TList sPlotDS;
04856     TList sPlotSlice;
04857     TList sPlotNames;
04858     sPlotDS.Add(new RooDataSet(*fillData));
04859     sPlotSlice.Add(new RooDataSet(*sPlotData));
04860     sPlotNames.Add(new TObjString(mySPlotName));
04861     for( int sPlotCatIdx=0; sPlotCatIdx < sPlotCatList.GetSize(); 
04862          sPlotCatIdx++) {
04863       RooAbsCategory *sPlotCat=(RooAbsCategory*)sPlotCatList.At(sPlotCatIdx);
04864       TIterator *cIter=sPlotCat->typeIterator();
04865       RooCatType *cType(0);
04866       while(cType=(RooCatType*)cIter->Next()) {
04867         TString catName=sPlotCat->GetName();
04868         TString typeName=cType->GetName();
04869         TString catCut=catName+"=="+catName+"::"+typeName;
04870         RooDataSet *catFillData=(RooDataSet*)fillData->reduce(catCut);
04871         RooDataSet *catSliceData=(RooDataSet*)sPlotData->reduce(catCut);
04872         sPlotDS.Add(catFillData);
04873         sPlotSlice.Add(catSliceData);
04874         sPlotNames.Add(new TObjString(mySPlotName+"_"+typeName));
04875       }
04876       delete cIter;
04877     }
04878     for (Int_t sPlotIdx=0; sPlotIdx<sPlotDS.GetSize(); sPlotIdx++) {
04879       frame=theVar->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
04880       TString frameName=sPlotNames.At(sPlotIdx)->GetName();
04881       RooDataSet* localData = (RooDataSet*)sPlotDS.At(sPlotIdx);
04882       RooDataSet* localSlice = (RooDataSet*)sPlotSlice.At(sPlotIdx);
04883       frame->SetNameTitle(frameName,frameName);
04884       // Check for Hist
04885       if(sPlotIdx==0 && 
04886          !(localData&&"yes"!=readConfStr("sPlotHist", "no", _runSec)))
04887         frame->addTH1(mySPlot.getSPlotHist(), "E");
04888       // Plot the data
04889       if (localData&&"yes"!=readConfStr("sPlotHist", "no", _runSec)) {  
04890         if (!sPlotAsymCat)
04891           localData->plotOn(frame, plotOpts);
04892         else
04893           // We just have to live with bin rounding here:
04894           localData->plotOn(frame, plotOpts);
04895       }
04896       RooAbsPdf *theOverlayPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)pdfsOverlay[i];
04897       if (theOverlayPdf) {
04898         if (theOverlayPdf->dependsOn(*theVar)) {
04899           cout<<" Overlay "<<theOverlayPdf->GetName()<<" on sPlot"<<endl;
04900           if (!sPlotAsymCat)
04901             theOverlayPdf->plotOn(frame, ProjWData(projDeps, *localSlice));
04902           else {            
04903             TIterator *catI=sPlotAsymCat->typeIterator();
04904             RooCatType *theCatType=(RooCatType*)catI->Next();
04905             TString catCutA=
04906               sPlotAsym+"=="+sPlotAsym+"::"+theCatType->GetName();
04907             Int_t catIdxA=theCatType->getVal();
04908             theCatType=(RooCatType*)catI->Next();
04909             TString catCutB=
04910               sPlotAsym+"=="+sPlotAsym+"::"+theCatType->GetName();
04911             Int_t catIdxB=theCatType->getVal();
04912             TString catCutMinus=catIdxA<catIdxB?catCutA:catCutB;
04913             TString catCutPlus =catIdxA>catIdxB?catCutA:catCutB;
04914             RooDataSet *catLocalData=(RooDataSet*)localData->reduce(catCutMinus);
04915             RooDataSet *catLocalSlice=(RooDataSet*)localSlice->reduce(catCutMinus);
04916             cout<<"Dataset (-) with cut: "<<catCutMinus<<endl;
04917             catLocalData->Print();
04918             RooPlot *frameM=theVar->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
04919             catLocalData->plotOn(frameM, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2));
04920             theOverlayPdf->plotOn(frameM, ProjWData(projDeps,*catLocalSlice));
04921             RooCurve *B0barCurve = (RooCurve*) frameM->getObject(1);
04922             delete catLocalData; delete catLocalSlice;
04923             catLocalData=(RooDataSet*)localData->reduce(catCutPlus);
04924             catLocalSlice=(RooDataSet*)localSlice->reduce(catCutPlus);
04925             cout<<"Dataset (+) with cut: "<<catCutPlus<<endl;
04926             catLocalData->Print();
04927             RooPlot *frameP=theVar->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
04928             catLocalData->plotOn(frameP, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2));
04929             theOverlayPdf->plotOn(frameP, ProjWData(projDeps,*catLocalSlice));
04930             RooCurve *B0Curve = (RooCurve*) frameP->getObject(1);
04931             delete catLocalData;
04932             delete catI;
04933             TString curveName=Form("asymCurve_%s", B0Curve->GetName());
04934             RooCurve* asymCurve=combCurves(B0Curve,B0barCurve,
04935                                            "(@0-@1)/(@0+@1)", "@0+@1>0", 
04936                                            curveName, 3, kSolid, kBlue);
04937             if(asymCurve)
04938               frame->addPlotable(asymCurve);
04939           }
04940           cout<<endl;
04941         } else {
04942           cout<<" Overlaying pdf "<<theOverlayPdf->GetName()
04943               <<" does not depend on "<<theVar->GetName()<<endl
04944               <<" Overlaying ignored!!"<<endl;
04945         }
04946       }
04947       // add the sPlot for output
04948       plotList.Add(frame);
04949     }
04950     sPlotDS.Delete();
04951     sPlotSlice.Delete();
04952     sPlotNames.Delete();
04953     if (("yes"==readConfStr("sPlotSaveSWeight", "no", _runSec))&&fillData) {
04954       TString dName=frame->GetName();
04955       dName.ReplaceAll("sPlot_", "sWeight_");
04957       TTree *dataTree = createTreeFromDataset(fillData, kFALSE);
04958       plotList.Add(dataTree);
04959     } else {
04960       delete fillData;
04961     }    
04962   }
04964   // restore params
04965   readFromStr(fullParams, paramSSaver);
04966   return frame;
04967 }
04983 Bool_t rarMLFitter::initParams(TString act, RooArgSet fullParams,
04984                                RooArgSet fullParamsWOI,
04985                                TString readParams, TString paramFileID,
04986                                TString readSecParams, Bool_t useFloatFix,
04987                                RooArgSet postPdfFloatSet,
04988                                RooArgSet preMLFixSet, RooArgSet preMLFloatSet)
04989 {
04990   Bool_t retVal(kTRUE);
04991   // read from param file
04992   TString readParamsConfig=readConfStrCnA("pre"+act+"ReadParams", readParams);
04993   if ("no"!=readParamsConfig) {
04994     TString paramFile=getParamFileName(paramFileID, readParamsConfig);
04995     cout<<endl<<"Reading in params before "<<act<<" from"<<endl
04996         <<paramFile<<endl;
04997     paramFileI(fullParamsWOI, paramFile);
04998   }
04999   // read from section
05000   TString readSecParamsConfig=
05001     readConfStr("pre"+act+"ReadSecParams", readSecParams, _runSec);
05002   if ("no"!=readSecParamsConfig) {
05003     if ("yes"!=readSecParamsConfig) {
05004       cout<<endl<<"Reading in params for "<<act<<" from section \""
05005           <<readSecParamsConfig<<"\""<<endl;
05006       fullParams.readFromFile(_configFile, 0, readSecParamsConfig);
05007     }
05008     cout<<endl<<"Reading in params for "<<act<<" from section \""
05009         <<_runSec<<"\""<<endl;
05010     fullParams.readFromFile(_configFile, 0, _runSec);
05011   }
05012   if (useFloatFix) {
05013     // make sure postPdfFloat vars floated
05014     postPdfFloatSet.setAttribAll("Constant", kFALSE);
05015     // make sure preMLFix vars fixed
05016     preMLFixSet.setAttribAll("Constant");
05017     // make sure preMLFloat vars floated
05018     preMLFloatSet.setAttribAll("Constant", kFALSE);
05019   }
05020   cout<<endl<<" The init values of variables for "<<act<<":"<<endl;
05021   fullParams.Print("v");
05023   return retVal;
05024 }
05030 //----------------------------------------
05031 void rarMLFitter::saveAsRootFile(const RooDataSet *ds, 
05032                                  const TString rootfilename,
05033                                  Bool_t withErrors = kTRUE) {
05035   cout << "Saving tree for "  << ds->GetName() << endl;
05036   TFile *f = new TFile(rootfilename,"RECREATE");
05037   if (f != 0) {
05038     TTree *tree = createTreeFromDataset(ds, withErrors);
05039     if (tree != 0) {
05040       tree->Write();
05041     }  else {
05042       cout << "Warning: empty tree for dataset " << ds->GetName() << endl;
05043     }
05044     f->Close();
05045     //    delete tree;
05046   }
05047   return;
05048 }
05053 //------------------------------------------------
05054 TTree *rarMLFitter::createTreeFromDataset(const RooDataSet *ds,
05055                                           Bool_t withErrors = kTRUE) {
05057   const Int_t NVARS = 5000; // max variables to save
05058   Double_t array[NVARS]; 
05060   const Bool_t debug = kFALSE;
05062   // loop over rows in dataset
05063   const Int_t nrows = ds->numEntries();
05065   if (debug) {
05066     cout << "Number of nrows " << nrows << " for ds " << ds->GetName() << endl;
05067   }
05069   if (nrows < 1) {
05070     cout << "No entries in dataset " << ds->GetName() << endl;
05071     return(0);
05072   }
05074   // get vector of variable names
05075   const RooArgSet *names = ds->get(0);
05076   const Int_t nvars = names->getSize();
05078   if (nvars > NVARS) {
05079     cout << "Too many observables )"<<nvars<<") to save. "
05080          << "Maximum is " << NVARS << endl;
05081   }
05083   // create the ntuple
05084   TTree *tree = new TTree(ds->GetName(), ds->GetTitle());
05086   // iterate over observable names and add names for the errors
05087   Int_t icol(0);
05088   TIterator *iter = names->createIterator();
05090   // map variable name to an element in the ntuple array
05091   typedef map<TString, Int_t> MapType;
05092   MapType my_map;
05094   RooRealVar *rvar(0);
05095   while ((rvar = (RooRealVar*) iter->Next())) {
05096     if (rvar->ClassName() == TString("RooRealVar")) {
05097       TString varname = rvar->GetName();
05098       my_map[varname] = icol; icol++;
05099       if (withErrors) {
05101         // create names for error variables
05102         // older versions (<=v5.26) of hasError/hasAsymError do not have a parameter
05103         if (rvar->hasError()) {
05104           if (rvar->getError() != 0) {my_map[varname+"_err"] = icol; icol++;}
05105         }
05106         if (rvar->hasAsymError()) {
05107           if (rvar->getAsymErrorLo() != 0 || rvar->getAsymErrorHi() != 0) {
05108             my_map[varname+"_aerr_lo"] = icol; icol++;
05109             my_map[varname+"_aerr_hi"] = icol; icol++;
05110           }
05111         }
05112       }
05113       if (debug) {cout << "VARR  " << icol << " " << varname << endl;}
05114     }
05115   }
05117   // look for any remaining non-RooRealVar types
05118   RooAbsArg *var(0);
05119   iter->Reset();
05120   while ((var = (RooAbsArg*) iter->Next())) {
05121     if (var->ClassName() != TString("RooRealVar")) {
05122       TString varname = var->GetName();
05123       if (debug) {cout << "VAR C " << icol << " " << varname << endl;}
05124       my_map[varname] = icol;
05125       icol++;
05126     }
05127   }
05129   // now create branches of tree
05130   MapType::const_iterator it;
05131   for (it = my_map.begin(); it != my_map.end(); ++it) {
05132     TString varname = it->first;
05133     Int_t icol   = it->second;
05134     tree->Branch(varname.Data(), &array[icol]);
05135   }
05137   // loop over each row in dataset and fill array
05138   for (Int_t irow=0; irow < nrows; irow++) {
05139     // extract each field value in row and put in tree
05140     const RooArgSet *row = ds->get(irow);
05141     icol = -1; // reset column index - not necessary now
05142     iter->Reset() ; // reset to start
05143     const Int_t    idefval = -992746521;
05144     const Double_t ddefval = -992746521;
05146     while ((var = (RooAbsArg*) iter->Next())) {
05147       icol++;
05148       TString varname = var->GetName();
05149       MapType::const_iterator iter1 = my_map.find(varname);
05150       if (iter1 != my_map.end()) {icol = iter1->second;}
05152       // look for RooCategory type events
05153       Int_t itemp = row->getCatIndex(varname, idefval);
05154       if (itemp != idefval) {
05155         array[icol] = (Double_t) itemp;
05156         continue; // found a RooCategory
05157       }
05159       Double_t temp = row->getRealValue(varname, ddefval);
05160       if (temp != ddefval) {
05162         array[icol] = temp;
05164         // look for errors again
05165         RooRealVar *rvar = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(var);
05166         Double_t err(0);
05167         iter1 = my_map.find(varname+"_err");
05168         if (iter1 != my_map.end()) {
05169           icol = iter1->second;
05170           array[icol] = rvar->getError();
05171         }
05173         // lower asymmetric error
05174         iter1 = my_map.find(varname+"_aerr_lo");
05175         if (iter1 != my_map.end()) {
05176           icol = iter1->second;
05177           if (rvar->hasAsymError()) {
05178             err = rvar->getAsymErrorLo();
05179           } else {
05180             err = 1;
05181           }
05182           array[icol] = err;
05183         }
05185         // upper asymmetric error
05186         iter1 = my_map.find(varname+"_aerr_hi");
05187         if (iter1 != my_map.end()) {
05188           icol = iter1->second;
05189           array[icol] = rvar->getAsymErrorHi();
05190           if (rvar->hasAsymError()) {
05191             err = rvar->getAsymErrorHi();
05192           } else {
05193             err = -1;
05194           }
05195           array[icol] = err;
05196         }
05197         continue; // found a RooRealVar
05198       }
05199       cout << "Unexpected type " << var->ClassName() << endl;
05201     }
05202     tree->Fill();
05203   }
05205   return (tree);
05206 }
05227 void rarMLFitter::run()
05228 {
05229   // first have pre-actions done for each RooRarFitPdf
05230   cout<<endl<<" Pre-Actions for each RooRarFitPdf"<<endl<<endl;
05231   preAction();
05232   // then see if we need to compute correlation matrix
05233   rarStrParser compCorrParser=
05234     readConfStr("computeCorrelations", "yes", getDatasets()->getVarSec());
05235   // compute correlation matrix
05236   for (Int_t i=0; i<getDatasets()->getDatasetList()->GetSize(); i++) {
05237     RooDataSet *theData=(RooDataSet*)getDatasets()->getDatasetList()->At(i);
05238     if (("yes"==compCorrParser[0])||compCorrParser.Have(theData->GetName()))
05239       computeCorrelations(_fObsSet, theData);
05240   }
05241   // then do actions in action section
05242   cout<<endl<<endl<<" Run rarMLFitter with configs from section \""
05243       <<_runSec<<"\""<<endl<<endl;
05245   // get the full params
05246   RooArgSet fullParams(getParams());
05247   // add parameters in _thePdf
05248   fullParams.add(*_thePdf->getParameters(_protDataset));
05249   // let's sorted it as desired
05250   TString paramOrder=readConfStr("outParamOrder","ascend",getMasterSec());
05251   if (("ascend"==paramOrder) || ("descend"==paramOrder)) {
05252     Bool_t reverse=("descend"==paramOrder);
05253     RooArgList paramList(fullParams);
05254     fullParams.removeAll();
05255     paramList.sort(reverse);
05256     fullParams.add(paramList);
05257   }
05258   //fullParams.Print();
05259   RooArgSet fullParamsWOI(fullParams); // fullParamsWithoutIgnored
05260   fullParamsWOI.remove(getArgSet("Ignored", kTRUE, &fullParams)); // ignored
05261   // postPdfFloat
05262   RooArgSet postPdfFloatSet(getArgSet("postPdfFloat", kTRUE, &fullParams));
05263   postPdfFloatSet.add(getArgSet(readConfStr("postPdfFloat","", _runSec),kFALSE,
05264                                 &fullParams));
05265   // preMLFix
05266   RooArgSet preMLFixSet(getArgSet("preMLFix", kTRUE, &fullParams));
05267   preMLFixSet.add(getArgSet(readConfStr("preMLFix","", _runSec),kFALSE,
05268                             &fullParams));
05269   // preMLFloat
05270   RooArgSet preMLFloatSet(getArgSet("preMLFloat", kTRUE, &fullParams));
05271   preMLFloatSet.add(getArgSet(readConfStr("preMLFloat","", _runSec),kFALSE,
05272                               &fullParams));
05274   // do pdf fit
05275   if ("no"!=readConfStr("pdfFit", "no", _runSec)) {
05276     cout<<endl<<" Do pdfFit Action"<<endl<<endl;
05277     // read in params before pdf fit
05278     initParams("Pdf", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "no", "pdfFit", "no");
05279     // do we have a pdf list to fit?
05280     TString pdfToFit=readConfStr("pdfToFit", "", _runSec);
05281     if (""!=pdfToFit) cout<<" Pdf(s) to fit: "<<pdfToFit<<endl;
05282     // do pdf fit
05283     doPdfFit(pdfToFit);
05284     // plot pdf
05285     TString postPdfMakePlot=readConfStr("postPdfMakePlot", "no", _runSec);
05286     if ("no"!=postPdfMakePlot) {
05287       // create plot list
05288       TList *plotList=new TList();
05289       doPdfPlot(*plotList, pdfToFit);
05290       TString postPdfPlotFile=getRootFileName("pdfPlot", postPdfMakePlot);
05291       TFile plotFile(postPdfPlotFile, "recreate");
05292       plotList->Print();
05293       plotList->Write();
05294       plotFile.Close();
05295       cout<<endl<<"Writing out Pdf plots after pdf fit to "
05296           <<postPdfPlotFile<<endl;
05297     }
05298     // read in any values in the action section
05299     TString postPdfReadSecParams="no";
05300     postPdfReadSecParams= // the old way
05301       readConfStr("postPdfReadParams", postPdfReadSecParams, _runSec);
05302     postPdfReadSecParams= // the current way
05303       readConfStr("postPdfReadSecParams", postPdfReadSecParams, _runSec);
05304     if ("no"!=postPdfReadSecParams) {
05305       if ("yes"!=postPdfReadSecParams) {
05306         cout<<endl<<"Reading in params after pdfFit from section \""
05307             <<postPdfReadSecParams<<"\""<<endl;
05308         fullParams.readFromFile(_configFile, 0, postPdfReadSecParams);
05309       }
05310       cout<<endl<<"Reading in params after pdfFit from section \""
05311           <<_runSec<<"\""<<endl;
05312       fullParams.readFromFile(_configFile, 0, _runSec);
05313     }
05314     // fix params before output
05315     //fullParams.Print("v");
05316     cout<<endl<<"Fix params after pdfFit"<<endl;
05317     fullParams.setAttribAll("Constant");
05318     // write params after pdf fit
05319     TString postPdfWriteParams=readConfStrCnA("postPdfWriteParams", "no");
05320     if ("no"!=postPdfWriteParams) {
05321       // do we need to warn?
05322       if (""!=pdfToFit) {
05323         fullParams.writeToStream(cout, kFALSE);
05324         cout<<endl<<"W A R N I N G !"<<endl
05325             <<"You do not fit all PDFs!"<<endl
05326             <<"No output for the params!"<<endl;
05327       } else {
05328         // then write them out
05329         TString postPdfParamFile=
05330           getParamFileName("pdfFit", postPdfWriteParams);
05331         cout<<endl<<"Writing out params after pdfFit to "
05332             <<postPdfParamFile<<endl;
05333         paramFileO(fullParams, postPdfParamFile);
05334       }
05335     }
05336   } //done pdfFit
05338   // do toys
05339   if ("no"!=readConfStr("toyStudy", "no", _runSec)) {
05340     cout<<endl<<" Do toyStudy Action"<<endl<<endl;
05341     // read in params before toy study
05342     initParams("Toy", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "pdfFit", "yes",
05343                kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05344     // call the function to do toys
05345     RooDataSet *theFitParDataSet=doToyStudy(fullParams);
05346     TString postToyWriteParams=readConfStr("postToyWriteParams","yes",_runSec);
05347     if (("no"!=postToyWriteParams) && theFitParDataSet) {
05348       TString toyRootFile=getRootFileName("toyPlot", postToyWriteParams);
05349       cout<<endl<<"Writing out param pulls, etc after toy study to "
05350           <<toyRootFile<<endl;
05351       saveAsRootFile(theFitParDataSet, toyRootFile, kTRUE);
05352     }
05353   } // done toy
05355   // do ml fit
05356   if ("no"!=readConfStr("mlFit", "no", _runSec)) {
05357     cout<<endl<<" Do mlFit Action"<<endl<<endl;
05358     // to get correlation coeffs?
05359     TString postMLSysParams=readConfStrCnA("postMLSysParams", "no");
05360     TString postMLSysVars=readConfStrCnA("postMLSysVars", "no");
05361     if((!postMLSysParams.BeginsWith("no"))&&(!postMLSysVars.BeginsWith("no")))
05362     {
05363       TString vParams="";
05364       rarStrParser paramsStrParser=postMLSysParams;
05365       while (paramsStrParser.nArgs()>0) {
05366         TString theParamName=paramsStrParser[0];
05367         paramsStrParser.Remove();
05368         TIterator* iter = fullParams.createIterator();
05369         RooRealVar *theParam(0);
05370         while(theParam=(RooRealVar*)iter->Next()) {
05371           TString theName=theParam->GetName();
05372           if ((theName==theParamName)||(theName.BeginsWith(theParamName+"_"))){
05373             vParams=vParams+" \""+theParamName+"\"";
05374             break;
05375           }
05376         }
05377         delete iter;
05378       }
05379       rarStrParser vParamsParser=vParams;
05380       for (Int_t i=0; i<vParamsParser.nArgs(); i++) {
05381         for (Int_t j=0; j<i; j++) {
05382           saveCorrCoeff(getCorrCoefName(vParamsParser[i],vParamsParser[j]),0,
05383                         kTRUE);
05384         }
05385       }
05386       //getCorrCoeffs().Print("v");
05387     }
05388     // read in params before pdf fit
05389     initParams("ML", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "pdfFit", "yes",
05390                 kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05391     // get fit option
05392     TString mlFitOption=readConfStr("mlFitOption", "hq", _runSec);
05393     // force option to be extended and return results
05394     mlFitOption+="er";
05395     cout<<"mlFit option: \""<<mlFitOption<<"\""<<endl;
05396     // string to save important results
05397     stringstream o;
05398     // mlFitData
05399     RooDataSet *mlFitData=
05400       _datasets->getData(readConfStrCnA("mlFitData", "notSet"));
05401     if(!mlFitData) {
05402       cout<<endl<<" Please specify in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
05403           <<" the dataset you want to fit on with config "<<endl<<endl
05404           <<"    mlFitData = <datasetName>"<<endl<<endl
05405           <<" and ru-run your job"<<endl;
05406       exit(-1);
05407     }
05408     //cout << "Skipping blind test" << endl;
05409     chkBlind(mlFitData->GetName());
05410     cout<<" Using dataset "<<mlFitData->GetName()<<" in mlAction"<<endl;
05411     // get number of cpus option
05412     Int_t mlFitNumCPU=atoi(readConfStr("useNumCPU", "1", getMasterSec()));
05414     // create plot list
05415     TList *plotList=new TList();
05416     // do mlFit
05417     RooFitResult *fitResult=doMLFit(mlFitData, mlFitOption, o, mlFitNumCPU);
05419     // do signf calculation
05420     TString postMLSignf=readConfStrCnA("postMLSignf", "no");
05421     if (!postMLSignf.BeginsWith("no"))
05422       doSignf(mlFitData, postMLSignf, fitResult, fullParams, o);
05423     // systematic study
05424     if ((!postMLSysParams.BeginsWith("no"))&&(!postMLSysVars.BeginsWith("no")))
05425       doSysStudy(mlFitData, postMLSysParams, postMLSysVars, fullParams, o);
05426     // gof study
05427     TString postMLGOFChisq=readConfStrCnA("postMLGOFChisq", "no");
05428     if (!postMLGOFChisq.BeginsWith("no"))
05429       doGOFChisq(mlFitData, o, plotList);
05430     // save plot if any to root file
05431     TString mlPlotFile=readConfStr("mlPlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05432     mlPlotFile=getRootFileName("mlPlot", mlPlotFile);
05433     TFile plotFile(mlPlotFile,"recreate");
05434     plotList->Print();
05435     plotList->Write();
05436     TString postMLWriteFitResult=readConfStrCnA("postMLWriteFitResult", "no");
05437     if("no"!=postMLWriteFitResult) {
05438       // Save the RooFitResult
05439       fitResult->Write();      
05440     }
05441     plotFile.Close();
05442     cout<<"Writing out ml plots to "<<mlPlotFile<<endl;
05443     // total ml output
05444     cout<<o.str()<<endl;
05445     // write params after mlfit
05446     TString postMLWriteParams=readConfStrCnA("postMLWriteParams", "yes");
05447     if ("no"!=postMLWriteParams) {
05448       TString postMLParamFile=getParamFileName("mlFit", postMLWriteParams);
05449       cout<<endl<<"Writing out params after mlFit to "<<postMLParamFile<<endl;
05450       // make sure all vars fixed before output
05451       fullParams.setAttribAll("Constant");
05452       paramFileO(fullParams, postMLParamFile);
05453     }
05454   } // done ml fit
05456   // do projection plot
05457   if ("no"!=readConfStr("projPlot", "no", _runSec)) {
05458     cout<<endl<<" Do projPlot Action"<<endl<<endl;
05459     // read in params before projection plot
05460     initParams("ProjPlot", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "mlFit", "no",
05461                kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05462     // need to float some/all parameters for plotting to work in standalone mode - FFW
05463     cout << "Floating all parameters so that projection plots display correctly." << endl;
05464     fullParams.setAttribAll("Constant",kFALSE);
05465     // get projData
05466     RooDataSet *projData=
05467       _datasets->getData(readConfStrCnA("projPlotData", "notSet"));
05468     if(!projData) {
05469       cout<<endl<<" Please specify in section ["<<_runSec<<"]"<<endl
05470           <<" the dataset you want to project with config "<<endl<<endl
05471           <<"   projPlotData = <datasetName>  // and (see online doc)"<<endl
05472           <<"   projPlotData_<obsName> = <datasetName>"<<endl
05473           <<endl<<" and ru-run your job"<<endl;
05474       exit(-1);
05475     }
05476     chkBlind(projData->GetName());
05477     // create plot list
05478     TList *plotList=new TList();
05479     // get S and B LL
05480     getSnB();
05481     // loop over all projVars
05482     TString varNames=readConfStr("projVars", "", _runSec);
05483     if (""==varNames) varNames=readConfStr("projVar","", _runSec);
05484     rarStrParser varNamesParser=varNames;
05485     for (Int_t i=0; i<varNamesParser.nArgs(); i++) {
05486       // get proj variable
05487       RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)_fullObs->find(varNamesParser[i]);
05488       if(!theVar) {
05489         cout<<"Can not find obs named "<<varNamesParser[i]<<endl;
05490         continue;
05491       }
05492       doProjPlot(projData, theVar, *plotList);
05493     }
05494     // if any LLR plots?
05495     doLLRPlot(projData, *plotList);
05496     // output to root file
05497     TString projPlotFile=readConfStr("projPlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05498     projPlotFile=getRootFileName("projPlot", projPlotFile);
05499     TFile plotFile(projPlotFile,"recreate");
05500     plotList->Print();
05501     plotList->Write();
05502     plotFile.Close();
05503     cout<<"Writing out proj plots to "<<projPlotFile<<endl;
05504   } // done projection plot
05506   // do scan plot
05507   if ("no"!=readConfStr("scanPlot", "no", _runSec)) {
05508     cout<<endl<<" Do scanPlot Action"<<endl<<endl;
05509     // read in params before contour plot
05510     initParams("ScanPlot", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "mlFit", "no",
05511                kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05512     // create plot list
05513     TList *plotList=new TList();
05514     doScanPlot(*plotList);
05515     TString scanPlotFile=readConfStr("scanPlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05516     scanPlotFile=getRootFileName("scanPlot", scanPlotFile);
05517     TFile plotFile(scanPlotFile,"recreate");
05518     plotList->Print();
05519     plotList->Write();
05520     plotFile.Close();
05521     cout<<endl<<"Writing out scan plots (dataset) to "<<scanPlotFile<<endl;
05522   } // done scan plot
05524   // do contour plot
05525   if ("no"!=readConfStr("contourPlot", "no", _runSec)) {
05526     cout<<endl<<" Do contourPlot Action"<<endl<<endl;
05527     // read in params before contour plot
05528     initParams("ContourPlot", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "mlFit", "no",
05529                kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05530     // create plot list
05531     TList *plotList=new TList();
05532     doContourPlot(*plotList);
05533     TString contourPlotFile=readConfStr("contourPlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05534     contourPlotFile=getRootFileName("contPlot", contourPlotFile);
05535     TFile plotFile(contourPlotFile,"recreate");
05536     plotList->Print();
05537     plotList->Write();
05538     plotFile.Close();
05539     cout<<"Writing out contour plots to "<<contourPlotFile<<endl;
05540   } // done contour plot
05542   // do sPlot
05543   if ("no"!=readConfStr("sPlot", "no", _runSec)) {
05544     cout<<endl<<" Do sPlot Action"<<endl<<endl;
05545     // read in params before sPlot
05546     initParams("SPlot", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "mlFit", "no",
05547                kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05548     // create plot list
05549     TList *plotList=new TList();
05550     // loop over all sPlotVars
05551     TString varNames=readConfStr("sPlotVars", "", _runSec);
05552     if (""==varNames) varNames=readConfStr("sPlotVar","", _runSec);
05553     rarStrParser varNamesParser=varNames;
05554     for (Int_t i=0; i<varNamesParser.nArgs(); i++) {
05555       // get proj variable
05556       RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)_fullObs->find(varNamesParser[i]);
05557       if(!theVar) {
05558         cout<<"Can not find obs named "<<varNamesParser[i]<<endl;
05559         continue;
05560       }
05561       doSPlot(theVar, *plotList);
05562     }
05563     TString sPlotFile=readConfStr("sPlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05564     sPlotFile=getRootFileName("sPlot", sPlotFile);
05565     TFile plotFile(sPlotFile, "recreate");
05566     plotList->Print();
05567     plotList->Write();
05568     plotFile.Close();
05569     cout<<"Writing out sPlots to "<<sPlotFile<<endl;
05570   }// done sPlot
05572   // do combine plot
05573   if ("no"!=readConfStr("combinePlot", "no", _runSec)) {
05574     cout<<endl<<" Do combinePlot Action"<<endl<<endl;
05575     // read in params before contour plot
05576     //initParams("CombinePlot", fullParams, fullParamsWOI, "yes", "mlFit", "no",
05577     //         kTRUE, postPdfFloatSet, preMLFixSet, preMLFloatSet);
05578     // create plot list
05579     TList *plotList=new TList();
05580     doCombinePlot(*plotList);
05581     TString combinePlotFile=readConfStr("combinePlotFile", "default", _runSec);
05582     combinePlotFile=getRootFileName("combinePlot", combinePlotFile);
05583     TFile plotFile(combinePlotFile,"recreate");
05584     plotList->Print();
05585     plotList->Write();
05586     plotFile.Close();
05587     cout<<"Writing out combine plots to "<<combinePlotFile<<endl;
05588   } // done combine plot
05589 }

Generated on 30 Oct 2013 for RooRarFit by  doxygen 1.4.7