rarBasePdf Class Reference

Base class for all RooRarFit PDF classes. More...

#include <rarBasePdf.hh>

Inheritance diagram for rarBasePdf:

rarConfig rarArgusBG rarBallack rarBifurGauss rarBinned rarCBShape rarCompBase rarCruijff rarDecay rarExp rarFlatte rarGaussian rarGaussModel rarGeneric rarGounarisSakurai rarHistPdf rarKeys rarLass rarNovosibirsk rarOsipDisc rarPoly rarRelBreitWigner rarStep rarThreshold rarTriGauss rarTwoGauss rarUsrPdf rarVoigtian List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 rarBasePdf ()
 Trivial ctor.
 rarBasePdf (const char *configFile, const char *configSec, const char *configStr, rarDatasets *theDatasets, RooDataSet *theData, const char *name, const char *title)
 Default ctor.
virtual ~rarBasePdf ()
virtual TString getVarSec ()
 Return the name of param config section.
virtual RooArgSet * getPrimaryObs ()
 Return primary observables in dataset files.
virtual RooArgSet * getAddOnCols ()
 Return addon columns for datasets.
virtual RooDataSet * getData (const char *)
 Return the default dataset.
virtual rarDatasetsgetDatasets () const
 Return the default rarDatasets object.
virtual TString getPdfType ()
 Return the pdf type string.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getPdf ()
 Return the created RooFit PDF.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getPdfWOvar (RooArgList ignoredObs)
 Get a PDF not depending on specified observable for sPlot.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getDPdfWvar (RooRealVar *theVar)
 Return the pdf if it depends on the var.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getSimPdf (RooSimultaneous *simPdf=0, RooAbsPdf *srcPdf=0)
 Return the created SimPdf for the PDF specified.
virtual void setFitter (rarMLFitter *theFitter)
 Set final rarMLFitter.
virtual rarMLFittergetFitter ()
 Return the fianl rarMLFitter.
virtual void setSimPdf (RooSimultaneous *simPdf)
 Set (total) SimPdf for this RooRarFit Pdf.
virtual void setCondObss (RooArgSet condObsSet)
 Set CondObss for conditional Pdf.
virtual void setFitData (RooDataSet *theData=0)
 Set the default fit dataset.
virtual RooArgSet getParams ()
 Return RooRealVar ArgSet associated with this RooRarFitPdf.
virtual void preAction ()
 Actions right after every RooRarFitPdf is created and before any other action is taken.
virtual RooArgSet getArgSet (TString paramNames, Bool_t useRead=kFALSE, RooArgSet *fullSet=0)
 Constructs ArgSet of params with given names.
virtual void doPdfFit (TString pdfList="")
 Do pdfFit for given PDFs.
virtual void attachDataSet (const RooAbsData &data)
 Attach dataset to the pdf.
virtual Bool_t isNegativeValue ()
 Check if the current value of PDF is negative.
virtual RooPlot * doPdfPlot (TList &plotList, TString pdfList="")
 Do pdfPlot for given PDFs.
virtual RooArgSet getCorrCoeffs ()
 RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with this RooRarFitPdf.
virtual Double_t getCorrCoeff (const TString pn1, const TString pn2)
 Return correlation coefficient of two params.
virtual RooAbsPdf * getProtGen ()
 Return prototype var generator for toy study.
virtual Bool_t protGenIsDummy ()
virtual void setControlBit (TString controlBitStr, TString bitConfigStr="", TString configSec="")
 Set PDF control bit in the control string by reading config.
virtual void setControlBits (TString controlBitsStr)
 Set PDF control bit in the control string.
virtual Bool_t getControlBit (TString controlBitStr)
 Return a specified PDF control bit in the control string.

Static Public Member Functions

static Int_t getColor (Int_t i)
 Return color from repository.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void init ()
 Initial function called by ctor.
virtual void addProtVars ()
 Add protDataVars (conditionalObs) to _protDataVars (_conditionalObs).
virtual void addProtVars (TString configName, RooArgSet &protVars)
 Add obs in a config to argSet.
virtual void setVarSec (TString paramSec)
 Set the name of param config section.
virtual void addToParams (RooRealVar *theVar)
 Add param to _params.
virtual void addToObs (RooRealVar *theVar)
 Add obs to _obsSet.
virtual RooArgList * getFormulaArgs (rarStrParser fStrParser)
 Get RooFormulaVar ArgList.
virtual Double_t getFormulaVal (TString varStr)
 Return a Double_t value of a string as formula var.
virtual rarBasePdfcreatePdfs (TString Comps="Comps", TList *pdfList=0, RooAbsCollection *PDFs=0, TString secName="")
 Creates pdfs according to component string.
virtual Bool_t matchCatType (RooCatType *catN, RooCatType *catO)
 Check if a new catType is part of old catType.
virtual void saveFracName (TString fracName)
 Save frac name for splitting.
virtual Bool_t isFracName (TString fracName)
 Check if a name is frac name or not.
virtual RooBinning * getRange (RooRealVar *theVar, TString rPrefix, Double_t &min, Double_t &max, const Char_t *sec=0, Int_t *nBins=0)
 Get var ranges from config file.
virtual void saveCorrCoeffs (RooFitResult *fr)
 Save the correlation coefficients for error calculation.
virtual Bool_t saveCorrCoeff (TString corrCoefName, Double_t corrCoef, Bool_t saveTrivial=kFALSE)
 Save the correlation coefficient for error calculation.
virtual TString getCorrCoefName (const TString pn1, const TString pn2) const
 Get correlation coefficient name of two params.
virtual void doXPdfFit (TString pdfList="")
 Pdf fit for extra Pdfs.
virtual RooPlot * doXPdfPlot (TList &plotList, TString pdfList="")
 Pdf plot for extra Pdfs.
virtual RooPlot * doParamsOnPlot (RooPlot *frame, RooArgSet *params=0, Int_t sigDigits=2, Option_t *options="NELU", Double_t xmin=0.65, Double_t xmax=0.99, Double_t ymax=0.95)
 Put parameters on the plot.
virtual RooPlot * doChi2OnPlot (RooPlot *frame)
 Put chi square on the plot.

Protected Attributes

TString _pdfType
 Pdf type string.
RooArgSet _obsSet
 Observables directly for this pdf (no sub-pdfs).
RooArgSet _fObsSet
 Full obs of this pdf (including sub-pdfs').
 Datasets holder.
RooDataSet * _theData
 Default dataset.
RooArgSet _protDataVars
RooArgSet _conditionalObs
 Conditional observables.
RooArgSet _condObss
 Conditional observables for production.
RooAbsPdf * _thePdf
 Default RooFit pdf for this class.
RooArgList _subPdfs
 subPdf ArgList
RooAbsPdf * _theProtGen
 Constructed prototype var generator.
RooArgList _protGenPdfs
 Extra pdfs as prototype var generator.
RooSimultaneous * _thisSimPdf
 SimPdf associated with _thePdf.
RooSimultaneous * _thisSimPdfWOP
 SimPdf w/o protCats.
RooSimultaneous * _theSimPdf
 Final pdf model if it is a SimPdf.
Int_t _nxPdf
 Number of extra pdfs built (directly) within this class.
TList _xPdfList
 List of extra pdfs (directly) within this class.
RooAbsPdf * _myDummyPdf
 Dummy constant pdf with params.
RooArgSet _corrCoeffs
 Correlation coefficients.
TString _paramSec
 Param config section name.
RooArgSet _params
 Param List (all created RooRealVar params).
RooArgList _coeffs
 Coeff List (directly created params).
RooArgSet _xParams
 ArgSet of extra params within this class.
string _afterFitSaverStr
 String to save params after pdf fit.
TString _controlStr
 String for pdf control booleans.

Static Protected Attributes

static RooGenericPdf _dummyPdf
 Dummy constant pdf.
static RooConstVar _dummyExpEvt
 Dummy expected events.
static RooExtendPdf _dummyExtPdf
 Dummy extended pdf (0 evt).
static RooCategory _compCat
 Component category for generation.
static Int_t _rarColors [NCOLORS]
 Colors for plots.
static rarMLFitter_theFitter
 The final fitter.
static TString _fracNames
 String of frac names.

Private Member Functions

 rarBasePdf (const rarBasePdf &)
 ClassDef (rarBasePdf, 0)

Detailed Description

Base class for all RooRarFit PDF classes.

It is the base class for all RooRarFit PDF classes. It defines common data and functions for PDF upon RooConfig.

Definition at line 39 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rarBasePdf::rarBasePdf (  ) 

Trivial ctor.

Usually the objects should be created using other ctors.

Definition at line 81 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References init().

00082   : rarConfig(),
00083     _pdfType("notSet"), _datasets(0), _theData(0),
00084     _thePdf(0), _theProtGen(0),
00085     _thisSimPdf(0), _thisSimPdfWOP(0), _theSimPdf(0),
00086     _nxPdf(0), _myDummyPdf(0), _controlStr("")
00087 {
00088   init();
00089 }

rarBasePdf::rarBasePdf ( const char *  configFile,
const char *  configSec,
const char *  configStr,
rarDatasets theDatasets,
RooDataSet *  theData,
const char *  name,
const char *  title 

Default ctor.

configFile The config file
configSec The config section
configStr The config string
theDatasets Available datasets
theData Default dataset for this PDF
name The name
title The title
The default ctor initializes several common data members, and then calls init.

Definition at line 103 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References init().

00107   : rarConfig(configFile, configSec, configStr, name, title),
00108     _pdfType("notSet"), _datasets(theDatasets), _theData(theData),
00109     _thePdf(0), _theProtGen(0),
00110     _thisSimPdf(0), _thisSimPdfWOP(0), _theSimPdf(0),
00111     _nxPdf(0), _myDummyPdf(0), _controlStr("")
00112 {
00113   init();
00114 }

rarBasePdf::~rarBasePdf (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 116 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

00117 {
00118   // _dataSets.Delete();
00119 }

rarBasePdf::rarBasePdf ( const rarBasePdf  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void rarBasePdf::addProtVars ( TString  configName,
RooArgSet &  protVars 
) [protected, virtual]

Add obs in a config to argSet.

configName Config name having obs
protVars Reference to argSet
It adds obs in given config to give argSet

Definition at line 223 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::_fullObs, rarConfig::_runSec, getArgSet(), and rarConfig::readConfStr().

00224 {
00225   // get protDataVars defined in config file
00226   RooArgSet allProtVars(getArgSet(configName, kTRUE));
00227   allProtVars.add(getArgSet(readConfStr(configName,"", _runSec),kFALSE));
00228   if (allProtVars.getSize()>0) {
00229     //cout<<"protDataVars (conditionalObs) defined:"<<endl;
00230     //allProtVars.Print("v");
00231     RooArgList allProtVarList(allProtVars);
00232     for (Int_t i=0; i<allProtVarList.getSize(); i++) {
00233       TString varName=allProtVarList[i].GetName();
00234       RooAbsArg *theVar=_fullObs->find(varName);
00235       if (!theVar) {
00236         cout<<" Can not find obs named "<<varName<<endl;
00237       }
00238       protVars.add(*theVar);
00239     }
00240   }
00241 }

void rarBasePdf::addProtVars (  )  [protected, virtual]

Add protDataVars (conditionalObs) to _protDataVars (_conditionalObs).

It adds protDataVars (conditionalObs) to _protDataVars (_conditionalObs)

Definition at line 209 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _conditionalObs, _condObss, and _protDataVars.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doGOFChisq(), rarCompBase::init(), and init().

00210 {
00211   addProtVars("conditionalObs", _conditionalObs);
00212   addProtVars("protDataVars", _protDataVars);
00213   _protDataVars.add(_conditionalObs, kTRUE);
00214   // add _conditionalObs for pdfFit
00215   _condObss.add(_conditionalObs);
00216 }

void rarBasePdf::addToObs ( RooRealVar *  theVar  )  [protected, virtual]

Add obs to _obsSet.

theVar The var needs to be added
It adds theVar into _obsSet

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 327 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _obsSet.

00328 {
00329   _obsSet.add(*theVar);
00330 }

void rarBasePdf::addToParams ( RooRealVar *  theVar  )  [protected, virtual]

Add param to _params.

theVar The var needs to be added
It adds theVar into _params

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 317 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _params.

00318 {
00319   _params.add(*theVar);
00320 }

void rarBasePdf::attachDataSet ( const RooAbsData &  data  )  [virtual]

Attach dataset to the pdf.

data The dataset to be attached to the Pdf
It attaches dataset to this PDF

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 667 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _thePdf, and _thisSimPdf.

Referenced by rarCompBase::attachDataSet().

00668 {
00669   RooAbsPdf *thePdf(0);
00670   if (_thePdf) thePdf=_thePdf;
00671   if (_thisSimPdf) thePdf=_thisSimPdf;
00672   if (!thePdf) return;
00673   thePdf->attachDataSet(data);
00674 }

rarBasePdf::ClassDef ( rarBasePdf  ,
) [private]

rarBasePdf * rarBasePdf::createPdfs ( TString  Comps = "Comps",
TList *  pdfList = 0,
RooAbsCollection *  PDFs = 0,
TString  secName = "" 
) [protected, virtual]

Creates pdfs according to component string.

Comps A String of pdf names
pdfList A TList to store the created RooRarFitPdfs
PDFs A RooArgList to store the created RooFit Pdfs
secName Config section name
The last RooRarFitPdf created
This function creates all pdfs specified by a string containing names of pdfs.

Definition at line 398 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::createPdf(), getPdf(), getVarSec(), rarStrParser::nArgs(), and rarConfig::readConfStr().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarCompBase::init(), and init().

00400 {
00401   // secName
00402   if (""==secName) secName=getVarSec();
00403   // get number of components
00404   rarStrParser compStrParser=readConfStr(Comps, "", secName);
00405   Int_t nComp=compStrParser.nArgs();
00406   // read in comp info
00407   RooArgSet pdfCompSet("PDF Comp Set");
00408   for (Int_t i=0; i<nComp; i++) {
00409     TString configStr=
00410       readConfStr("configStr", "notSet", compStrParser[i]+" Config");
00411     RooStringVar *pdf=
00412       new RooStringVar(compStrParser[i], compStrParser[i], configStr);
00413     pdfCompSet.addOwned(*pdf);
00414   }
00415   //pdfCompSet.Print("v");
00416   // list configed pdfs
00417   if (nComp>0) {
00418     cout <<endl<<"Pdfs defined with config \""<<Comps<<"\""
00419          <<" in config file for "<<GetName()<<":"<<endl;
00420   }
00421   for (Int_t i=0; i<nComp; i++) {
00422     TString pdfStr=(RooStringVar&)pdfCompSet[compStrParser[i]];
00423     cout<<Form(" #%02d ",i)<<compStrParser[i]<<" "<<pdfStr<<endl;
00424   }
00425   cout<<endl;
00426   // now build individual pdf
00427   rarBasePdf *thePdf(0);
00428   for (Int_t i=0; i<nComp; i++) {
00429     TString pdfStr=(RooStringVar&)pdfCompSet[compStrParser[i]];
00430     thePdf=createPdf(compStrParser[i]+" "+pdfStr);
00431     if (PDFs) PDFs->add(*thePdf->getPdf());
00432     if (pdfList) pdfList->Add(thePdf);
00433   }
00435   return thePdf;
00436 }

RooPlot * rarBasePdf::doChi2OnPlot ( RooPlot *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Put chi square on the plot.

frame The plot frame
The plot frame
It replaces the place holder with the actual chi square value on the plot. The chisquare number has to be put on in this two step manner, because param frame has to be the first on in the frame so it will not block any other plots, but chisquare has to be calculated after all the plots are drawn, which means the value before the plots is just place holder.

Definition at line 1500 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References getControlBit(), getVarSec(), and rarConfig::readConfStr().

Referenced by doPdfPlot().

01501 {
01502   if (!getControlBit("ParamsOnPlot")) return frame;
01503   TPaveText* pbox = (TPaveText*) frame->findObject("TPave");
01504   if (!pbox) return frame;
01505   if (!pbox->GetSize()) return frame;
01506   TLatex *text=(TLatex*)pbox->GetLine(0);
01507   if ("nbin"==readConfStr("chi2OnPlot", "dof", getVarSec())) {
01508     text->SetTitle(Form("%s%.3f", "#chi^{2}/n = ", frame->chiSquare()));
01509   } else { // DOF
01510     Int_t nFreeParam=atoi(text->GetTitle());
01511     //text->SetLimitIndiceSize(1);
01512     //text->SetTitle(Form("%s%.3f", "#chi^{2}/_{^{DOF}} = ",
01513     text->SetTitle(Form("%s%.3f", "#chi^{2} / ndf = ",
01514                         frame->chiSquare(nFreeParam)));
01515   }
01517   return frame;
01518 }

RooPlot * rarBasePdf::doParamsOnPlot ( RooPlot *  frame,
RooArgSet *  params = 0,
Int_t  sigDigits = 2,
Option_t *  options = "NELU",
Double_t  xmin = 0.65,
Double_t  xmax = 0.99,
Double_t  ymax = 0.95 
) [protected, virtual]

Put parameters on the plot.

frame The plot frame
params Params to draw
sigDigits Number of significant digits
options Plot options
xmin xmin of the param frame
xmax xmax of the param frame
ymax ymax of the param frame
The plot frame
It is modified from RooAbsPdf::paramOn to fix some bug and also allow chi square of the plot on the param frame. The chi square here has not be calculated yet, so the text line for it is just a place holder. doChi2OnPlot is the function to fill that field.

Definition at line 1415 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _theData, _thePdf, and getControlBit().

Referenced by doPdfPlot().

01418 {
01419   // parse the options
01420   TString opts = options;
01421   opts.ToLower();
01422   Bool_t showConstants= opts.Contains("c");
01424   // calculate the box's size, adjusting for constant parameters
01425   if (!params) params = _thePdf->getParameters(_theData);
01426   TIterator* pIter = params->createIterator();
01428   Int_t nLine(0);
01429   Int_t nFreeParam(0);
01430   Double_t ymin(ymax), dy(0.06);
01431   RooRealVar *var = 0;
01432   while(var=(RooRealVar*)pIter->Next()) {
01433     if (var->ClassName()!=TString("RooRealVar")) continue;
01434     if (!var->isConstant()) nFreeParam++;
01435     if(showConstants || !var->isConstant()) {
01436       ymin-= dy;
01437       nLine++;
01438     }
01439   }
01440   if(getControlBit("Chi2OnPlot")) {
01441     ymin-= dy;
01442     nLine++;
01443   }
01444   if (nLine<=0) nLine=1;
01445   Double_t step=1./nLine;
01447   // create the box and set its options
01448   TPaveText *box= new TPaveText(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,"BRNDC");
01449   if(!box) return frame;
01450   box->SetFillColor(0);
01451   box->SetBorderSize(1);
01452   box->SetTextAlign(12);
01453   box->SetTextSize(0.04F);
01454   box->SetFillStyle(1001);
01455   box->SetFillColor(0);
01456   TText *text(0); 
01457   pIter->Reset() ;
01458   Double_t y=1-.4*step;
01459   // add chi2 if specified
01460   if(getControlBit("Chi2OnPlot")) {
01461     text= box->AddText(0, y, Form("%d", nFreeParam));
01462     y-=step;
01463   }
01464   while(var=(RooRealVar*)pIter->Next()) {
01465     if (var->ClassName()!=TString("RooRealVar")) continue;
01466     if(var->isConstant() && !showConstants) continue;
01467     if(var->GetName()==TString(var->getPlotLabel())) {
01468       TString label=var->GetTitle();
01469       label.ReplaceAll(" ({", " _{");
01470       label.ReplaceAll(" (", " _{");
01471       label.ReplaceAll("})", "}");
01472       label.ReplaceAll(")", "}");
01473       var->setPlotLabel(label);
01474     }
01475     TString *formatted= var->format(sigDigits, opts.Data());
01476     text= box->AddText(0, y, formatted->Data());
01477     y-=step;
01478     delete formatted;
01479   }
01481   // Add box to frame 
01482   frame->addObject(box) ;
01484   delete pIter ;
01485   return frame ;
01486 }

void rarBasePdf::doPdfFit ( TString  pdfList = ""  )  [virtual]

Do pdfFit for given PDFs.

pdfList Pdfs need to do pdfFit
It first calls doXPdfFit for extra pdfs. Then it checks various booleans, etc., to see if it needs to do pdfFit for itself. If pdfList is not null it will run pdfFit only when its name is in pdfList. It fixes any params in _prePdfFixParamSet and calls fitTo of RooFit to do the fit. If there is SimPdf for this pdf, it also fits _thisSimPdf. After fitting, it will store the fit params in a string, _afterFitSaverStr, for later use, like plotting, etc.

Create_thisSimPdfWOP through another function

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 866 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _afterFitSaverStr, _condObss, _dummyPdf, _fObsSet, _theData, _thePdf, _thisSimPdf, _thisSimPdfWOP, doXPdfFit(), getArgSet(), getControlBit(), getFitter(), rarConfig::getMasterSec(), getRange(), getVarSec(), rarStrParser::Have(), rarConfig::isNumber(), matchCatType(), rarStrParser::nArgs(), rarConfig::readConfStr(), rarConfig::readFromStr(), rarStrParser::Remove(), saveCorrCoeffs(), setControlBits(), and rarConfig::writeToStr().

Referenced by rarCompBase::doPdfFit().

00867 {
00868   // first for xtraPfs
00869   doXPdfFit(pdfList);
00871   cout<<endl<<" In rarBasePdf doPdfFit for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00873   if (!getControlBit("PdfFit")) return;
00874   TString pdfFitStr=readConfStr("pdfFit","yes",getVarSec());
00875   // is fit been done?
00876   if (getControlBit("FirstFitOnly")) {
00877     if (getControlBit("FirstFitDone")) return;
00878   }
00879   // are we in the list for plotting
00880   rarStrParser pdfListParser=pdfList;
00881   if (pdfListParser.nArgs()>0)
00882     if (!pdfListParser.Have(GetName())) return;
00884   // first check if it has its pdf and data
00885   assert(_thePdf);
00886   assert(_theData);
00887   // display dataset to fit
00888   cout<<" pdfFit to dataset: "<<_theData->GetName()<<endl;
00889   // fitoption
00890   TString fitOption="hrq";
00891   //if (_thePdf->isExtended()) fitOption="emhr";
00892   // convert to newer fitTo format for steering options
00893   Bool_t pdfExtended = fitOption.Contains("e");
00894   Bool_t pdfMinos    = fitOption.Contains("m");
00895   Bool_t pdfHesse    = fitOption.Contains("h");
00896   Bool_t pdfVerbose  = !fitOption.Contains("q");
00897   Bool_t pdfSave     = fitOption.Contains("r"); // return results
00899   // get number of cpus option
00900   Int_t pdfFitNumCPU=atoi(readConfStr("useNumCPU", "1", getMasterSec()));
00902   // save obs
00903   string obsSaveStr;
00904   writeToStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
00905   // set fit ranges
00906   RooArgList fObsList(_fObsSet);
00907   for (Int_t i=0; i<fObsList.getSize(); i++) {
00908     // get obs
00909     RooRealVar *theObs=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(fObsList.at(i));
00910     if (!theObs) continue;
00911     Double_t fitMin=theObs->getMin();
00912     Double_t fitMax=theObs->getMax();
00913     getRange(theObs, "fitRange_", fitMin, fitMax);
00914     theObs->setRange(fitMin, fitMax);
00915   }
00917   // get all params for this pdf and simPdf
00918   RooArgSet thisFParams(*_thePdf->getParameters(_theData));
00919   if (_thisSimPdf) thisFParams.add(*_thisSimPdf->getParameters(_theData));
00920   // first fix params specified with prePdfFix
00921   RooArgSet prePdfFixParamSet=
00922     getArgSet(readConfStr("prePdfFix","", getVarSec()), kFALSE, &thisFParams);
00923   // set those params to values specified
00924   rarStrParser prePdfFixParser=readConfStr("prePdfFix", "", getVarSec());
00925   while (prePdfFixParser.nArgs()>0) {
00926     TString varName=prePdfFixParser[0];
00927     prePdfFixParser.Remove();
00928     RooRealVar *theVar=(RooRealVar*)prePdfFixParamSet.find(varName);
00929     if (!theVar) continue;
00930     // check if the next is number
00931     TString varVal=prePdfFixParser[0];
00932     if (isNumber(varVal)) {
00933       prePdfFixParser.Remove();
00934       if (theVar->ClassName()==TString("RooRealVar"))
00935         theVar->setVal(atof(varVal));
00936     }
00937   }
00938   if (prePdfFixParamSet.getSize()>0) {
00939     cout<<" prePdfFix:"<<endl;
00940     prePdfFixParamSet.Print("v");
00941   }
00942   // then float params specified w/ prePdfFloat
00943   RooArgSet prePdfFloatParamSet=
00944     getArgSet(readConfStr("prePdfFloat","", getVarSec()),kFALSE,&thisFParams);
00945   // merge those params to prePdfFix for saving
00946   prePdfFixParamSet.add(prePdfFloatParamSet);
00947   string prePdfFixParamSetSSaver;
00948   writeToStr(prePdfFixParamSet, prePdfFixParamSetSSaver);
00949   // fix or float
00950   prePdfFixParamSet.setAttribAll("Constant"); 
00951   prePdfFloatParamSet.setAttribAll("Constant", kFALSE);
00953   // fit to default dataset
00954   if ("simFitOnly"!=pdfFitStr) {
00955     cout<<endl<<" In rarBasePdf doPdfFit for "<<GetName()<< " Options: " << fitOption 
00956       << " using " << pdfFitNumCPU << " CPUs (if available)." << endl;
00957     RooFitResult *fitResult=
00958       _thePdf->fitTo(*_theData,ConditionalObservables(_condObss),
00959                      Save(pdfSave), Extended(pdfExtended), 
00960                      Verbose(pdfVerbose), Hesse(pdfHesse),
00961                      Minos(pdfMinos), NumCPU(pdfFitNumCPU));
00963     saveCorrCoeffs(fitResult);
00964   }
00965   // for simPdf
00966   if (_thisSimPdf&&pdfFitStr.Contains("simFit")) {
00967     cout<<"Should also have simPdf fit"<<endl;
00969     //string coeffSSaver;
00970     //writeToStr(_params, coeffSSaver);
00971     //_params.setAttribAll("Constant");
00973     // let's find if there is any protCat?
00974     RooArgSet protDataEVars(getFitter()->getProtDataEVars());
00975     RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
00976       (&_thisSimPdf->indexCat());
00977     RooSuperCategory *sCatO=dynamic_cast<RooSuperCategory*>(simCats);
00978     if (sCatO) {
00979       RooArgSet inputCats(sCatO->inputCatList());
00980       Int_t nCatsO=inputCats.getSize();
00981       inputCats.remove(protDataEVars, kFALSE, kTRUE);
00982       if ((inputCats.getSize()!=nCatsO)&&(inputCats.getSize()>0)) {
00983         RooSuperCategory *sCatN=new
00984           RooSuperCategory("sCatN", "sCatN", inputCats);
00985         _thisSimPdfWOP=new RooSimultaneous
00986           (Form("%sWOP", _thisSimPdfWOP->GetName()), "simPDFWOP", *sCatN);
00987         Int_t nTypesN=sCatN->numTypes();
00988         Int_t nTypesO=sCatO->numTypes();
00989         for(Int_t i=0; i<nTypesN; i++) {
00990           RooCatType *catTypeN=(RooCatType*)sCatN->lookupType(i);
00991           for (Int_t j=0; j<nTypesO; j++) {
00992             RooCatType *catTypeO=(RooCatType*)sCatO->lookupType(j);
00993             if (matchCatType(catTypeN, catTypeO)) {
00994               RooAbsPdf *typePdf=_thisSimPdf->getPdf(catTypeO->GetName());
00995               if (TString(typePdf->GetName())==_dummyPdf.GetName()) continue;
00996               _thisSimPdfWOP->addPdf(*typePdf, catTypeN->GetName());
00997               break;
00998             }
00999           }
01000         }
01001       }
01002     }
01003     //RooFitResult *fitResult=
01004     //  _thisSimPdfWOP->fitTo(*_theData,_condObss,fitOption);
01005     RooFitResult *fitResult= _thisSimPdfWOP->fitTo(*_theData,ConditionalObservables(_condObss),
01006                                                    Save(pdfSave), Extended(pdfExtended), 
01007                                                    Verbose(pdfVerbose), Hesse(pdfHesse),
01008                                                    Minos(pdfMinos), NumCPU(pdfFitNumCPU));
01009     saveCorrCoeffs(fitResult);
01011     //readFromStr(_params, coeffSSaver);
01012   }
01013   // after fit, save the params for later use, like plotting, etc
01014   RooArgSet *theParams=_thePdf->getParameters(_theData);
01015   writeToStr(*theParams, _afterFitSaverStr);
01016   // restore params in prePdfFixParamSet
01017   readFromStr(prePdfFixParamSet, prePdfFixParamSetSSaver);
01018   // restore obs saved
01019   readFromStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
01020   setControlBits("FirstFitDone");
01021 }

RooPlot * rarBasePdf::doPdfPlot ( TList &  plotList,
TString  pdfList = "" 
) [virtual]

Do pdfPlot for given PDFs.

plotList List of plots
pdfList List of PDFs to be plotted
The last RooPlot created
It first calls doXPdfPlot to get PDF plots of extra PDFs. Before it gets plot for each observable, it restore parameters to the fit values right after pdfFit. It then loops through all observables to get plot for each of them. For each plot, it puts data points, pdf contour, and parameters and chi square (if their booleans set) on. Before it returns the last plot, it restores parameters back to values before plotting.

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarCompBase, rarMLPdf, and rarMultPdf.

Definition at line 1055 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _afterFitSaverStr, _condObss, _fObsSet, rarConfig::_fullObs, _protDataVars, rarConfig::_rarPdfs, _subPdfs, _theData, _thePdf, _thisSimPdfWOP, doChi2OnPlot(), doParamsOnPlot(), doXPdfPlot(), getColor(), getControlBit(), rarDatasets::getData(), getDatasets(), getRange(), getVarSec(), rarStrParser::Have(), rarStrParser::nArgs(), rarConfig::readConfStr(), rarConfig::readFromStr(), rarStrParser::Remove(), setControlBits(), and rarConfig::writeToStr().

Referenced by rarMultPdf::doPdfPlot(), and rarAdd::doPdfPlot().

01056 {
01057   RooPlot *frame(0);
01058   // first for xtraPdfs
01059   frame=doXPdfPlot(plotList, pdfList);
01061   cout<<endl<<" In rarBasePdf doPdfPlot for "<<GetName()<<endl;
01063   //if (!getControlBit("PdfFit")) return frame;
01064   TString pdfFitStr=readConfStr("pdfFit","yes",getVarSec());
01065   if (!getControlBit("PdfPlot")) return frame;
01066   if (getControlBit("PdfPlotDone")) return frame;
01067   // are we in the list for plotting
01068   rarStrParser pdfListParser=pdfList;
01069   if (pdfListParser.nArgs()>0)
01070     if (!pdfListParser.Have(GetName())) return frame;
01072   // check if it has its pdf and data
01073   if ((!_thePdf)||(!_theData)) return frame;
01075   // save obs
01076   string obsSaveStr;
01077   writeToStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
01078   // restore the fit value for plotting
01079   string coeffParamSSaver;
01080   RooArgSet *theParams=_thePdf->getParameters(_theData);
01081   writeToStr(*theParams, coeffParamSSaver);
01082   readFromStr(*theParams, _afterFitSaverStr);
01084   // plot for each obs
01085   RooArgList fObsList(_fObsSet);
01086   for (Int_t i=0; i<fObsList.getSize(); i++) {
01087     // get obs
01088     RooRealVar *theObs=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(fObsList.at(i));
01089     if (!theObs) continue;
01090     TString nBinStr="0";
01091     // if obs is in _protDataVars or _condObss,
01092     // do not plot unless explicitly requested
01093     if (_protDataVars.find(theObs->GetName())) nBinStr="-1";
01094     if (_condObss.find(theObs->GetName())) nBinStr="-1";
01095     // get nBins
01096     Int_t nBins=atoi(readConfStr(Form("plotBins_%s", theObs->GetName()),
01097                                  nBinStr, getVarSec()));
01098     if (nBins<0) continue;
01099     if (0==nBins) nBins=theObs->getBins();
01100     // plot range
01101     Double_t plotMin=theObs->getMin();
01102     Double_t plotMax=theObs->getMax();
01103     getRange(theObs, "plotRange_", plotMin, plotMax);
01104     // normalization CmdArg
01105     // see post on HN from Wouter for another way
01106     // to handle fit and plot for sub-ranges
01107     // using named ranges, like:
01108     // mes.setRange("signal", 5.27, 5.29);
01109     // de.setRange("signal",-0.1,0.1) ;
01110     // data->plotOn(frame2,CutRange("signal")) ;
01111     // model.plotOn(frame2,ProjectionRange("signal")) ;
01112     RooCmdArg plotCutNormCmd;
01113     TString rangeCuts="1";
01114     if (plotMin>theObs->getMin())
01115       rangeCuts+=Form("&&(%s>%f)",theObs->GetName(), plotMin);
01116     if (plotMax<theObs->getMax())
01117       rangeCuts+=Form("&&(%s<%f)",theObs->GetName(), plotMax);
01118     if ("1"!=rangeCuts) {
01119       Double_t d=_theData->sumEntries();
01120       Double_t n=_theData->sumEntries(rangeCuts);
01121       Double_t plotRangeNorm=n/d;
01122       cout<<" Based on total evts "<<d<<" and fitted evts "<<n<<endl
01123           <<" norm. scale factor for plotting: "<<plotRangeNorm<<endl
01124           <<endl;
01125       if (plotRangeNorm!=1) {
01126         cout<<" Using relative norm. factor "<<plotRangeNorm<<endl;
01127         plotCutNormCmd=Normalization(plotRangeNorm, RooAbsReal::Relative);
01128       }
01129     }
01130     theObs->setRange(plotMin, plotMax);
01131     // do we have projWData for plotting
01132     RooDataSet *projWData(0);
01133     TString projWDataStr=
01134       readConfStr(Form("projWData_%s", theObs->GetName()), "no", getVarSec());
01135     if ("yes"==projWDataStr) projWData=_theData;
01136     else if ("no"!=projWDataStr)
01137       projWData=getDatasets()->getData(projWDataStr);
01138     if (projWData) {
01139       cout<<" Get plot of "<<theObs->GetName()<<" for Pdf "<<_thePdf->GetName()
01140           <<" using projWData "<<projWData->GetName()<<endl;
01141     }
01142     // any plots for simPdf?
01143     if (_thisSimPdfWOP&&pdfFitStr.Contains("simFit")) {
01144       // all sim comps
01145       RooArgSet *simComps=(RooArgSet*)_thisSimPdfWOP->getComponents()->
01146         selectByName(Form("%s_*",_thePdf->GetName()));
01147       RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)
01148         (&((RooSimultaneous*)_thisSimPdfWOP)->indexCat());
01149       RooArgSet inputCats;
01150       RooSuperCategory *simSuperCats=dynamic_cast<RooSuperCategory*>(simCats);
01151       if (simSuperCats) inputCats.add(simSuperCats->inputCatList());
01152       else inputCats.add(*simCats);
01153       TIterator *cIter=inputCats.createIterator();
01154       RooCategory *theCat(0);
01155       while(theCat=(RooCategory*)cIter->Next()) {
01156         TIterator *tIter=theCat->typeIterator();
01157         RooCatType *theType(0);
01158         while (theType=(RooCatType*)tIter->Next()) {
01159           // do we have simPdf comp for this cat?
01160           TString compStr="";
01161           RooArgSet compParams;
01162           TIterator *compIter=simComps->createIterator();
01163           RooAbsPdf *thePdf(0);
01164           while(thePdf=(RooAbsPdf*)compIter->Next()) {
01165             TString thePdfName=thePdf->GetName();
01166             thePdfName.Remove(0, strlen(_thePdf->GetName()));
01167             if (!thePdfName.Contains(theType->GetName())) continue;
01168             compStr+=thePdf->GetName();
01169             compStr+=",";
01170             compParams.add(*thePdf->getParameters(_theData));
01171           }
01172           delete compIter;
01173           if (""==compStr) continue;
01174           // do we have dataset for this cat?
01175           TString catCut=Form("%s==%s::%s",theCat->GetName(),
01176                               theCat->GetName(),theType->GetName());
01177           RooDataSet *subData=(RooDataSet*)_theData->reduce(catCut);
01178           if (subData->numEntries()<=0) {
01179             delete subData;
01180             continue;
01181           }
01182           // now plot the subData and pdf
01183           RooPlot *subFrame=theObs->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
01184           if (getControlBit("ParamsOnPlot"))
01185             doParamsOnPlot(subFrame, &compParams);
01186           RooLinkedList plotOpts;
01187           // X Error size relative to bin width, default 1.0
01188           Double_t xerrorscale = atof(readConfStr("XErrorSize", "1.0", 
01189                                                   getVarSec()));
01190           RooCmdArg xerrArg = XErrorSize(xerrorscale);
01191           plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&xerrArg);
01192           RooCmdArg datErrArg = DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2);
01193           if (subData->isWeighted()) // use sumw2
01194             plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&datErrArg);
01195           subData->plotOn(subFrame, plotOpts);
01196           _thisSimPdfWOP->plotOn(subFrame, plotCutNormCmd, Components(compStr),
01197                                  ProjWData(*subData));
01198           if (getControlBit("Chi2OnPlot")) doChi2OnPlot(subFrame);
01199           subFrame->SetNameTitle(Form("%s_%s_%s",theObs->GetName(),
01200                                       _thePdf->GetName(), catCut.Data()),
01201                                  Form("%s %s %s",theObs->GetTitle(),
01202                                       _thePdf->GetTitle(), catCut.Data()));
01203           //#ifndef RAR_USE_ROOT5
01204           subFrame->SetTitleSize(0.05);
01205           //#endif
01206           plotList.Add(subFrame);
01208           delete subData;
01209         }
01210         delete tIter;
01211       }
01212       delete cIter;
01213       delete simComps;
01214       // now plot for full simPdf
01215       {
01216         RooPlot *subFrame=theObs->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
01217         if (getControlBit("ParamsOnPlot")) doParamsOnPlot(subFrame);
01218         RooLinkedList plotOpts;
01219         Double_t xerrorscale = atof(readConfStr("XErrorSize", "1.0", 
01220                                                 getVarSec()));
01221         RooCmdArg xerrArg = XErrorSize(xerrorscale);
01222         plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&xerrArg);
01223         RooCmdArg datErrArg = DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2);
01224         if (_theData->isWeighted()) // use sumw2
01225           plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&datErrArg);
01226         _theData->plotOn(subFrame, plotOpts);
01227         _thisSimPdfWOP->plotOn(subFrame, ProjWData(*_theData),plotCutNormCmd);
01228         if (getControlBit("Chi2OnPlot")) doChi2OnPlot(subFrame);
01229         subFrame->SetNameTitle(Form("%s_%s",theObs->GetName(),
01230                                     _thisSimPdfWOP->GetName()),
01231                                Form("%s %s",theObs->GetTitle(),
01232                                     _thisSimPdfWOP->GetTitle()));
01233         //#ifndef RAR_USE_ROOT5
01234         subFrame->SetTitleSize(0.05);
01235         //#endif
01236         plotList.Add(subFrame);
01237       }
01238     }
01239     if ("simFitOnly"==pdfFitStr) continue;
01240     // now categorized plot for the total pdf
01241     TString plotWCatStr=
01242       readConfStr(Form("plotWCat_%s",theObs->GetName()),"notSet",getVarSec());
01243     if ("notSet"==plotWCatStr)
01244       plotWCatStr=readConfStr("plotWCat","no",getVarSec());
01245     if ("no"!=plotWCatStr) {
01246       rarStrParser plotCatParser=plotWCatStr;
01247       while (plotCatParser.nArgs()>0) {
01248         TString catName=plotCatParser[0];
01249         plotCatParser.Remove();
01250         RooAbsCategory *plotCat=(RooAbsCategory *)_fullObs->find(catName);
01251         if (!plotCat) {
01252           cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
01253               <<" category "<<catName<<" does not exist!"<<endl;
01254           continue;
01255         }
01256         TIterator *cIter=plotCat->typeIterator();
01257         RooCatType *cType(0);
01258         while(cType=(RooCatType*)cIter->Next()) {
01259           TString catCut=catName+"=="+catName+"::"+cType->GetName();
01260           RooDataSet *catSliceData=(RooDataSet*)_theData->reduce(catCut);
01261           RooPlot *subFrame=theObs->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
01262           if (catSliceData->isWeighted()) // use sumw2
01263             catSliceData->plotOn(subFrame, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2));
01264           else
01265             catSliceData->plotOn(subFrame);
01266           _thePdf->plotOn(subFrame, ProjWData(*catSliceData), plotCutNormCmd);
01267           subFrame->SetNameTitle(Form("%s_%s_%s",theObs->GetName(),
01268                                       _thePdf->GetName(), catCut.Data()),
01269                                  Form("%s %s %s",theObs->GetTitle(),
01270                                       _thePdf->GetTitle(), catCut.Data()));
01271           plotList.Add(subFrame);
01272           delete catSliceData;
01273         }
01274         delete cIter;
01275       }
01276     }
01277     // pdfPlot for total pdf
01278     // get plot frame
01279     frame=theObs->frame(plotMin, plotMax, nBins);
01280     // get params
01281     if (getControlBit("ParamsOnPlot")) doParamsOnPlot(frame);
01282     // data points
01283     RooLinkedList plotOpts;
01284     Double_t xerrorscale = atof(readConfStr("XErrorSize", "1.0", getVarSec()));
01285     RooCmdArg xerrArg = XErrorSize(xerrorscale);
01286     plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&xerrArg);
01287     RooCmdArg datErrArg = DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2);
01288     if (_theData->isWeighted()) // use sumw2
01289       plotOpts.Add((TObject*)&datErrArg);
01290     _theData->plotOn(frame, plotOpts);
01291     // pdf
01292     _thePdf->plotOn(frame, ProjWData(*projWData), plotCutNormCmd);
01293     // put chi2 on
01294     if (getControlBit("Chi2OnPlot")) doChi2OnPlot(frame);
01295     // any sub plots?
01296     if (getControlBit("CompsOnPlot")) {
01297       Int_t lineStyle=4;
01298       Int_t nComp=_subPdfs.getSize();
01299       for (Int_t j=0; j<nComp; j++) {
01300         if (lineStyle>2) lineStyle=2;
01301         else lineStyle=4;
01302         RooAbsPdf *theSubPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)_subPdfs.at(j);
01303         _thePdf->plotOn(frame, ProjWData(*projWData),LineWidth(2),
01304                         plotCutNormCmd, Components(theSubPdf->GetName()),
01305                         Name(theSubPdf->GetName()),
01306                         LineStyle(lineStyle),LineColor(getColor(j)));
01307       }
01308     }
01309     // any sub data points
01310     if (getControlBit("CompsOnPlot")&&getControlBit("CompsDataOnPlot")) {
01311       RooAddPdf *refPdf(0);
01312       // do we have ref pdf in the config?
01313       TString refName=readConfStr("compsDataOnPlot", "no", getVarSec());
01314       if ("yes"==refName) refPdf=(RooAddPdf*)_thePdf;
01315       else {
01316         // ref to RooRarFit PDF?
01317         rarBasePdf *rarRef=(rarBasePdf*)(_rarPdfs.FindObject(refName));
01318         if (rarRef) refPdf=(RooAddPdf*)rarRef->getPdf();
01319         else {
01320           cout<<"Can not find ref pdf named "<<refName<<endl
01321               <<"Use the default one: "<<GetName()<<endl;
01322           refPdf=(RooAddPdf*)_thePdf;
01323         }
01324       }
01325       // make sure the refPdf is RooAddPdf
01326       if (refPdf->ClassName()!=TString("RooAddPdf")) {
01327         cout <<" The reference pdf "<<refPdf->GetName()
01328              <<" for data point plotting is not RooAddPdf"<<endl;
01329         exit(-1);
01330       }
01331       Int_t nComp=refPdf->pdfList().getSize();
01332       // now create nComp histograms for data points
01333       TList hList;
01334       for (Int_t j=0; j<nComp; j++) {
01335         TH1F *h=new
01336           TH1F(Form("subDP_%s_%s", theObs->GetName(),
01337                     refPdf->pdfList()[j].GetName()), "sub data points",
01338                frame->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(),
01339                frame->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), frame->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
01340         h->Sumw2();
01341         h->SetMarkerStyle(8+j);
01342         hList.Add(h);
01343       }
01344       // 
01345       refPdf->attachDataSet(*_theData);
01346       // now get data point plots
01347       Int_t nEvts=_theData->numEntries();
01348       RooArgSet *normSet=(RooArgSet *)_theData->get(0);
01349       for (Int_t evtIdx=0; evtIdx<nEvts; evtIdx++) {
01350         _theData->get(evtIdx);
01351         Double_t val=((RooAbsReal*)normSet->find(theObs->GetName()))->getVal();
01352         Double_t totProb=refPdf->getVal(normSet);
01353         Double_t lastW=1.;
01354         for (Int_t j=0; j<nComp; j++) {
01355           TH1F *h=(TH1F *)hList.At(j);
01356           if (j<nComp-1) {
01357             RooAbsPdf *subPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)refPdf->pdfList().at(j);
01358             RooAbsReal *subCoef=(RooAbsReal*)refPdf->coefList().at(j);
01359             Double_t w=subPdf->getVal(normSet)*subCoef->getVal()/totProb;
01360             lastW-=w;
01361             h->Fill(val, w);
01362           } else {
01363             h->Fill(val, lastW);
01364           }
01365         }
01366       }
01367       // add the histograms into sub frames
01368       for (Int_t j=0; j<nComp; j++) {
01369         RooPlot *subframe=theObs->frame(nBins);
01370         subframe->SetName(Form("sub_%s_%s", theObs->GetName(),
01371                                refPdf->pdfList()[j].GetName()));
01372         RooAbsPdf *theSubPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)_subPdfs.at(j);
01373         TH1F *h=(TH1F *)hList.At(j);
01374         // convert TH1 to RooHist
01375         RooHist *rHist=new RooHist(*h);
01376         subframe->addPlotable(rHist, "P");
01377         theSubPdf->plotOn(subframe, ProjWData(*projWData));
01378         plotList.Add(subframe);
01379       }
01380     }
01381     // set frame's attrs
01382     frame->SetNameTitle(Form("%s_%s", theObs->GetName(), _thePdf->GetName()),
01383                         Form("%s %s",theObs->GetTitle(),_thePdf->GetTitle()));
01384     //#ifndef RAR_USE_ROOT5
01385     frame->SetTitleSize(0.05);
01386     //#endif
01387     plotList.Add(frame);
01388   }
01389   // restore params
01390   readFromStr(*theParams, coeffParamSSaver);
01391   // restore obs saved
01392   readFromStr(_fObsSet, obsSaveStr);
01393   setControlBits("PdfPlotDone");
01394   return frame;
01395 }

void rarBasePdf::doXPdfFit ( TString  pdfList = ""  )  [protected, virtual]

Pdf fit for extra Pdfs.

pdfList Pdfs need to do pdfFit
Run pdfFit for extra pdfs.

Definition at line 845 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _nxPdf, and _xPdfList.

Referenced by rarCompBase::doPdfFit(), and doPdfFit().

00846 {
00847   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
00848     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00849     thePdf->doPdfFit(pdfList);
00850   }
00851 }

RooPlot * rarBasePdf::doXPdfPlot ( TList &  plotList,
TString  pdfList = "" 
) [protected, virtual]

Pdf plot for extra Pdfs.

plotList List of plots
pdfList List of PDFs to be plotted
The last RooPlot created
It loops through all extra PDFs to get pdf plots by calling their doPdfPlot.

Definition at line 1031 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _nxPdf, and _xPdfList.

Referenced by rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), and doPdfPlot().

01032 {
01033   RooPlot *frame(0);
01034   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
01035     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
01036     frame=thePdf->doPdfPlot(plotList, pdfList);
01037   }
01038   return frame;
01039 }

virtual RooArgSet* rarBasePdf::getAddOnCols (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return addon columns for datasets.

The addon columns defined

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 57 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _datasets, and rarDatasets::getAddOnCols().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::generate().

00057 {return _datasets->getAddOnCols();}

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::getArgSet ( TString  paramNames,
Bool_t  useRead = kFALSE,
RooArgSet *  fullSet = 0 
) [virtual]

Constructs ArgSet of params with given names.

paramNames The param names or config item name
useRead To use readConfStr or not
fullSet Argset to get additional args
The ArgSet created
It constructs ArgSet according to paramNames from its _params. If useRead is set, paramNames is actually config item name and readConfStr is used to read in the actaully names. If a name is actually the name of this RooRarFitPdf itself, it adds all params in _params, if not, it checks if the name is in _params, if yes, it adds the param into the ArgSet. It loops through all the names and return the created ArgSet.

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 555 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _nxPdf, _params, rarConfig::_rarPdfs, _xPdfList, rarConfig::getAbsVar(), getArgSet(), getVarSec(), rarStrParser::nArgs(), and rarConfig::readConfStr().

Referenced by addProtVars(), doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::getArgSet(), and getArgSet().

00557 {
00558   RooArgSet retVal;
00559   rarStrParser paramNameStrParser="";
00560   if (!useRead) {
00561     paramNameStrParser=paramNames;
00562   } else {
00563     paramNameStrParser=readConfStr(paramNames, "", getVarSec());
00564   }
00565   Int_t nParams=paramNameStrParser.nArgs();
00566   RooAbsArg *theParam(0);
00567   rarBasePdf *thePdf(0);
00568   for (Int_t i=0; i<nParams; i++) {
00569     TString paramName=paramNameStrParser[i];
00570     // if fullSet have the name
00571     if (fullSet) {
00572       RooArgSet *inFS=(RooArgSet*)fullSet->selectByName(paramName);
00573       retVal.add(*inFS);
00574       delete inFS;
00575     }
00576     // check if the paramName is the pdf Name
00577     if(paramName==GetName()) {
00578       retVal.add(_params);
00579       // have any split param?
00580       if (fullSet) {
00581         RooArgList paramList(_params);
00582         for (Int_t j=0; j<paramList.getSize(); j++) {
00583           RooArgSet *inFS=(RooArgSet*)
00584             fullSet->selectByName(Form("%s_*",paramList[j].GetName()));
00585           retVal.add(*inFS);
00586           delete inFS;
00587         }
00588       }
00589     } else if (theParam=getAbsVar(paramName)) {
00590       //RooAbsArg *theParam=_params.find(paramName);
00591       retVal.add(*theParam);
00592       if (fullSet) {
00593         RooArgSet *inFS=(RooArgSet*)
00594           fullSet->selectByName(Form("%s_*",theParam->GetName()));
00595         retVal.add(*inFS);
00596         delete inFS;
00597       }
00598     } else if (thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)(_rarPdfs.FindObject(paramName))) {
00599       retVal.add(thePdf->getArgSet(thePdf->GetName(), kFALSE, fullSet));
00600     }
00601   }
00602   // now for xtraPdf
00603   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
00604     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00605     retVal.add(thePdf->getArgSet(paramNames, useRead, fullSet));
00606   }
00607   return retVal;
00608 }

Int_t rarBasePdf::getColor ( Int_t  i  )  [static]

Return color from repository.

i Index for color
Color returned

Definition at line 1654 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _rarColors, and NCOLORS.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::combine(), doPdfPlot(), and rarMLFitter::getProjPlot().

01655 {
01656   return _rarColors[i%NCOLORS];
01657 }

Bool_t rarBasePdf::getControlBit ( TString  controlBitStr  )  [virtual]

Return a specified PDF control bit in the control string.

controlBitStr String of control bit
The value of the control bit
It gets the value of the specified control bit in _controlStr. It returns true if controlBitStr matches a bit inside _controlStr, otherwise false. If the bit does not exist, it reutrns false.

Definition at line 1638 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _controlStr, and rarStrParser::nArgs().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::compGen(), doChi2OnPlot(), rarMLFitter::doGOFChisq(), doParamsOnPlot(), rarCompBase::doPdfFit(), doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::getExtCompPdf(), rarMLFitter::getGenerator(), rarProd::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getSnB(), rarMLPdf::init(), and rarMLFitter::init().

01639 {
01640   rarStrParser controlStrParser=_controlStr;
01641   for (Int_t i=0; i<controlStrParser.nArgs(); i++) {
01642     if (controlBitStr==controlStrParser[i]) return kTRUE;
01643     if ("no"+controlBitStr==controlStrParser[i]) return kFALSE;
01644     if (controlBitStr=="no"+controlStrParser[i]) return kFALSE;
01645   }
01646   // not exist
01647   if (controlBitStr.BeginsWith("no")) return kTRUE;
01648   return kFALSE;
01649 }

Double_t rarBasePdf::getCorrCoeff ( const TString  pn1,
const TString  pn2 
) [virtual]

Return correlation coefficient of two params.

pn1 Name of the first param
pn2 Name of the second param
Correlation coefficient
This function returns correlation coefficient of two params specified in args

Definition at line 775 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References getCorrCoeffs(), and getCorrCoefName().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::getCorrMatrix().

00776 {
00777   // trivial case, but need to be considered specially
00778   if (pn1==pn2) return 1;
00779   // do we have it in argset?
00780   RooArgSet theCorrSet(getCorrCoeffs());
00781   return theCorrSet.getRealValue(getCorrCoefName(pn1, pn2), 0);
00782 }

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::getCorrCoeffs (  )  [virtual]

RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with this RooRarFitPdf.

Correlation coefficients
This function returns RooRealVar ArgSet of correlation coefficient of params associated with this RooRarFitPdf.

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 757 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _corrCoeffs, _nxPdf, and _xPdfList.

Referenced by getCorrCoeff(), and rarCompBase::getCorrCoeffs().

00758 {
00759   RooArgSet theSet(_corrCoeffs);
00760   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
00761     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00762     theSet.add(thePdf->getCorrCoeffs());
00763   }
00765   return theSet;
00766 }

TString rarBasePdf::getCorrCoefName ( const TString  pn1,
const TString  pn2 
) const [protected, virtual]

Get correlation coefficient name of two params.

pn1 Name of the first param
pn2 Name of the second param
Correlation coefficient Name

Definition at line 832 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

Referenced by getCorrCoeff(), rarMLFitter::run(), and saveCorrCoeffs().

00833 {
00834   // construct corrcoef var name
00835   TString corrName=Form("corrCoef_%s_%s", pn1.Data(), pn2.Data());
00836   if (pn1.CompareTo(pn2)>0)
00837     corrName=Form("corrCoef_%s_%s", pn2.Data(), pn1.Data());
00838   return corrName;
00839 }

virtual RooDataSet* rarBasePdf::getData ( const char *   )  [inline, virtual]

Return the default dataset.

name The name of the dataset, dummy parameter here
The dataset returned
Return the default dataset

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 64 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _theData.

00064 {return _theData;}

virtual rarDatasets* rarBasePdf::getDatasets (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Return the default rarDatasets object.

The dataset holder

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 68 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _datasets.

Referenced by doPdfPlot(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::paramFileIO(), and rarMLFitter::run().

00068 {return _datasets;}

RooAbsPdf * rarBasePdf::getDPdfWvar ( RooRealVar *  theVar  )  [virtual]

Return the pdf if it depends on the var.

theVar The var to check
This (sim)Pdf if it depends on the var
It checks if the pdf depends on the obs; if yes, it returns this (sim)Pdf

Reimplemented in rarProd.

Definition at line 1566 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _thePdf, and _thisSimPdf.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doSPlot().

01567 {
01568   RooAbsPdf *retVal(0);
01569   if (!_thePdf->dependsOn(*theVar)) return retVal;
01570   retVal=_thePdf;
01571   if (_thisSimPdf) retVal=_thisSimPdf;
01572   return retVal;
01573 }

virtual rarMLFitter* rarBasePdf::getFitter (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the fianl rarMLFitter.

The final rarMLFitter

Definition at line 86 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _theFitter.

Referenced by doPdfFit(), getSimPdf(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), and init().

00086 {return _theFitter;}

RooArgList * rarBasePdf::getFormulaArgs ( rarStrParser  fStrParser  )  [protected, virtual]

Get RooFormulaVar ArgList.

fStrParser The parsed tokens of formula Args
The formula ArgList
It creates a RooArgList from fStrParser. It first checks if the token in fStrParser is in _obsSet, if not, checks if in _params, then if in _fullObs, if not, it creats one by calling createAbsReal, and finally, it adds the var into the ArgList. It repeats until all the tokens are scanned.

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 343 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::_fullObs, _obsSet, _params, rarConfig::createAbsReal(), rarConfig::isNumber(), and rarStrParser::nArgs().

Referenced by getFormulaVal(), rarHistPdf::init(), and rarGeneric::init().

00344 {
00345   RooArgList *depList=new RooArgList;
00346   Int_t nArgs=fStrParser.nArgs();
00347   if (nArgs<=0) return depList;
00348   for (Int_t i=0; i<nArgs; i++) {
00349     RooAbsArg *theDep(0);
00350     if (theDep=_obsSet.find(fStrParser[i]));
00351     else if (theDep=_params.find(fStrParser[i]));
00352     else if (theDep=_fullObs->find(fStrParser[i])) {
00353       _obsSet.add(*theDep);
00354     } else { // create it
00355       if (isNumber(fStrParser[i])) break;
00356       theDep=createAbsReal(fStrParser[i], fStrParser[i]);
00357     }
00358     depList->add(*theDep);
00359   }
00361   return depList;
00362 }

Double_t rarBasePdf::getFormulaVal ( TString  varStr  )  [protected, virtual]

Return a Double_t value of a string as formula var.

varStr The string to be evaluated
The evaluation
It calculates the value of varStr which is parsed as formula and returns that number. The formula string looks like

Definition at line 373 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _params, getFormulaArgs(), and rarStrParser::Remove().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy().

00374 {
00375   Double_t retVal(0);
00376   rarStrParser varStrParser=varStr;
00377   TString formula=varStrParser[0]; // get the formula
00378   varStrParser.Remove();
00379   // we need to prserve _params RooArgSet
00380   RooArgSet params(_params);
00381   RooFormulaVar myVar("myVar", formula, *getFormulaArgs(varStrParser));
00382   retVal=myVar.getVal();
00383   // restore original _params
00384   _params.removeAll();
00385   _params.add(params);
00386   return retVal;
00387 }

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::getParams (  )  [virtual]

Return RooRealVar ArgSet associated with this RooRarFitPdf.

params associated with this RooRarFitPdf
This function returns RooRealVar ArgSet associated with this RooRarFitPdf, ie, _params, _params of its extra pdfs, and _xParams.

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 300 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _nxPdf, _params, _xParams, and _xPdfList.

Referenced by rarCompBase::getParams().

00301 {
00302   RooArgSet theSet(_params);
00303   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
00304     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00305     theSet.add(thePdf->getParams());
00306   }
00307   theSet.add(_xParams);
00309   return theSet;
00310 }

virtual RooAbsPdf* rarBasePdf::getPdf (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the created RooFit PDF.

The default RooFit PDF

Definition at line 76 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _thePdf.

Referenced by createPdfs(), rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::getProjPlot(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), and rarDecay::init().

00076 {return _thePdf;}

virtual TString rarBasePdf::getPdfType (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the pdf type string.

The pdf type string

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 72 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _pdfType.

00072 {return _pdfType;}

RooAbsPdf * rarBasePdf::getPdfWOvar ( RooArgList  ignoredObs  )  [virtual]

Get a PDF not depending on specified observable for sPlot.

ignoredObs The observables to check
The Pdf required
It checks if the pdf depends on the observables. if yes, it returns dummy constant pdf; if no, it returns the default pdf

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarProd, and rarSimPdf.

Definition at line 1545 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::_fullObs, and _thePdf.

01546 {
01547   RooAbsPdf *thePdf=_thePdf;
01548   // check if thePdf depends on theVar
01549   if (!(thePdf->dependsOn(ignoredObs))) return thePdf;
01550   // create a dummy for it
01551   TString theName=Form("the_%s_%s", ignoredObs[0].GetName(), GetName());
01552   TString theTitle=Form("%s w/o %s", GetTitle(), ignoredObs[0].GetName());
01553   thePdf=new RooGenericPdf(theName, theTitle, "1",
01554                            *_thePdf->getParameters(_fullObs));
01555   //thePdf->Print("v");
01556   //thePdf->Print();
01557   return thePdf;
01558 }

virtual RooArgSet* rarBasePdf::getPrimaryObs (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return primary observables in dataset files.

The primary observables defined

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 53 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _datasets, and rarDatasets::getPrimaryObs().

00053 {return _datasets->getPrimaryObs();}

RooAbsPdf * rarBasePdf::getProtGen (  )  [virtual]

Return prototype var generator for toy study.

The generator
It constrcuts prototype var generator for toy study

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarCompBase, rarDecay, rarMLFitter, rarMLPdf, rarProd, and rarSimPdf.

Definition at line 1524 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _myDummyPdf, _protGenPdfs, and _theProtGen.

Referenced by rarDecay::getProtGen().

01525 {
01526   if (_theProtGen) return _theProtGen;
01527   _theProtGen=_myDummyPdf;
01528   if (_protGenPdfs.getSize()>0) {
01529     RooArgList pdfList(_protGenPdfs);
01530     pdfList.add(*_theProtGen);
01531     _theProtGen=new RooProdPdf
01532       (Form("protGen_%s",GetName()),Form("Gen for %s",GetName()), pdfList);
01533   }
01535   return _theProtGen;
01536 }

RooBinning * rarBasePdf::getRange ( RooRealVar *  theVar,
TString  rPrefix,
Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max,
const Char_t *  sec = 0,
Int_t *  nBins = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Get var ranges from config file.

theVar The var to get ranges from
rPrefix The config prefix for ranges
min The double var to store min
max The double var to store max
sec Config section name
nBins Number of bins
The RooBinning var if created
It returns min and max for a var from config file. It nBins is set, it will return RooBinning.

Definition at line 707 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::_runSec, getVarSec(), rarStrParser::nArgs(), rarConfig::readConfStr(), and rarStrParser::Remove().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doGOFChisq(), doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doProjPlot(), and rarMLFitter::doSPlot().

00710 {
00711   RooBinning *abins(0);
00712   if (!sec) sec=getVarSec();
00713   min=theVar->getMin();
00714   max=theVar->getMax();
00715   rarStrParser rangeParser=
00716     readConfStr(rPrefix+theVar->GetName(),"", sec);
00717   if (rangeParser.nArgs()<=0) { // try runSec then
00718     rangeParser=readConfStr(rPrefix+theVar->GetName(),"", _runSec);
00719   }
00720   if (rangeParser.nArgs()>0) {
00721     min=atof(rangeParser[0]);
00722     rangeParser.Remove();
00723     if (min<theVar->getMin()) min=theVar->getMin();
00724   }
00725   if (rangeParser.nArgs()>0) {
00726     max=atof(rangeParser[rangeParser.nArgs()-1]);
00727     rangeParser.Remove(rangeParser.nArgs()-1);
00728     if (max>theVar->getMax()) max=theVar->getMax();
00729   }
00730   if (max<min) {
00731     Double_t v=max;
00732     max=min;
00733     min=v;
00734   }
00735   if (nBins) {
00736     abins=new RooBinning(*nBins, min, max);
00737     if (rangeParser.nArgs()>0) {
00738       delete abins;
00739       abins=new RooBinning(min, max);
00740       while (rangeParser.nArgs()>0) {
00741         Double_t boundary=atof(rangeParser[0]);
00742         rangeParser.Remove();
00743         if ((boundary<min) || (boundary>max)) continue;
00744         abins->addBoundary(boundary);
00745       }
00746     }
00747   }
00748   return abins;
00749 }

RooAbsPdf * rarBasePdf::getSimPdf ( RooSimultaneous *  simPdf = 0,
RooAbsPdf *  srcPdf = 0 
) [virtual]

Return the created SimPdf for the PDF specified.

simPdf The reference SimPdf
srcPdf The pdf to get SimPdf
The simPdf created
This function creates simPdf based on reference SimPdf for srcPdf

Definition at line 478 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _dummyPdf, _thePdf, _theSimPdf, _thisSimPdf, getFitter(), and rarMLFitter::getPhysCat().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), and preAction().

00479 {
00480   if (!simPdf) return _thisSimPdf;
00481   RooSimultaneous *theSimPdf(0);
00482   if (TString(simPdf->ClassName())!="RooSimultaneous") return theSimPdf;
00483   if (!srcPdf) srcPdf=_thePdf;
00484   // simPdf for master pdf is itself
00485   if ((simPdf==_theSimPdf)&&(srcPdf==_theSimPdf)) return _theSimPdf;
00486   // build simPdf for the pdf based on full SimPdf
00487   RooAbsCategoryLValue *simCats=(RooAbsCategoryLValue *)(&simPdf->indexCat());
00488   //simCats->Print("v");
00489   // get pdf name
00490   theSimPdf=new RooSimultaneous(Form("simPdf_%s", srcPdf->GetName()),
00491                                 Form("simPdf for %s", srcPdf->GetTitle()),
00492                                 *simCats);
00493   Bool_t isFound=kFALSE;
00494   Int_t nCats=simCats->numTypes();
00495   for(Int_t i=0; i<nCats; i++) {
00496     RooCatType *catType=(RooCatType*)simCats->lookupType(i);
00497     TString catName=catType->GetName();
00498     TString catName2=catName;
00499     // do we have physCat?
00500     TString physCat=getFitter()->getPhysCat();
00501     if ((""!=physCat)&&(catName2.Contains(";"))) {
00502       TString physCatType=catName2(1,catName2.First(';')-1);
00503       catName2.ReplaceAll(physCatType+";", "");
00504       catName2.ReplaceAll("}", ";"+physCatType+"}");
00505     }
00506     // check if we can find cloned pdf
00507     RooAbsPdf *thisCatFullPdf=simPdf->getPdf(catName.Data());
00508     if (!thisCatFullPdf) {
00509       theSimPdf->addPdf(_dummyPdf, catName);
00510     } else {
00511       //thisCatFullPdf->Print("v");
00512       RooArgSet *thisCatCompSet=thisCatFullPdf->getComponents();
00513       RooAbsPdf *thisCatPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)thisCatCompSet->
00514         find(Form("%s_%s", srcPdf->GetName(), catName.Data()));
00515       if (!thisCatPdf) thisCatPdf=(RooAbsPdf*)thisCatCompSet->
00516         find(Form("%s_%s", srcPdf->GetName(), catName2.Data()));
00517       if (thisCatPdf) {
00518         theSimPdf->addPdf(*thisCatPdf, catName);
00519         isFound=kTRUE;
00520       } else {
00521         theSimPdf->addPdf(_dummyPdf, catName);
00522       }
00523     }
00524   }
00525   // do we really find sim pdf for this pdf
00526   if (!isFound) {
00527     // this Pdf does not have SimPdf counter-part
00528     //cout<<" No need to build simPdf for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00529     delete theSimPdf;
00530     theSimPdf=0;
00531   }
00532   if (theSimPdf) {
00533     cout<<" simPdf created for "<<srcPdf->GetName()<<endl;
00534     theSimPdf->Print();
00535     //theSimPdf->Print("v");
00536   }
00537   return theSimPdf;
00538 }

virtual TString rarBasePdf::getVarSec (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the name of param config section.

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Definition at line 49 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _paramSec.

Referenced by createPdfs(), doChi2OnPlot(), doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), getArgSet(), getRange(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarThreshold::init(), rarStep::init(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarPoly::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarKeys::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), rarGeneric::init(), rarGaussModel::init(), rarGaussian::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarBinned::init(), rarBifurGauss::init(), init(), rarAdd::init(), rarMLFitter::paramFileIO(), rarMLFitter::run(), setControlBit(), and setFitData().

00049 {return _paramSec;}

void rarBasePdf::init (  )  [protected, virtual]

Initial function called by ctor.

init is called by the ctor. It first sets the pdf type using pdf info in _configStr, then it sets the param config section, _paramSec, to value in config item named paramSec_<_pdfType>, if not found, sets to value of config item named paramSec, if still not found, _paramSec is set to _configSec. All other config items should be in section _paramSec. _fullObs is set to that found in _datasets. _configStr is a string specifying the name, type and (optional) title of the pdf. For example, for config section

/// [myPdf Config]
/// configStr=Gaussian "my Gaussian"
/// ...
The _configStr will be
/// myPdf Gaussian "my Gaussian"

It also sets the default dataset by calling setFitData, and finally it builds extra pdfs, if config xtraPdfs is specified.

Reimplemented from rarConfig.

Reimplemented in rarAdd, rarArgusBG, rarBallack, rarBifurGauss, rarBinned, rarCBShape, rarCompBase, rarCruijff, rarDecay, rarExp, rarFlatte, rarGaussian, rarGaussModel, rarGeneric, rarGounarisSakurai, rarHistPdf, rarKeys, rarLass, rarMLFitter, rarMLPdf, rarMultPdf, rarNovosibirsk, rarOsipDisc, rarPoly, rarProd, rarRelBreitWigner, rarSimPdf, rarStep, rarThreshold, rarTriGauss, rarTwoGauss, rarUsrPdf, and rarVoigtian.

Definition at line 144 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarConfig::_configSec, rarConfig::_configStr, _datasets, rarConfig::_fullObs, _pdfType, _protGenPdfs, _theData, _xParams, _xPdfList, addProtVars(), rarConfig::createAbsVars(), createPdfs(), getFitter(), rarDatasets::getFullFObs(), rarConfig::getMasterSec(), getVarSec(), rarConfig::readConfStr(), rarStrParser::Remove(), setControlBit(), setFitData(), setFitter(), and setVarSec().

Referenced by rarBasePdf().

00145 {
00146   // set pdf type
00147   rarStrParser configStrParser=_configStr;
00148   configStrParser.Remove(); // name has been set
00149   _pdfType=configStrParser[0];
00150   configStrParser.Remove();
00151   // if this is the main fitter? if none set yet, it should be
00152   if (("MLFitter"==_pdfType)&&(!getFitter())) setFitter((rarMLFitter*)this);
00154   // set paramSec
00155   TString paramSec=readConfStr("paramSec_"+_pdfType, "notSet");
00156   if ("notSet"==paramSec) {
00157     if ("notSet"==(paramSec=readConfStr("paramSec", "notSet"))) {
00158       paramSec=_configSec;
00159     }
00160   }
00161   setVarSec(paramSec);
00162   cout<<"init of rarBasePdf:"<<endl
00163       <<" pdf Type: "<<_pdfType<<endl
00164       <<" pdfTitle: "<<GetTitle()<<endl
00165       <<" paramSec: "<<getVarSec()<<endl;
00167   // set control bits
00168   setControlBit("PdfFit", "pdfFit");
00169   setControlBit("PdfPlot", "pdfPlot");
00170   setControlBit("ParamsOnPlot", "paramsOnPlot");
00171   setControlBit("Chi2OnPlot", "chi2OnPlot");
00172   setControlBit("FirstFitOnly", "firstFitOnly");
00173   // default no
00174   setControlBit("noCompsOnPlot", "compsOnPlot");
00175   setControlBit("noCompsDataOnPlot", "compsDataOnPlot");
00176   // for SimPdf
00177   setControlBit("noSimFit", "simultaneousFit", getMasterSec());
00179   //setControlBit("noUseGenOnly", "useGeneratorOnly", getMasterSec());
00181   // get full obs
00182   _fullObs=_datasets->getFullFObs();
00183   // get the default dataset
00184   setFitData(_theData);
00186   // creates extra params if needed
00187   // The extra params created may or my not be directly used by this Pdf
00188   createAbsVars("xtraParams", &_xParams);
00190   // creates extra pdfs if needed
00191   // It creates extra PDFs associated with this RooRarFitPdf.
00192   // The extra pdfs themselves might not be direct components
00193   // of the (final) PDFs, but their parameters, components, etc.,
00194   // can be part of the (final) PDFs.
00195   createPdfs("xtraPdfs", &_xPdfList);
00196   // creates extra generators if needed
00197   createPdfs("xtraGenerators", &_xPdfList, &_protGenPdfs);
00199   // add protDataVars
00200   addProtVars();
00202 }

Bool_t rarBasePdf::isFracName ( TString  fracName  )  [protected, virtual]

Check if a name is frac name or not.

fracName The name to check
kTRUE if the name is frac Name
It checks if a name is frac name or not (for splitting)

Definition at line 654 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _fracNames, and rarStrParser::Have().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), and saveFracName().

00655 {
00656   Bool_t retVal(kFALSE);
00657   rarStrParser fracNamesParser=_fracNames;
00658   if (fracNamesParser.Have(fracName)) retVal=kTRUE;
00660   return retVal;
00661 }

Bool_t rarBasePdf::isNegativeValue (  )  [virtual]

Check if the current value of PDF is negative.

true if negative

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 678 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _thePdf, and _thisSimPdf.

Referenced by rarCompBase::isNegativeValue().

00679 {
00680   Bool_t isNegative(kFALSE);
00681   RooAbsPdf *thePdf(0);
00682   if (_thePdf) thePdf=_thePdf;
00683   if (_thisSimPdf) thePdf=_thisSimPdf;
00684   if (!thePdf) return isNegative;
00685   if (thePdf->getVal()<0) {
00686     isNegative=kTRUE;
00687     cout<<" Pdf "<<thePdf->GetName()<<" has negative value"<<endl;
00688     thePdf->Print();
00689     thePdf->Print("v");
00690     return isNegative;
00691   }
00692   return isNegative;
00693 }

Bool_t rarBasePdf::matchCatType ( RooCatType *  catTypeN,
RooCatType *  catTypeO 
) [protected, virtual]

Check if a new catType is part of old catType.

catTypeN New catType
catTypeO Old catType
If catTypeN matches part of catTypeO, true

Definition at line 614 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References rarStrParser::Have(), and rarStrParser::nArgs().

Referenced by doPdfFit().

00615 {
00616   Bool_t retVal(kTRUE);
00617   TString typeNameO=catTypeO->GetName();
00618   typeNameO.ReplaceAll("{", "");
00619   typeNameO.ReplaceAll("}", "");
00620   typeNameO.ReplaceAll(";", " ");
00621   rarStrParser typeParserO=typeNameO;
00623   TString typeNameN=catTypeN->GetName();
00624   typeNameN.ReplaceAll("{", "");
00625   typeNameN.ReplaceAll("}", "");
00626   typeNameN.ReplaceAll(";", " ");
00627   rarStrParser typeParserN=typeNameN;
00628   for (Int_t i=0; i<typeParserN.nArgs(); i++) {
00629     if (!typeParserO.Have(typeParserN[i])) {
00630       retVal=kFALSE;
00631       break;
00632     }
00633   }
00635   return retVal;
00636 }

void rarBasePdf::preAction (  )  [virtual]

Actions right after every RooRarFitPdf is created and before any other action is taken.

It first calls preAction of all the RooRarFitPdfs in _xPdfList. It makes a list of full observables, _fObsSet, reads in common config options for every RooRarFitPdf, pdfFit, pdfPlot, paramsOnPlot, chi2OnPlot, etc. Unlike config options in rarMLFitter::run function, those options affect this RooRarFitPdf only. It also builds a SimPdf of its own for pdfFit purpose if the final pdf is a SimPdf (disabled for now).

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 450 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _fObsSet, rarConfig::_fullObs, _myDummyPdf, _nxPdf, _theData, _thePdf, _theSimPdf, _thisSimPdf, _thisSimPdfWOP, _xPdfList, and getSimPdf().

Referenced by rarCompBase::preAction().

00451 {
00452   // first for xtraPdf
00453   _nxPdf=_xPdfList.GetSize();
00454   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nxPdf; i++) {
00455     rarBasePdf *thePdf=(rarBasePdf*)_xPdfList.At(i);
00456     thePdf->preAction();
00457   }
00458   cout<<" In rarBasePdf preAction for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00459   // first get full obs including those from sub pdfs
00460   _fObsSet.add(*_thePdf->getDependents(*_fullObs));
00461   // create _myDummyPdf
00462   if (!_myDummyPdf) {
00463     RooArgSet myFullVars(*_thePdf->getParameters(_theData));
00464     _myDummyPdf=new RooGenericPdf
00465       (Form("myDummyPdf_%s", GetName()), "1", myFullVars);
00466   }
00467   // build simPdf for this Pdf
00468   _thisSimPdf=(RooSimultaneous*)getSimPdf(_theSimPdf);
00469   _thisSimPdfWOP=_thisSimPdf;
00470 }

virtual Bool_t rarBasePdf::protGenIsDummy (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 105 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _myDummyPdf, and _theProtGen.

Referenced by rarDecay::getProtGen(), and rarCompBase::getProtGen().

00105 {return _theProtGen==_myDummyPdf;}

Bool_t rarBasePdf::saveCorrCoeff ( TString  corrName,
Double_t  corrCoef,
Bool_t  saveTrivial = kFALSE 
) [protected, virtual]

Save the correlation coefficient for error calculation.

corrName Correlation coefficient name
corrCoef Correlation coefficient value
saveTrivial Save trivial values
true if successful
Save the correlation coefficient for (systematic) error calculation

Definition at line 809 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _corrCoeffs.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::run(), and saveCorrCoeffs().

00811 {
00812   Bool_t retVal(kFALSE);
00813   if (fabs(corrCoef)<1e-4) {
00814     if (!saveTrivial)
00815       return retVal;
00816   }
00817   if (fabs(corrCoef)>1) return retVal;
00818   if (_corrCoeffs.setRealValue(corrName, corrCoef)) {
00819     // create corr coeff RRV
00820     RooRealVar *theCorrCoefVar=new RooRealVar(corrName, corrName, corrCoef);
00821     _corrCoeffs.add(*theCorrCoefVar);
00822   }
00823   retVal=kTRUE;
00825   return retVal;
00826 }

void rarBasePdf::saveCorrCoeffs ( RooFitResult *  fr  )  [protected, virtual]

Save the correlation coefficients for error calculation.

fr Fit results
Save the correlation coefficients for (systematic) error calculation

Definition at line 788 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References getCorrCoefName(), and saveCorrCoeff().

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doMLFit(), and doPdfFit().

00789 {
00790   // add correlation matrix
00791   Int_t nFloat=fr->floatParsFinal().getSize();
00792   for (Int_t iF=0; iF<nFloat; iF++) {
00793     RooAbsArg &iArg=fr->floatParsFinal().operator[](iF);
00794     for(Int_t jF=0; jF<iF; jF++) {
00795       RooAbsArg &jArg=fr->floatParsFinal().operator[](jF);
00796       TString corrName=getCorrCoefName(iArg.GetName(), jArg.GetName());
00797       saveCorrCoeff(corrName, fr->correlation(iArg, jArg));
00798     }
00799   }
00800 }

void rarBasePdf::saveFracName ( TString  fracName  )  [protected, virtual]

Save frac name for splitting.

fracName The frac name to save
It saves frac name for splitting

Definition at line 642 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _fracNames, and isFracName().

Referenced by rarMLPdf::init().

00643 {
00644   if (isFracName(fracName)) return;
00645   _fracNames+=" "+fracName;
00646   //cout<<_fracNames<<endl;
00647 }

void rarBasePdf::setCondObss ( RooArgSet  condObsSet  )  [virtual]

Set CondObss for conditional Pdf.

condObsSet The CondObss for conditional Pdf
It sets the CondObss for conditional Pdf

Definition at line 248 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _condObss, _theData, and _thePdf.

00249 {
00250   if (condObsSet.getSize()<=0) return;
00251   if (!_thePdf) return;
00252   if (!_theData) return;
00253   // first get all observables
00254   _condObss.add(*(_thePdf->getObservables(_theData)));
00255   // remove CondObss
00256   _condObss.remove(condObsSet);
00257   cout<<" conditionalObs for pdffit"<<endl;
00258   _condObss.Print("v");
00259 }

void rarBasePdf::setControlBit ( TString  controlBitStr,
TString  bitConfigStr = "",
TString  configSec = "" 
) [virtual]

Set PDF control bit in the control string by reading config.

controlBitStr String of control bit
bitConfigStr Config name for the control bit
configSec Config section
It saves the control bit specified by controlBitStr to _controlStr.

Definition at line 1583 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References getVarSec(), rarConfig::readConfStr(), and setControlBits().

Referenced by rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarProd::init(), rarDecay::init(), init(), and rarAdd::init().

01585 {
01586   // bit
01587   TString bit="yes";
01588   // first get bit name
01589   if (controlBitStr.BeginsWith("no")) {
01590     controlBitStr.Replace(0, 2, "");
01591     bit="no";
01592   }
01593   // then construct config name
01594   if (""==bitConfigStr) bitConfigStr=controlBitStr;
01595   if (""==configSec) configSec=getVarSec();
01596   bit=readConfStr(bitConfigStr, bit, configSec);
01597   if ("no"==bit) setControlBits("no"+controlBitStr);
01598   else setControlBits(controlBitStr);
01599 }

void rarBasePdf::setControlBits ( TString  controlBitsStr  )  [virtual]

Set PDF control bit in the control string.

controlBitsStr String of control bits
It saves all the control bits in controlBitsStr to _controlStr. If the control name is PdfPlot, valid bits in the control string can be PdfPlot, which means the bit is set to true, or noPdfPlot, which means the bit is set to false.

Definition at line 1611 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _controlStr, and rarStrParser::nArgs().

Referenced by doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarCompBase::getProtGen(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarKeys::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), rarCompBase::rarCompBase(), and setControlBit().

01612 {
01613   rarStrParser controlBitsStrParser=controlBitsStr;
01614   for (Int_t i=0; i<controlBitsStrParser.nArgs(); i++) {
01615     TString myBit=controlBitsStrParser[i];
01616     // remove any such bit
01617     rarStrParser masterStrParser=_controlStr;
01618     _controlStr="";
01619     for (Int_t j=0; j<masterStrParser.nArgs(); j++) {
01620       if (myBit==masterStrParser[j]) continue;
01621       if ("no"+myBit==masterStrParser[j]) continue;
01622       if (myBit=="no"+masterStrParser[j]) continue;
01623       _controlStr+=" "+masterStrParser[j];
01624     }
01625     // add the bit
01626     _controlStr+=" "+myBit;
01627   }
01628 }

void rarBasePdf::setFitData ( RooDataSet *  theData = 0  )  [virtual]

Set the default fit dataset.

theData The dataset
It sets the default dataset, _theData, to its parameter, and then it looks into param section to see if fitData config item is defined, if so, it sets the default dataset to the dataset defined in fitData.

Reimplemented in rarKeys.

Definition at line 269 of file rarBasePdf.cc.

References _datasets, _theData, rarDatasets::getData(), getVarSec(), and rarConfig::readConfStr().

Referenced by init(), and rarKeys::setFitData().

00270 {
00271   _theData=theData;
00272   // check if fitData is defined in param section
00273   TString dsName=readConfStr("fitData", "notSet", getVarSec());
00274   if ("notSet"!=dsName) {
00275     RooDataSet *myData=_datasets->getData(dsName);
00276     if (myData) _theData=myData;
00277     else {
00278       cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
00279           <<" Dataset named "<<dsName<<" can not be found"<<endl
00280           <<" fitData = "<<dsName<<endl
00281           <<" defined in section "<<getVarSec()<<endl;
00282       _theData=0;
00283     }
00284   }
00286   if (_theData) {
00287     cout<<" default Dataset for "<<GetName()<<": "
00288         <<_theData->GetName()<<endl;
00289   } else {
00290     cout<<" no default dataset for "<<GetName()<<endl;
00291   }
00292   return;
00293 }

virtual void rarBasePdf::setFitter ( rarMLFitter theFitter  )  [inline, virtual]

Set final rarMLFitter.

theFitter The final rarMLFitter

Definition at line 83 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _theFitter.

Referenced by init().

00083 {_theFitter=theFitter;}

virtual void rarBasePdf::setSimPdf ( RooSimultaneous *  simPdf  )  [inline, virtual]

Set (total) SimPdf for this RooRarFit Pdf.

simPdf SimPdf to be set

Reimplemented in rarCompBase.

Definition at line 90 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _theSimPdf.

Referenced by rarCompBase::setSimPdf().

00090 {_theSimPdf=simPdf;}

virtual void rarBasePdf::setVarSec ( TString  paramSec  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Set the name of param config section.

Definition at line 119 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

References _paramSec.

Referenced by rarMLPdf::init(), and init().

00119 {_paramSec=paramSec;}

Member Data Documentation

string rarBasePdf::_afterFitSaverStr [protected]

String to save params after pdf fit.

Definition at line 179 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), and doPdfPlot().

RooArgList rarBasePdf::_coeffs [protected]

Coeff List (directly created params).

Definition at line 177 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarAdd::getCoeffList(), rarAdd::getPdfWOvar(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), rarThreshold::init(), rarStep::init(), rarPoly::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarBinned::init(), and rarAdd::init().

RooCategory rarBasePdf::_compCat [static, protected]

Component category for generation.

Definition at line 170 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::generate(), rarMLFitter::getCompCatDS(), rarMLFitter::getGenerator(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), and rarMLPdf::init().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_conditionalObs [protected]

Conditional observables.

Definition at line 153 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by addProtVars(), rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), rarMLFitter::doMLFit(), rarMLFitter::doProjPlot(), rarMLFitter::doScanPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSignf(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSysStudy(), rarMLFitter::doTheFit(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), and rarMLFitter::init().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_condObss [protected]

Conditional observables for production.

Definition at line 154 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by addProtVars(), doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), and setCondObss().

TString rarBasePdf::_controlStr [protected]

String for pdf control booleans.

Definition at line 181 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getControlBit(), and setControlBits().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_corrCoeffs [protected]

Correlation coefficients.

Definition at line 166 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getCorrCoeffs(), and saveCorrCoeff().

rarDatasets* rarBasePdf::_datasets [protected]

Datasets holder.

Definition at line 150 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::chkBlind(), rarMLFitter::doContourPlot(), rarMLFitter::doProjPlot(), rarMLFitter::doScanPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::generate(), getAddOnCols(), getDatasets(), getPrimaryObs(), init(), rarMLFitter::run(), and setFitData().

RooConstVar rarBasePdf::_dummyExpEvt [static, protected]

Dummy expected events.

Definition at line 168 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

RooExtendPdf rarBasePdf::_dummyExtPdf [static, protected]

Dummy extended pdf (0 evt).

Definition at line 169 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::compGen(), rarMLFitter::getExtCompPdf(), rarMLFitter::getGenerator(), and rarMLFitter::getProtGen().

RooGenericPdf rarBasePdf::_dummyPdf [static, protected]

Dummy constant pdf.

Definition at line 167 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doPdfFit(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), and getSimPdf().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_fObsSet [protected]

Full obs of this pdf (including sub-pdfs').

Definition at line 148 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doProjPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::generate(), preAction(), and rarMLFitter::run().

TString rarBasePdf::_fracNames [static, protected]

String of frac names.

Definition at line 173 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by isFracName(), and saveFracName().

RooAbsPdf* rarBasePdf::_myDummyPdf [protected]

Dummy constant pdf with params.

Definition at line 165 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarProd::getProtGen(), getProtGen(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), preAction(), and protGenIsDummy().

Int_t rarBasePdf::_nxPdf [protected]

Number of extra pdfs built (directly) within this class.

Definition at line 163 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doXPdfFit(), doXPdfPlot(), getArgSet(), getCorrCoeffs(), getParams(), and preAction().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_obsSet [protected]

Observables directly for this pdf (no sub-pdfs).

Definition at line 147 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by addToObs(), getFormulaArgs(), rarVoigtian::init(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarStep::init(), rarOsipDisc::init(), rarLass::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), rarGaussModel::init(), rarGaussian::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarCBShape::init(), rarBinned::init(), rarBifurGauss::init(), and rarArgusBG::init().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_params [protected]

Param List (all created RooRealVar params).

Definition at line 176 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by addToParams(), getArgSet(), getFormulaArgs(), getFormulaVal(), getParams(), rarVoigtian::init(), rarUsrPdf::init(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarThreshold::init(), rarStep::init(), rarRelBreitWigner::init(), rarPoly::init(), rarOsipDisc::init(), rarNovosibirsk::init(), rarLass::init(), rarGounarisSakurai::init(), rarGeneric::init(), rarGaussModel::init(), rarGaussian::init(), rarFlatte::init(), rarExp::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarCruijff::init(), rarCBShape::init(), rarBinned::init(), rarBifurGauss::init(), rarBallack::init(), rarArgusBG::init(), and rarAdd::init().

TString rarBasePdf::_paramSec [protected]

Param config section name.

Definition at line 175 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getVarSec(), and setVarSec().

TString rarBasePdf::_pdfType [protected]

Pdf type string.

Definition at line 145 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getPdfType(), rarAdd::getPdfWOvar(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), rarVoigtian::init(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarThreshold::init(), rarStep::init(), rarRelBreitWigner::init(), rarProd::init(), rarPoly::init(), rarOsipDisc::init(), rarNovosibirsk::init(), rarMultPdf::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarLass::init(), rarKeys::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), rarGounarisSakurai::init(), rarGeneric::init(), rarGaussModel::init(), rarGaussian::init(), rarFlatte::init(), rarExp::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarCruijff::init(), rarCBShape::init(), rarBinned::init(), rarBifurGauss::init(), init(), rarBallack::init(), rarArgusBG::init(), rarAdd::init(), and rarKeys::setFitData().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_protDataVars [protected]


Definition at line 152 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by addProtVars(), rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), and rarMLFitter::init().

RooArgList rarBasePdf::_protGenPdfs [protected]

Extra pdfs as prototype var generator.

Definition at line 159 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarProd::getProtGen(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarDecay::getProtGen(), getProtGen(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), and init().

Int_t rarBasePdf::_rarColors [static, protected]

Initial value:

Colors for plots.

Definition at line 171 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getColor().

RooArgList rarBasePdf::_subPdfs [protected]

subPdf ArgList

Definition at line 157 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::getGenerator(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarProd::init(), rarMultPdf::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarCompBase::init(), and rarAdd::init().

RooDataSet* rarBasePdf::_theData [protected]

Default dataset.

Definition at line 151 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doParamsOnPlot(), doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), getData(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarKeys::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), init(), preAction(), setCondObss(), rarKeys::setFitData(), and setFitData().

rarMLFitter * rarBasePdf::_theFitter [static, protected]

The final fitter.

Definition at line 172 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getFitter(), and setFitter().

RooAbsPdf* rarBasePdf::_thePdf [protected]

Default RooFit pdf for this class.

Definition at line 156 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by attachDataSet(), rarMLFitter::doContourPlot(), rarMLFitter::doGOFChisq(), rarMLFitter::doLLRPlot(), rarMLFitter::doMLFit(), doParamsOnPlot(), doPdfFit(), rarCompBase::doPdfPlot(), doPdfPlot(), rarMLFitter::doScanPlot(), rarMLFitter::doSignf(), rarMLFitter::doSysStudy(), rarMLFitter::doTheFit(), rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), getDPdfWvar(), rarMLFitter::getExtCompPdf(), rarMLFitter::getGenerator(), getPdf(), rarSimPdf::getPdfWOvar(), rarProd::getPdfWOvar(), getPdfWOvar(), rarAdd::getPdfWOvar(), rarMLFitter::getProjPlot(), getSimPdf(), rarVoigtian::init(), rarTwoGauss::init(), rarTriGauss::init(), rarThreshold::init(), rarStep::init(), rarSimPdf::init(), rarRelBreitWigner::init(), rarProd::init(), rarPoly::init(), rarOsipDisc::init(), rarNovosibirsk::init(), rarMultPdf::init(), rarMLPdf::init(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarLass::init(), rarKeys::init(), rarHistPdf::init(), rarGounarisSakurai::init(), rarGeneric::init(), rarGaussModel::init(), rarGaussian::init(), rarFlatte::init(), rarExp::init(), rarDecay::init(), rarCruijff::init(), rarCBShape::init(), rarBinned::init(), rarBifurGauss::init(), rarBallack::init(), rarArgusBG::init(), rarAdd::init(), isNegativeValue(), preAction(), rarMLFitter::run(), setCondObss(), and rarKeys::setFitData().

RooAbsPdf* rarBasePdf::_theProtGen [protected]

Constructed prototype var generator.

Definition at line 158 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by rarMLFitter::doToyStudy(), rarMLFitter::getCompCatDS(), rarSimPdf::getProtGen(), rarProd::getProtGen(), rarMLPdf::getProtGen(), rarMLFitter::getProtGen(), rarDecay::getProtGen(), rarCompBase::getProtGen(), getProtGen(), rarAdd::getProtGen(), and protGenIsDummy().

RooSimultaneous* rarBasePdf::_theSimPdf [protected]

Final pdf model if it is a SimPdf.

Definition at line 162 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getSimPdf(), preAction(), and setSimPdf().

RooSimultaneous* rarBasePdf::_thisSimPdf [protected]

SimPdf associated with _thePdf.

Definition at line 160 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by attachDataSet(), doPdfFit(), getDPdfWvar(), getSimPdf(), isNegativeValue(), and preAction().

RooSimultaneous* rarBasePdf::_thisSimPdfWOP [protected]

SimPdf w/o protCats.

Definition at line 161 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doPdfFit(), doPdfPlot(), and preAction().

RooArgSet rarBasePdf::_xParams [protected]

ArgSet of extra params within this class.

Definition at line 178 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by getParams(), and init().

TList rarBasePdf::_xPdfList [protected]

List of extra pdfs (directly) within this class.

Definition at line 164 of file rarBasePdf.hh.

Referenced by doXPdfFit(), doXPdfPlot(), getArgSet(), getCorrCoeffs(), getParams(), rarMLFitter::init(), rarDecay::init(), init(), and preAction().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on 30 Oct 2013 for RooRarFit by  doxygen 1.4.7