
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002 * Project: BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II B-factory
00003 * Package: RooRarFit
00004  *    File: $Id: rarNLL.cc,v 1.17 2011/06/16 13:18:50 fwilson Exp $
00005  * Authors: Lei Zhang
00006  * History:
00007  * 
00008  * Copyright (C) 2005-2012, University of California, Riverside
00009  *****************************************************************************/
00011 // -- CLASS DESCRIPTION [RooRarFit] --
00012 // This class provides NLL class for RooRarFit
00014 //
00015 // BEGIN_HTML
00016 // This class provides NLL class for RooRarFit
00017 // END_HTML
00018 //
00020 #include "RooRarFit/rarVersion.hh"
00022 #include "Riostream.h"
00023 #include <sstream>
00024 #include <vector>
00025 using namespace std;
00027 #include "TMatrixD.h"
00028 #include "TArrayI.h"
00029 #include "TAxis.h"
00030 #include "TMath.h"
00032 #include "RooRarFit/rarNLL.hh"
00034 ClassImp(rarNLL)
00035   ;
00040 rarNLL::rarNLL()
00041   : TNamed("",""),
00042     _xs(0), _ys(0), _mIdx(-1), _x0s(0), _x1s(0), _x2s(0),
00043     _iLIntegrals(0), _tLIntegrals(0),
00044     _verbose(kFALSE)
00045 {
00046   init();
00047 }
00058 rarNLL::rarNLL(RooCurve *curve, const char *name, const char *title,
00059                const Bool_t verbose)
00060   : TNamed(name, title),
00061     _xs(0), _ys(0), _mIdx(-1), _x0s(0), _x1s(0), _x2s(0),
00062     _iLIntegrals(0), _tLIntegrals(0),
00063     _verbose(verbose)
00064 {
00065   init(curve);
00066 }
00069 rarNLL::~rarNLL()
00070 {
00071 }
00077 void rarNLL::init(RooCurve *curve)
00078 {
00079   _nPoints=0;
00080   _nSteps=0;
00081   _coeffMList.Delete();
00082   _lCoefMList.Delete();
00084   if (!curve) {
00085     cout<<" Can not find any NLL curve"<<endl;
00086     return;
00087   }
00088   // now clone the curve
00089   curve=(RooCurve*)curve->Clone();
00090   // sort it
00091   curve->Sort();
00092   {
00093     // make sure two adjacent points are not too close
00094     Double_t dLimit=curve->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()-curve->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00095     dLimit=TMath::Abs(dLimit/2000.);
00096     if (0==dLimit) dLimit=1./2000.;
00097     // check points
00098     for (Int_t i=0; i<curve->GetN()-1; i++) {
00099       Double_t xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi;
00100       curve->GetPoint(i, xlo, ylo);
00101       curve->GetPoint(i+1, xhi, yhi);
00102       if (TMath::Abs(xhi-xlo)<dLimit) {
00103         Int_t rIdx=ylo<yhi?i+1:i;
00104         if (0==i) rIdx=i+1; // do not remove end point
00105         if (curve->GetN()-2==i) rIdx=i; // do not remove end point
00106         curve->RemovePoint(rIdx);
00107         if (_verbose)
00108           cout<<" Point #"<<i<<" ("<<xlo<<", "<<ylo<<") and "<<endl
00109               <<" point #"<<i+1<<" ("<<xhi<<", "<<yhi<<")"
00110               <<" are too close,"<<endl
00111               <<" remove point #"<<rIdx<<" for NLL curve calculation"<<endl;
00112         i--; // check that spot again
00113       }
00114     }
00115   }
00116   // first make sure the curve has at least 3 points
00117   _nPoints=curve->GetN();
00118   if (_nPoints<3) {
00119     cout<<" At least 3 points in the NLL curve ("<<curve->GetName()
00120         <<")are needed"<<endl;
00121     // do not need the curve any longer
00122     delete curve;
00123     return;
00124   }
00125   _nSteps=(_nPoints-1)/2;
00126   // set right size for arrays
00127   _xs.Set(_nPoints);
00128   _ys.Set(_nPoints);
00129   _x0s.Set(_nSteps);
00130   _x1s.Set(_nSteps);
00131   _x2s.Set(_nSteps);
00132   _iLIntegrals.Set(_nSteps);
00133   _tLIntegrals.Set(_nSteps+1); // The last one is the total integral
00135   // save points, and minY index
00136   _mIdx=0;
00137   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nPoints; i++) {
00138     curve->GetPoint(i, _xs[i], _ys[i]);
00139     if (_ys[i]<_ys[_mIdx]) _mIdx=i;
00140   }
00142   // calculate coeff matrics, integrals, etc.
00143   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00144     TMatrixD X(3,3), Y(3, 1, &_ys[2*i]), lY(3,1);
00145     // lY is y's in Likelihood space
00146     lY(0,0)=exp(-.5*Y(0,0));
00147     lY(1,0)=exp(-.5*Y(1,0));
00148     lY(2,0)=exp(-.5*Y(2,0));
00150     _x0s[i]=_xs[2*i+0];
00151     _x1s[i]=_xs[2*i+1];
00152     _x2s[i]=_xs[2*i+2];
00154     X(0,0)=_x0s[i]*_x0s[i];
00155     X(0,1)=_x0s[i];
00156     X(0,2)=1;
00157     X(1,0)=_x1s[i]*_x1s[i];
00158     X(1,1)=_x1s[i];
00159     X(1,2)=1;
00160     X(2,0)=_x2s[i]*_x2s[i];
00161     X(2,1)=_x2s[i];
00162     X(2,2)=1;
00164     // invert X
00165     TMatrixD invX=TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kInverted, X);
00166     // get coeff matrix
00167     TMatrixD *A=new TMatrixD(invX*Y);
00168     _coeffMList.Add(A);
00169     // coeff matrix in likelihood space
00170     TMatrixD *lA=new TMatrixD(invX*lY);
00171     _lCoefMList.Add(lA);
00173     // calculate integral
00174     Double_t a=A->operator()(0,0);
00175     Double_t b=A->operator()(1,0);
00176     Double_t c=A->operator()(2,0);
00177     // check if a <= 0
00178     if (a<=0) {
00179       cout<<" W A R N I N G !"<<endl
00180           <<" The 3-point fit on (X, Y)"<<endl
00181           <<" ("<<X(0,1)<<", "<<Y(0,0)<<")"<<endl
00182           <<" ("<<X(1,1)<<", "<<Y(1,0)<<")"<<endl
00183           <<" ("<<X(2,1)<<", "<<Y(2,0)<<")"<<endl
00184           <<" returns a="<<a<<" (<=0)"
00185           <<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl
00186           <<" Please make sure the scanning fits around there are normal"
00187           <<endl;
00188       if (i<=0) { // do not allow
00189         curve->RemovePoint(0);
00190         init(curve);
00191         delete curve;
00192         return;
00193       }
00194       if (i>=_nSteps-1) { // do not allow
00195         curve->RemovePoint(_nPoints-1);
00196         init (curve);
00197         delete curve;
00198         return;
00199       }
00200     }
00202     Double_t x=_x0s[i];
00203     const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00204     if (i<=0) x = -bignumber;
00205     // get lower integral for this step
00206     _iLIntegrals[i]=lIntegralFunc(x, *A, *lA);
00207     x=_x2s[i];
00208     if (i>=_nSteps-1) x = bignumber;
00209     // get integral for this step
00210     Double_t thisIntegral=lIntegralFunc(x, *A, *lA)-_iLIntegrals[i];
00211     if (thisIntegral<0) {
00212       cout<<" Negative integral="<<thisIntegral
00213           <<" for i="<<i<<" x0="<<_x0s[i]
00214           <<" x1="<<_x1s[i]<<" x2="<<_x2s[i]<<endl;
00215       thisIntegral=0;
00216     }
00217     // get total integral for next step
00218     if (i<=0) _tLIntegrals[0]=0;
00219     _tLIntegrals[i+1]=_tLIntegrals[i]+thisIntegral;
00220   }
00221   // printout
00222   if (_verbose) {
00223     cout<<" rarNLL based on:"<<endl;
00224     curve->Print("v");
00225     _coeffMList.Print();
00226     cout<<" "<<_nSteps<<" steps for integral calculation:"<<endl;
00227     for (Int_t i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00228       cout<<" i="<<i<<"\t x0="<<_x0s[i]
00229           <<"\t I="<<_iLIntegrals[i]
00230           <<"\t T="<<_tLIntegrals[i]
00231           <<endl;
00232     }
00233   }
00235   // do not need the curve any longer
00236   delete curve;
00237   return;
00238 }
00245 Double_t rarNLL::getNLL(Double_t x)
00246 {
00247   return getY(x);
00248 }
00255 Double_t rarNLL::getY(Double_t x)
00256 {
00257   Double_t retVal(0);
00258   if (_nSteps<=0) return retVal;
00259   // if exact match, return cached value
00260   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nPoints; i++) {
00261     if (x==_xs[i]) {
00262       if (_verbose) cout<<" curve point #"<<i<<" = "<<_ys[i]<<endl;
00263       return _ys[i];
00264     }
00265   }
00267   // first find the bin
00268   Int_t i;
00269   for (i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00270     if (x<=_x2s[i]) break;
00271   }
00272   if (i<0) i=0;
00273   if (i>=_nSteps) i=_nSteps-1;
00274   TMatrixD *A=(TMatrixD*)_coeffMList.At(i);
00275   Double_t a=A->operator()(0,0);
00276   Double_t b=A->operator()(1,0);
00277   Double_t c=A->operator()(2,0);
00278   retVal=a*x*x+b*x+c;
00280   if (_verbose) {
00281     cout<<" i="<<i
00282         <<" a="<<a
00283         <<" b="<<b
00284         <<" c="<<c
00285         <<endl;
00286     cout<<" NLL("<<x<<")="<<retVal<<endl;
00287   }
00288   return retVal;
00289 }
00296 TArrayD rarNLL::getX(Double_t y)
00297 {
00298   TArrayD X(0); // return array
00299   if (_nSteps<=0) return X;
00300   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00301   // go through bins to find x's
00302   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00303     TArrayD s(0); // solutions for the bin
00304     Double_t x0=_x0s[i];
00305     if (0==i) x0 = -bignumber;
00306     Double_t x2=_x2s[i];
00307     if (_nSteps-1==i) x2 = bignumber;
00308     TMatrixD *A=(TMatrixD*)_coeffMList.At(i);
00309     Double_t a=A->operator()(0,0);
00310     Double_t b=A->operator()(1,0);
00311     Double_t c=A->operator()(2,0);
00312     if ((0==a)&&(0==b)) continue;
00313     Double_t b24ac=b*b-4*a*(c-y);
00314     if (0==a) { // for a==0
00315       s.Set(1);
00316       s[0]=(y-c)/b;
00317     } else if (b24ac>=0) {
00318       s.Set(2);
00319       s[0]=(-b-sqrt(b24ac))/2/a;
00320       s[1]=(-b+sqrt(b24ac))/2/a;
00321     } else {
00322       continue;
00323     }
00324     // save solutions within the bin
00325     for (Int_t j=0; j<s.GetSize(); j++) {
00326       if ((x0<=s[j])&&(s[j]<x2)) {
00327         X.Set(X.GetSize()+1);
00328         X[X.GetSize()-1]=s[j];
00329       }
00330     }
00331   }
00332   // sort x's
00333   TArrayI I(X.GetSize());
00334   TMath::Sort(X.GetSize(), X.GetArray(), I.GetArray(), kFALSE);
00335   // combine points too close
00336   const Double_t limit = 1e-6;
00337   Double_t dLimit=(_x2s[_nSteps-1]-_x0s[0]) * limit;
00338   if (0==dLimit) dLimit = limit;
00339   if (dLimit>limit) dLimit = limit;
00340   TArrayD XX(0);
00341   if (I.GetSize()>0) {
00342     XX.Set(1);
00343     XX[0]=X[I[0]];
00344   }
00345   for (Int_t i=1; i<I.GetSize(); i++) {
00346     Double_t x=X[I[i]];
00347     Int_t iXX=XX.GetSize()-1;
00348     if (TMath::Abs(XX[iXX]-x)<dLimit) { // combine them
00349       if (_verbose) {
00350         cout<<" Merging "<<X[iXX]<<" and "<<x
00351             <<" w/ diff: "<<x-X[iXX]<<endl;
00352       }
00353       XX[iXX]=(X[iXX]+x)/2; 
00354     } else { // add x to XX
00355       XX.Set(iXX+2);
00356       XX[iXX+1]=x;
00357     }
00358   }
00360   if (_verbose) {
00361     cout<<" WRT y="<<y<<" x's are:"<<endl;
00362     for (Int_t i=0; i<XX.GetSize(); i++) {
00363       cout<<"  #"<<i<<"="<<XX[i];
00364     }
00365     cout<<endl;
00366   }
00368   return XX;
00369 }
00379 void rarNLL::getMin(TArrayD &xy, Double_t x, Double_t a,Double_t b,Double_t c)
00380 {
00381   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00382   if (xy.GetSize()<2) {
00383     xy.Set(2);
00384     xy.Reset(bignumber);
00385   }
00386   Double_t y=a*x*x+b*x+c;
00387   if (y<xy[1]) {
00388     xy[0]=x;
00389     xy[1]=y;
00390   }
00391   return;
00392 }
00404 TArrayD rarNLL::getMin(Double_t x0, Double_t x1, Double_t x2,
00405                        Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c)
00406 {
00407   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00408   TArrayD xy(2);
00409   xy.Reset(bignumber);
00410   // get min from boundaries
00411   getMin(xy, x0, a, b, c);
00412   getMin(xy, x2, a, b, c);
00413   // for normal fit
00414   if (a>0) {
00415     const Double_t limit = 1e-5;
00416     Double_t xmin=-b/2/a;
00417     // check if xmin is actually x1
00418     Double_t dLimit=TMath::Abs(x2-x0) * limit;
00419     if (dLimit>limit) dLimit = limit;
00420     if (TMath::Abs(xmin-x1)<dLimit) {
00421       if (_verbose) cout<<" Set xmin from "<<xmin<<" to "<<x1<<endl;
00422       xmin=x1;
00423     }
00424     if ((x0<xmin)&&(xmin<x2)) getMin(xy, xmin, a, b, c);
00425     else if (_verbose) {
00426       Double_t ymin=-b*b/4/a+c;
00427       cout<<"  parabolic min ("<<xmin<<", "<<ymin<<")"
00428           <<" not within x ("<<x0<<", "<<x2<<")"<<endl;
00429     }
00430   }
00432   if (_verbose) cout<<"  local min: ("<<xy[0]<<", "<<xy[1]<<")"<<endl;
00433   return xy;
00434 }
00441 void rarNLL::getMin(Double_t &x, Double_t &y)
00442 {
00443   if (_nSteps<=0) return;
00444   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00445   x=y=bignumber;
00446   // go through bins to find min bin and min
00447   for (Int_t i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00448     Double_t x0=_x0s[i];
00449     if (0==i) x0 = -bignumber;
00450     Double_t x1=_x1s[i];
00451     Double_t x2=_x2s[i];
00452     if (_nSteps-1==i) x2 = bignumber;
00453     TMatrixD *A=(TMatrixD*)_coeffMList.At(i);
00454     Double_t a=A->operator()(0,0);
00455     Double_t b=A->operator()(1,0);
00456     Double_t c=A->operator()(2,0);
00457     if (_verbose)
00458       cout<<" i="<<i
00459           <<" x0="<<x0
00460           <<" x1="<<x1
00461           <<" x2="<<x2
00462           <<" a="<<a
00463           <<" b="<<b
00464           <<" c="<<c
00465           <<endl;
00466     TArrayD xy(getMin(x0, x1, x2, a, b, c));
00467     if (2==xy.GetSize()) { // local min
00468       if (xy[1]<y) {
00469         x=xy[0];
00470         y=xy[1];
00471       }
00472     }
00473   }
00475   if (_verbose) cout<<" global min: ("<<x<<", "<<y<<")"<<endl;
00476   return;
00477 }
00483 TArrayD rarNLL::getMin()
00484 {
00485   TArrayD xy(2);
00486   getMin(xy[0], xy[1]);
00487   return xy;
00488 }
00495 Double_t rarNLL::getLIntegral(Double_t x)
00496 {
00497   Double_t retVal(0);
00498   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00499   if (_nSteps<=0) return retVal;
00501   // first find the bin
00502   Int_t i(0);
00503   for (i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00504     Double_t x0=_x0s[i];
00505     if (0==i) x0 = -bignumber;
00506     if (x==x0) {
00507       if (_verbose)
00508         cout<<" i="<<i<<" x="<<x<<" integral="<<_tLIntegrals[i]<<endl;
00509       return _tLIntegrals[i];
00510     }
00511     if (x<x0) break;
00512   }
00513   // the point falls into the previous bin
00514   i--;
00515   if (i<0) return 0; // below the lowest point
00516   // get x0, a, b, c
00517   Double_t x0=_x0s[i];
00518   TMatrixD *A=(TMatrixD*)_coeffMList.At(i);
00519   TMatrixD *lA=(TMatrixD*)_lCoefMList.At(i);
00520   if (_verbose) cout<<" i="<<i<<" x0="<<x0<<endl;
00521   // get integral for this x, a b c within the bin
00522   Double_t thisIntegral=lIntegralFunc(x, *A, *lA)-_iLIntegrals[i];
00523   retVal=_tLIntegrals[i]+thisIntegral;
00525   if (_verbose)
00526     cout<<" integral="<<retVal<<"\t(base+"<<thisIntegral<<")"<<endl;
00527   return retVal;
00528 }
00536 Double_t rarNLL::getLIntegral(Double_t xl, Double_t xh)
00537 {
00538   return getLIntegral(xh)-getLIntegral(xl);
00539 }
00545 Double_t rarNLL::getLIntegral()
00546 {
00547   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00548   return getLIntegral(0., bignumber);
00549 }
00557 Double_t rarNLL::getLIntegralInverse(Double_t xl, Double_t iVal)
00558 {
00559   const Double_t bignumber = 1e10;
00560   if (_nSteps<=0) return 0;
00561   // increase iVal by the integral at xl
00562   iVal+=getLIntegral(xl);
00564   Double_t x=_x0s[0];
00565   // Make sure iVal is valid
00566   if (iVal<=0) return (-bignumber);
00567   if (iVal>=_tLIntegrals[_nSteps]) return (bignumber);
00569   // first identify which step iVal belongs to
00570   Int_t i(0);
00571   for (i=0; i<_nSteps; i++) {
00572     if (iVal<_tLIntegrals[i+1]) break;
00573   }
00575   // get x0, a, b, c
00576   Double_t x0=_x0s[i];
00577   TMatrixD *A=(TMatrixD*)_coeffMList.At(i);
00578   Double_t a=A->operator()(0,0);
00579   Double_t b=A->operator()(1,0);
00580   Double_t c=A->operator()(2,0);
00581   // get iVal's residual within the bin
00582   Double_t residual=iVal-_tLIntegrals[i];
00583   if (_verbose) 
00584     cout<<" i="<<i<<" x0="<<x0
00585         <<" a="<<a
00586         <<" b="<<b
00587         <<" c="<<c
00588         <<" residual="<<residual
00589         <<endl;
00590   // get integral from this bin for this x
00591   Double_t thisXI=_iLIntegrals[i]+residual;
00592   if (_verbose) cout<<" thisXI="<<thisXI<<endl;
00593   // identify integral method as in rarNLL::lIntegralFunc().
00594   // for a=b=0
00595   if ((0==a)&&(0==b)) {
00596     cout<<" Using constant fit"<<endl;
00597     x=thisXI*exp(c/2.);
00598   } else if (a>0) { // normal fit
00599     // get erf value
00600     Double_t thisXerf=thisXI*sqrt(2*a/TMath::Pi())*exp(-(b*b-4*a*c)/8/a);
00601     if ((thisXerf<-1)||(1<thisXerf)) {
00602       cout<<" "<<thisXerf<<" should be between -1 and 1"<<endl;
00603     } else {
00604       Double_t y=TMath::ErfInverse(thisXerf);
00605       x=(y*sqrt(8*a)-b)/2/a;
00606     }
00607   } else if ((0!=b)&&(a>-1e-5)&&(TMath::Abs(a/b)<100)) { // a ~ 0
00608     cout<<" Using linear fit"<<endl;
00609     Double_t thisXExp=-thisXI*b/2.;
00610     if (thisXExp<=0) {
00611       cout<<" "<<thisXExp<<" should be >0"<<endl;
00612     } else {
00613       x=-(2*TMath::Log(thisXExp)+c)/b;
00614     }
00615   } else { // numerical integral
00616     TMatrixD *lA=(TMatrixD*)_lCoefMList.At(i);
00617     Double_t la=lA->operator()(0,0);
00618     Double_t lb=lA->operator()(1,0);
00619     Double_t lc=lA->operator()(2,0);
00620     x=lIntegralFuncInverse(_x0s[i], _x2s[i], 10, thisXI, la, lb, lc);
00621     cout<<" Using numerical integral: la="<<la<<" lb="<<lb<<" lc="<<lc<<endl
00622         <<" x="<<x<<endl;
00623   }
00625   if (_verbose) cout<<" x="<<x<<endl;
00626   return x;
00627 }
00634 Double_t rarNLL::getLIntegralInverse(Double_t iVal)
00635 {
00636   return getLIntegralInverse(0., iVal);
00637 }
00691 Double_t rarNLL::lIntegralFunc(Double_t x, TMatrixD &A, TMatrixD &lA)
00692 {
00693   Double_t retVal(0);
00694   Double_t a=A(0,0);
00695   Double_t b=A(1,0);
00696   Double_t c=A(2,0);
00697   // for a=b=0
00698   if ((0==a)&&(0==b)) {
00699     cout<<" Using constant fit"<<endl;
00700     retVal=x/exp(c/2.);
00701   } else if (a>0) { // normal fit
00702     retVal=sqrt(TMath::Pi()/2/a)*exp((b*b-4*a*c)/8/a)*
00703       TMath::Erf((b+2*a*x)/sqrt(8*a));
00704   } else if ((0!=b)&&(a>-1e-5)&&(TMath::Abs(a/b)<100)) { // a ~ 0
00705     cout<<" Using linear fit"<<endl;
00706     retVal=-2/b*exp((-b*x-c)/2.);
00707   } else { // numerical integral
00708     Double_t la=lA(0,0);
00709     Double_t lb=lA(1,0);
00710     Double_t lc=lA(2,0);
00711     retVal=la/3*x*x*x+lb/2*x*x+lc*x;
00712     cout<<" Using numerical integral: la="<<la<<" lb="<<lb<<" lc="<<lc<<endl
00713         <<" x="<<x<<" retV:"<<retVal<<endl;
00714   }
00715   const Double_t bignumber = 1e200;
00716   if (retVal>bignumber)  { retVal = bignumber; }
00717   if (retVal<-bignumber) { retVal = -bignumber; }
00718   if (_verbose)
00719     cout<<"x:"<<x<<" a:"<<a<<" b:"<<b<<" c:"<<c<<" retV LIFunc:"<<retVal<<endl;
00720   return retVal;
00721 }
00735 Double_t rarNLL::lIntegralFuncInverse(Double_t x0, Double_t x2, Int_t iter,
00736                                       Double_t &thisXI,
00737                                       Double_t &la, Double_t &lb, Double_t &lc)
00738 {
00739   Double_t x=(x0+x2)/2.;
00740   if (iter--<=0) return x;
00741   Double_t theIntegral=la/3*x*x*x+lb/2*x*x+lc*x;
00742   if (theIntegral==thisXI) return x;
00743   if (theIntegral<thisXI)
00744     return lIntegralFuncInverse(x, x2, iter, thisXI, la, lb, lc);
00745   return lIntegralFuncInverse(x0, x, iter, thisXI, la, lb, lc);
00746 }

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